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Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

Volume xx, Number xx, 2022 pp. xx-yy

P-ISSN: 2303-288X E-ISSN : 2541-7207
Open Access:

Women's leadership management in gender perspective in

Lampung province universities
Eti Hadiati1*, Badrul Kamil2, Agus Dwiyanto3, Diah Ayu Setianingrum4
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Islamic University (UIN) Raden Intan Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia


Article history: Gender inequality and injustice in an organization or company,
Received March 08, 2021 educational institutions included, can still be found. The cause of these
Revised March 11, 2021 differences often occurs due to the influence of gender bias which is
Accepted July 30, 2021 still commonly found in reference books, where women are positioned
Available online August 25, 2021
as "second class" society assuming that women's abilities only in
Keywords: domestic affairs and only men who can only play roles as leaders in
Gender, Management, Perspective, public affairs. The purpose of this study was to examine and provide
Women’s Leadership an overview of women's leadership in a gender perspective at
universities in Lampung Province. This study utilizes qualitative
research methods with in-depth interview and documentation as data
collection techniques. This study involves the Rector, Vice Rector,
Dean and Dean Deputy of various universities in Lampung Province as
the subject of the research. The results indicated that female leaders in
This is an open access article under the CC BY-
universities in Lampung Province have a tendency to adopt a feminine-
SA license.
transformational leadership style. It can be seen that up to now, female
Copyright © 2022 by Author. Published by
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
leaders in universities in Lampung Province have succeeded in
improving the performance, morality and performance of the ranks,
staff and subordinates which have resulted in brilliant achievements
and well-run work programs that have been planned. For further
research, it is to be expected that future study could involve more
variables and expand the scope of research for the betterness.

One important part of management is leadership which in an organizational body, leadership
includes vital points that determine the achievements and goals that have been jointly determined by the
organization. Leadership is the central point and policy makers of the activities to be implemented in the
organization. This has a huge influence in determining the success or failure of an organization. Effective
leadership will provide direction for the various efforts of all workers in achieving the various goals of the
organization according to Supardi & Anwar (2004). Therefore, good leadership cannot be separated from
a leader who is competent in their field, both male and female leaders, regardless of gender.
According to Mertoprawiro (1992), in essence, leadership is a science, an art and a profession.
Forms of leadership as a science can certainly be studied, but its application must be optimized with the
realities of life faced by these individual leaders. Someone who masters the art of leadership is someone
who has technical skills in providing directions, suggestions, appeals, understanding, receiving various
inputs, criticisms and suggestions, and is able to strengthen the identity of the group being led, provide
assistance for habituation and adaptation of new members, and prevent the occurrence of various things
that are not desirable to the group he leads. According to a review of literature studies, Klenke (2018)
stated that research on leadership is one of the various topics of study that is widely discussed, this cannot
be separated from her findings on the Amazon site where there are 3,000 book titles, all of which discuss
leadership, not to mention her other findings in scientific journals, conferences, as well as educational
program scholarships for those who study the topic of this leadership . Gender-based leadership, which in
this context will be centered on the female gender, is of course inseparable from the core principles of life
which describe that in human groups or society, the presence of a leading figure entity is mandatory, this
is stated in the view of Ibn Khaldun (Al-Mawardi, 2014). A leader is essentially defined as a figure or figure
who has four specific characteristics in him, all of these characteristics are; skills, personality, and abilities,
all of that cannot be separated from the style or behavior of the leader himself. This view is supported by

*Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: (First Author)
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, Vol. 4, No. 1, Tahun 2020 pp 103-112 2

Moejiono who argues that a leader figure has advantages in certain qualities, thus distinguishing himself
as a leader and others as his followers. Based on the theory reviewed earlier, does this necessarily
position women as equal to men in the context of gender in leadership even though the two genders have
equal advantages in the same aspects without any obstacles? Unfortunately, this is still interpreted as
utopia by some circles of society, because according to Djafry (2014) statement, until now justice and
gender equality are still being fought for in order to change women who are stigmatized as having a role
as housewives, to be able to compete with men in terms of leadership in the government, political,
economic, and socio-cultural environment.
Gender differences are often a benchmark in determining a leader to control an organization or
company. In social life, feminine for women and masculine for men cannot be separated because
femininity and masculinity are attached to the character of women and men. Views on gender often
influence a person about how men and women should act (Eagly & Karau, 2002) which can eventually
lead to gender inequality and even gender injustice. The role of the leader and the implementation of the
Management Control System in controlling subordinates is important as a determinant of whether the
company's vision and mission can be achieved or not. In relation to gender, it is possible that gender
differences take part in the differences in the management control system applied by a leader. Rhee &
Sigler, (2015) said that male leaders are considered more effective than female leaders in all conditions
and that employees usually prefer to work for male leaders than female leaders, because women are more
identical with their feminine nature and are more feminine. fussy and chatty.
In relation to women's leadership in the realm of higher education, the number of female
graduates from higher-educational institutions itself needs an in-depth study. In research reviewed by the
Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) in Higher Education Statistics
in Indonesia in 2020, it is noted that women are the dominator in the graduate level of various levels of
education in Indonesia. As noted in the research, the composition of female graduates for Diploma 1 to
Diploma 4 levels in all provinces in Indonesia is 185,229 people, while men are at 103,061 people, almost
half of them. As for the Strata 1 or Bachelor level, there were 608,125 female graduates and 434,719 male
graduates. At the Strata 2 or Masters level, men have graduated 49,625 people, slightly superior to women
with 45,592 graduates. Then at the Strata 3 or Doctoral level, the number of male graduates dominates
with a quantity of 4,550 compared to only 2,833 women. Women again excelled in the section of graduates
majoring in professions (vocational education), with the number of graduates reaching 67,370 people,
while men were at 30,669 people. Finally, in the specialist education graduate section, men were recorded
as having graduated with a total of 1,441 people while women excelled with a total of 1,651 people. If the
total is calculated, the data on Indonesian graduates from various levels compiled by the Center for
Science and Technology Data and Information of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education in 2020 shows that the number of female graduates far outweighs male graduates
(Kemendikbud, 2020).
However, the data above is not in line with the reality on the field. In Indonesia, women who hold
or have held functional positions at universities are still far outnumbered compared to men. As reported
by Afriansyah (2022) for, that there are only seven names of women who have served and
are currently serving as rectors at various universities in Indonesia, including Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, who
has just been inaugurated as Chancellor of Gajah Mada University (UGM) for the 2022-2027 period. This is
confirmed by Novita (2018) research, which states that there are only 4 universities that have been/are
being led by women when compared to the number of State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia, which is 97
PTN. In fact, he added, of the overall graduates of the best universities in the world, 65% of graduates are
women. From what has been described, this shows an indication that there is still inequality in the
leadership of women compared to men in the context of higher education in Indonesia. This is the opening
of a series of previous studies related to women's leadership in a gender perspective in universities in
Indonesia, which will be reviewed in the next paragraph.
In context, higher education is an organizational form that is different from existing organizations
in general. This is because there are various policies that are mostly carried out at the department or
faculty level. Meanwhile, the head office or also known as the rectorate, is only limited to providing an
outline of regulations. In addition, the policies taken at the faculty level have the potential to create what is
called organizational anarchy, where management practices become disorganized, loose, and minimal
control or supervision. On the basis of the phenomena mentioned earlier, therefore leadership in higher
education is different from leadership in general. Women in college are more interested in academic
leadership than managerial leadership. This shows that women's interest is not to be involved in the
leadership structure. But on the other hand, if women are given responsibility for leadership, they will try
to accept and carry out their responsibilities well (Hidayah & Munastiwi, 2019).

JPI P-ISSN: 2303-288X E-ISSN : 2541-7207

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. xxNo. xx, Tahun 2022, pp. xx-yy 3

In a recent study on women's leadership in higher education, Surahman & Munadi (2022)
conveyed that in quantity, academic and managerial leadership in Indonesia is still dominated by men.
The phenomenon that has occurred has shown that gender women are more interested in filling academic
leadership, but on the other hand, managerial leadership positions mandated to women do not necessarily
make them discouraged, but instead this makes women even more trying to do better. in carrying out the
trust and responsibility. Women who enter the realm of leadership generally have a feminist and
transformative leadership style. Feminist leadership by nature is a special characteristic inherent in
female leaders, while transformative leadership is a solution to the leadership dilemma faced by women,
among two other types of leadership, namely managerial leadership and academic leadership.
Based on the explanation above, in this case, over time the notion of gender inequality and
injustice begins to shift. Shaban (2016) argues that in practice, the role of women in terms of leadership
has a directed impact towards better things so that women and men will have equal access in the future to
achieve a leadership role. For example, at the Lampung Province, the deputy governor is led by a woman
named Hj. Chusnunia Chalim, S. Hi., S.H., M.Sc., M.Kn., Ph.D, then the city of Bandar Lampung is also led by
a woman mayor named Hj. Eva Dwiana who has just been appointed, Hj. Eva Dwiana is perhaps the first
woman to serve as mayor in Lampung Province. But not for regents, because it is recorded that three
female regents have served in districts in Lampung, the three of them are Chusnunia Chalim (former
regent of East Lampung) who is now serving as deputy governor in Lampung Province, Widarti as regent
of Tulang Bawang and Dewi Handajani as regent of Tanggamus. Meanwhile, in higher-educational
institutions, especially at UIN Raden Intan Lampung, there are also many female leaders, for example, the
leadership of the vice-chancellor for field 2 is held by women, the dean of the faculties of tarbiyah and
teacher training (FTK) is led by women, and many more dean representatives are held by women. women,
this is what makes the author interested in doing more in-depth research related to women's leadership
management in a gender perspective at Higher Education in Lampung Province.

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of women's leadership in a gender
perspective at universities in Lampung Province, so this type of research is included in qualitative
research whose purpose is to try to find meaning, investigate the process, both in the context of
individuals, groups or situations. . The type of research used is descriptive (illustration) by taking a
qualitative approach, namely the type of research that describes situations and events. This is based on
the reason that this research produces data from informants that are original or what they are, in
accordance with the research questions posed in the data collection process, then analyzes with the
background words of the respondents' answers.
The primary data of this study is the result of semi-structured interviews with the research
subject, namely the female rector/vice rector/dean/deputy dean at various universities in Lampung
Province. Semi-structured interviews are a semi-structured interview is a qualitative research approach
that combines a series of open questions (questions that stimulate conversation) with the possibility for
the interviewer to go deeper into certain themes or responses further (Given, 2008). While the secondary
data, which is a detailed form of data made by documentation processes regarding the profiles of
informants, are the results of typing primary data into Microsoft Word formatted (docx) files. Hence the
data collection techniques utilized in this study are semi-structured interview and documentation.
Data triangulation is a technique of checking data collected from various sources in various ways
and methods, and also from various times. There are three types of triangulation that are explained in the
presentation, namely source triangulation, data collection technique triangulation and time triangulation
(Wijaya, 2018). Based on the nature of this particular study that uses multi-data sources and multi-person
as subjects, triangulation of data sources is the right option to be used as a technique in determining the
validation or validity of this research data. Data triangulation to test the credibility of a data is done by
checking the data that has been obtained from various data sources such as interviews, archives, and
other documents, in which case, data from interviews with informants will be used as primary data
(Carter et al., 2014)


The results of research on women's leadership management in a gender perspective in higher-
educational institutions in Lampung province will be described systematically, starting from the tendency

First Author/ Title Manuscript

Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, Vol. 4, No. 1, Tahun 2020 pp 103-112 4

of leadership characteristics based on masculine and feminine gender to leadership with transactional and
transformational characteristics.

A. Masculine Leadership
This type of leadership style can be said to be a leadership that has the feel of power-over which
means the prominence or appointment of power. There are 2 dimensions to the masculine leadership
style, namely the Assertive and Task-Oriented dimensions. The two dimensions of the masculine
leadership style will be described in detail in the table below;

Table 1. Gender-based leadership (masculine) of Lampung universities women leader

Masculine Subject I Subject II Subject III Subject IV

a. Expressive    
b. Emotion Control    
and Compromising
Task Oriented
a. Providing optimal    
work facilities
b. Focused on    
structure, rules and
jobdesc.    
c. Result-oriented    
priority    
d. Stressing on goals
e. Reward-
punishment system

The results show that, in the assertive dimension, female leaders in universities in Lampung
Province are leader figures who have firmness and self-confidence, and no aggressive actions are
shown during their tenure. The female leaders at universities in Lampung Province are also friendly
figures, able to control their emotions so that there are no actions that can pose a threat to others.
Whereas in the Task-Oriented dimension, female leaders in universities in Lampung Province are
leader figures who focus on tasks, structures, and regulations in order to achieve the goals that have
been set. Higher education institutions in Lampung Province continue to pay attention to employees
so that the work completed is more optimal. For this reason, it can be concluded that masculine
gender leadership does not fully represent the leadership characteristics of female leaders in
universities in Lampung Province. Therefore, the study will proceed to the analysis of feminine
gender leadership below, where there are many aspects that will also be categorized in the leadership
analysis of the research subject.

B. Feminine Leadership
This type of leadership style can be said to be a counterpart or the opposite of masculine
leadership which has a power-over feel. Feminine leadership is an active form of leadership that has 3
dimensions in its leadership style, namely Charismatic or Value-based, Team-oriented, then Self-
protective. The three dimensions of the feminine leadership style found in female leaders in higher-
educational institutions in Lampung Province will be fully described in detail through the table below;

Table 2. Gender-based leadership (feminime) of Lampung universities women leader

Feminime Leadership Subject I Subject II Subject III Subject IV
Charismatic or Value

JPI P-ISSN: 2303-288X E-ISSN : 2541-7207

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. xxNo. xx, Tahun 2022, pp. xx-yy 5

a. Visionary    
b. Inspirational    

Team Oriented
a. Collaborative team    
b. Team integrator    
c. Self-protective    
d. Self-centered    
e. Bureaucratic    

In the results of research on indicators of feminine leadership style, it can be shown that
the Charismatic or Value-based dimensions of female leaders in higher-educational institutions in
Lampung Province are female leaders who have clear plans during their leadership period, this
can be seen from the vision and mission and implementation of the program created, both in the
short, medium and long term. Women leaders in universities in Lampung Province are also
inspiring figures, so these women leaders can be good examples for their staff and subordinates.
In the Team-Oriented dimension, Regional Leaders of Tanggamus Regency, women leaders in
higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province are leaders who have good relationships
with their employees, both within and outside the realm of professionalism of these women
leaders. Women leaders in higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province put forward good
cooperation. Finally, on the self-protective dimension, women leaders in higher-educational
institutions in Lampung Province are able to establish good cooperation with their staff and
subordinates. It can be concluded that these women leaders are not individual figures, these
women leaders are also figures who are disciplined in carrying out their duties, not only the tasks
assigned to themselves, but these women leaders also oversee the duties and responsibilities
imposed on the staff and their subordinates related to discipline.

C. Transactional Leadership
Transactional leadership can be realized if a leader takes the initiative to substitute an item of
value. The exchange in question can be in the form of something political, economic or psychological,
it can also be interpreted as a barter of goods for other goods, or money for goods, as well as an
exchange of votes between legislators, the nature of hospitality to other people, subordinates, staff
and so on. The transactional leadership characteristics of the Lampung universities women leader can
be seen through the table of data result below;

Table 3. Transactional leadership characteristics of Lampung universities women leader

Transactional Subject I Subject II Subject III Subject IV
Contingent Reward
a. Rewarding    
b. Identifying Rewards    
c. Reward’s    
Management by
a. Job Observation    
b. Correction    
Management by
a. Passive, non-    
observant    
b. Intervention,

First Author/ Title Manuscript

Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, Vol. 4, No. 1, Tahun 2020 pp 103-112 6

The results of the study show that in the Contingent Reward dimension of Transactional
Leadership, female leaders in higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province are those who
use a rewarding system in their leadership to appreciate the work of their employees, but this
element is not a factor that is always desired by employees, because it is up to them. At a certain
point, employees are required to carry out their duties and functions properly. In the
Management by Exception-Active and Management by Exception-Passive dimensions, female
leaders in higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province provide strict supervision of their
employees, they are also always open with their employees by listening to complaints and
difficulties encountered in order to minimize mistakes that occur . However, some of the
categories of transactional leadership are not found in female leaders in universities in Lampung
Province. This shows that transactional leadership in female leaders in higher-educational
institutions in Lampung Province is only partial, or only half of the aspects categorized. For this
reason, it can be concluded that transactional leadership does not fully represent the leadership
characteristics of female leaders in higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province.
Therefore, the study will proceed to the analysis of transformational leadership, where there are
many aspects that will also be categorized in the analysis of research subjects’ leadership.

D. Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership is charismatic leadership, creating a vision and environment that
motivates subordinates to achieve more than expected. The transformational leadership
characteristics of the Lampung universities women leader can be seen through the table of data result

Table 4. Transformational leadership characteristics of Lampung universities women leader

Transformational Subject I Subject II Subject III Subject IV
Idealized Influence
a. Exemplary    
b. Honesty    
c. Authority    
d. Enthusiastic    
e. Praise giver    
f. Expressive    
Intellectual Stimulation
a. Innovative    
b. Professional    
c. Self-evaluating    
d. Developing new idea    
e. Involving    
subordinates    
f. Creative
a. Tolerant    
b. Just    
c. Employee    
empowerment    
d. Democrative    
e. Participative    
f. Giving rewards
a. Motivating    
b. Inspiring    
c. Confident    
d. Increasing optimism    
e. Encouraging    

JPI P-ISSN: 2303-288X E-ISSN : 2541-7207

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. xxNo. xx, Tahun 2022, pp. xx-yy 7

The results of the study show that, in the Idealized Influence dimension, female leaders in higher-
educational institutions in Lampung Province are figures who are confident, dedicated in achieving goals,
are responsible, and can be role models for their staff and subordinates. In the Intellectual Stimulation
dimension, female leaders in higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province are able to stimulate
and motivate their employees to be more creative and innovative in their work and to do things that are
acceptable to various groups, both from society and organizations. Next, in the Individual Consideration
dimension, female leaders in higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province are able to create a
supportive organizational environment and are able to be open to staff and subordinates when there are
obstacles or difficulties in their job descriptions and work, so that staff and subordinates have a loyal and
motivational nature at work. . Furthermore, on the Inspirational Motivation dimension, the leader has a
clear plan during his leadership, the leader is also optimistic that the vision and programs that have been
planned will be achieved with openness between leaders and employees, and the establishment of good

In research on the leadership style of female leaders in universities in Lampung Province, it can
be found that the feminine-masculine leadership style applied by female leaders in universities in
Lampung Province tends to be a feminist leadership style. This can be seen from the fulfillment of
indicators in the feminine leadership style and the many positive supporting factors found in female
leaders in universities in Lampung Province on the dimensions in these indicators.
Meanwhile, in the transactional-transformational leadership style, female leaders in universities
in Lampung Province are more likely to adopt a transformational leadership style. This can be seen from
the characteristics of female leaders in universities in Lampung Province, who are figures who have self-
confidence and are able to influence their staff and subordinates. These female leaders at universities in
Lampung Province are also able to encourage their staff and subordinates to be more creative and
innovative in their work, and to make contributions that can be accepted by the community. However,
between feminine and transformational leadership styles, leaders are more inclined to transformational
leadership styles, it is seen that there are more positive things shown in the intended transformational
leadership style. So the conclusion of the discussion that can be drawn from this research is that female
leaders in universities in Lampung Province implement a feminine-transformational leadership style in
carrying out the positions entrusted to them professionally.

Based on the results of research and discussion on gender-based women's leadership
management in terms of planning, implementation, and supervision in a case study of female leaders in
universities in Lampung Province, it can be concluded that from the feminine-masculine leadership style,
the style applied by female leaders in universities in Lampung Province is more inclined towards a
feminine leadership style. This can be seen from the fulfillment of all indicators of feminine rather than
masculine leadership characteristics, as well as not a few dimensions of these indicators that are very in
line with the leadership style of female leaders in Lampung Province universities.
Whereas in the transactional-transformational leadership style, women leaders in various universities in
Lampung Province have a tendency to adopt a transformational leadership style. This is because female
leaders in higher-educational institutions in Lampung Province are figures who have high self-confidence
so that they are able to influence and encourage their staff and subordinates to carry out their respective
tasks. Women leaders at universities in Lampung Province are also able to motivate their subordinates to
be more creative and to develop and create innovations at work. This applied transformational leadership
makes their figures as leaders emulate, admired and respected by their ranks, staff and subordinates.
From there, the relationship that was built between female leaders in higher-educational institutions in
Lampung Province and their subordinates was classified as very good so that the staff and their
subordinates were able to optimize their work. In addition, the strong encouragement that staff and
subordinates get in periodic job evaluations makes women leaders in higher-educational institutions in
Lampung Province a figure who provides improvements, so that in the future, errors or oversights in
evaluations can be minimized.
The leadership style implemented by women leaders in higher-educational institutions in
Lampung Province has a positive influence, namely in improving employee performance in each
institution where these women leaders serve. Thus most of the ranks, staff and subordinates can complete

First Author/ Title Manuscript

Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, Vol. 4, No. 1, Tahun 2020 pp 103-112 8

their duties in accordance with their respective main tasks and functions, based on the TUPOKSI (Main
Tasks and Functions of Work Units) undertaken. It can be seen that to date, female leaders in higher-
educational institutions in Lampung Province have succeeded in improving achievement, morality and the
performance of staff, staff and subordinates who have produced brilliant achievements and well-run work
programs that have been planned.
This research exclusively examines gender-based women's leadership management in terms of
planning, implementation, and supervision in case studies of women leaders in higher-educational
institutions in Lampung Province. However, in practice, the researchers did not make any restrictions
regarding the positions of female leaders in the institutions they lead. It would be preferable if the next
research aligns and sensitizes the research subjects, so that the research objects within this title are richer
and more developed, for example, the next researcher examines all female chancellors, female deans and
female study program heads as research subjects, in regional, national or even international scopes.

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JPI P-ISSN: 2303-288X E-ISSN : 2541-7207

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