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Back again with me Putra Nova Prasetia, okay here I will complete an English
assignment and the theme or topic I choose is sports, why sports? The answer is
because sport is one of my hobbies. My hobby is exercising, especially
basketball, why do I really like basketball because it can not only nourish my
body, basketball for me can improve my mood and for me basketball can relieve
stress and the burden of the mind which is basically if I have exercised my body
and my mind it tastes good. Therefore, through this video, I invite all of you
who watch this video to exercise, there are many sports that you can do such as
running, gymnastics, and swimming. Sports activities don't have to be done
outside the home, actually we can do sports anywhere, especially we can do it at
home, so we don't have to leave the house when we want to exercise, the effect
felt when exercising is that the body becomes healthy, the mind is calm, the
mood improves and there are many more as long as the exercise itself is done
with the condition of our bodies or with portions that are not excessive because
if it is too much exercise it can be an act that is not good, therefore we must
exercise with the existing portion or not excessively. Once again, I, Putra Nova
Prasetia, invite all of you who watch this video to immediately exercise for the
sake of body health. Okay, I'm closing this video, thank you for watching this
video, the end of my words, until we meet again..
these are some basketball jerseys that i have and these are the basketball
shoes i have

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