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República Bolivariana de Venezuela Score: _______ / 20 pts.

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria Student´s name: Clareth Orozco, CI: 20114568
Universidad Politécnica Territorial “Cecilio Acosta” Orlandys Pérez, C.I: 28.463.987
Prof. Rubén Diaz * Idiomas I * Genesis Ruiz, CI: 29.463.987
Sección: 7 PNF- Administración (Nocturno)


Exercise I: Complete the missing blanks and write the negative statements and yes-no questions using present continuous.
Follow the example. (1 point each)

Example: * He is working on a report right now. (work)  Affirmative statement

- He isn’t working on a report right now. - Is he working on a report right now?

(Negative statement) (Yes-No question)

1. The manager is attending a client. (attend)

* The manager isn't attending a client.. * Is the manager attending a client?

2. The clients are opening a new bank account. (open)

* The clients aren't opening a new bank account. * Are the clients opening a new bank account?

3. The analyst is operating the computer. (operate)

* The analyst isn't operating the computer. * Is the analyst operating the computer?

4. The students are reading a book now. (reading)

* The students aren't reading a book now. * Are the students reading a book now?

Exercise II: Complete the missing blanks with the appropriate form of the verb to be in present or in past, then translate.
(1 point each)

1. I am talking on the phone in this moment. (Present)

Estoy hablando por teléfono en este momento

2. My mother is cooking dinner now. (Present)

Mi madre está cocinando la cena ahora.

3. They were helping the director yesterday. (Past)

Ellos estaban ayudando al director ayer.

4. My brother was studying administration at UPTAMCA last year. (Past)

Mi hermano estaba estudiando administración en UPTAMCA el año pasado.

5. The baby is sleeping now. (Present)

El bebé está durmiendo ahora.

6. Peter was playing the piano yesterday. (Past)

Peter estaba tocando el piano ayer.

7. The girls were studying English last night. (Past)

Las chicas estaban estudiando inglés anoche.

8. I am speaking with the client on the phone. (Present)

Estoy hablando con el cliente por teléfono.

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