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INGLES (21096)

TEACHER: Zoraida Palacios Martinez

STUDENTS: Brenda Geanella Chuquin Costilla

Zoraida Paola Cotrina Ortega
Micaela Biviana Cochachin Damian

Brenda Geanella Chuquin Costilla
My worst sports experience was when I was in 6th grade, we were in physical education
class and the teacher said that women should play volleyball. I didn't like it very much
because I didn't know how to play, but I still went in to try, during the game I didn't
touch the ball because I was afraid, I would respond badly, and my arms would hurt. At
one point, the opposing team passed the ball directly to me and it fell hard on my face,
it hurt me so much that I started to cry, and I stayed on the benches, my face was
reddened, and it hurt. From that moment on I didn't want to play volleyball again until
sometime later, nowadays I still don't know how to play but I try even if it goes wrong.

Zoraida Paola Cotrina Ortega

Hello Brenda and Micaela, today I am going to tell you about my worst sporting
experience in volleyball, what happens is that when I was 8 years old I played volleyball
and I have played until I was 15 years old, warming up has always been difficult for me
because I have not been agile and the teacher always forced me. Many times my body
hurt or I was conditioned that I was not going to play unless I warmed up well, despite
the fact that I am a good server, but I always made an effort to give my best. It was a
shame to stop training because I liked it a lot but now in the University I hope to enroll
in the volleyball workshop.

Micaela Biviana Cochachin Damian

Hello Zoraida and Brenda, I want to tell you about my worst sports experience in
basketball, when I was 13 years old I had a physical education teacher who was very
strict with sports, in two weeks it would be the anniversary of my school and with it the
Olympics would come In one of the practices for the school Olympics, a bad posture with
the ball made me twist my ankle, leaving me unable to walk properly for about two
weeks. Currently it is a subject that I have already forgotten but I would not practice that
sport again.

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