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Is P.E really necessary?

There are many subjects in our schools, but there is the one
subject we will talk about today. P.E is abbreviation of
“Physical Exercise”, that means you do normal exercise you
practice everyday and other sports. For me P.E is necessary.

It keeps our body healthy, and makes your heart beat in a

healthy way. It also keeps you fit. If you don’t do exercise,
you may become weak and your muscles would become
weak and you will become slow. You can also have fun while
doing P.E, because there are many sports to practice like

For example, you can go ahead with your dog and walk it.
That is fun for him/her, and healthy too! You are likely to
feel that too. You can go with a family member like your
siblings or even your entire family for a walk or take your
friends to go to the gym. You can do all of that alone if you

In my opinion, P.E is healthy, and fun! It’ll keep me healthy

forever. I like to practice sports like basketball or fitness, or
even swimming!

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