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Every morning, I always have a delicious and nutritious breakfast.

And of course,
to have good health, regular exercise and sports are indispensable. I often play
badminton with my parents or my friends every afternoon. Besides, I also pay
attention to nutrition, in my meals there are always enough nutrients such as
protein, fiber, fat and starch. Not only that, sleep regimen is also a very important
factor for good health. I always sleep eight hours a day, from ten p.m to six a.m. I
have maintained these habits since I was in secondary school and I have seen
significant changes in my health. Eating a nutritious diet and especially eating
breakfast provide me with energy to study and work for a long day. Furthermore,
it also helps me avoid diseases such as stomach pain, malnutrition, and lack of
nutrients. Regular exercise has greatly improved my health. I feel my body is more
supple and flexible. Besides, playing sports every afternoon helps me sweat,
thereby reducing stress and making me feel more relaxed after school. Last but
not least, getting enough sleep and punctuality not only improves my health but
also makes my spirit better. I no longer feel tired from lack of sleep when going to
school, and since then my academic results have also improved significantly. In
general, to have good health, the most essential thing is to have healthy habits.

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