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Intro to Developmental Psychology

Guided Notes
Developmental Psychology

 Examines our physical, cognitive, and social development

Themes in Developmental Psychology

 Nature and Nurture

o Genes are what make living things similar to and different from one another.

o Our _____________________________ and _____________________________ both influence development

across the lifespan.

 Continuity and Stages

o _______________________________ and ___________________________ leads to slow, continuous

development over the lifespan.

o Biological development tends to occur in

 Stability and Change

o Some of our characteristics, such as temperament, are very stable.

o In some ways, we all change with age.
o Life requires both stability and change.

Prenatal Development
Guided Notes
 Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have, but only 1 in 5000 will ever mature and be released.

 Eggs are released during ovulation (around the middle of the 28-day menstrual cycle)

 Males begin producing sperm at puberty

o Produce around 1000 sperm per second
o Up to 200 million sperm are released during ejaculation

 The few sperm that reach the egg release digestive enzymes that eat away at the egg’s protective coating.

 As soon as one sperm penetrates and is welcomed in, the egg’s surface blocks out others.


 The _______________________________________; it enters a 2-week period of rapid cell division and develops into
an embryo.

o Around 10 days after conception, the zygote attaches to the mother’s uterine wall.
o Fewer than half of all zygotes survive beyond the first 2 weeks.

 The developing human organism from about __________________________ after fertilization to the

____________________________________________ of pregnancy.


 The developing human organism from __________________________________ after conception to birth.


 Agents, such as ______________________________ and _____________________________ that can



 Temporary sack that ________________________________________________________________________


o Screens out

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

 __________________________ and _____________________________ abnormalities in children caused by


Babies are born with automatic reflex responses that aid in survival.

 Rooting Reflex: Prompts babies to turn their head toward your hand if you stroke their cheek or mouth. This helps them find
the nipple at feeding time.

 Moro Reflex: Sometimes called the startle reflex. If the baby's head shifts position abruptly or falls backward--or if they are
startled by something loud or abrupt--they will extend their arms, legs, and neck and then rapidly bring their arms together.


 The
o Maturation (nature) sets the basic course of development; experience (nurture) adjusts it.

Brain Development

 In the womb, the developing brain forms nerve cells at the rate of nearly 250,000 per second
o Overproduces neurons
o Number peaks at 28 weeks
o Subsides to around 100 billion at birth

 You are born with most of the neurons you will ever have. Pathways _______________________________

 Pruning: the process of

 The developing brain enables physical coordination.

o Motor development sequence is universal.

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