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A. The experience of exercising with the use of plastic bottles

Actually, when we did warm ups using plastic bottle with sand, I found it interesting and effective since
it’s just a warm up and it doesn’t need/required to carry heavy things. But if we do exercises especially if
it is regularly, using plastic bottles won’t be effective at all based on our age and strength. When
exercising, the use of dumbbell is more effective since it will help us in building our muscular system and
help us in strengthening our bones.

B. The experience of exercising with the use of jumping rope

Using jumping rope in exercise will help us lose weight if we do it regularly. This is just a simple tool but
it provides a full-body work out. I’m actually doing this at home and I can say that it’s very effective
because it also helps us in building muscles and it improves our heart health. In conclusion, daily usage
of jumping rope has a big impact in our physical, emotional, and mental health.

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