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NIM. E1D 020 072

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of Bachelor (S-1) in English Education at
Mataram University




1.1 Background of the Research

English is the most widely used language throughout the world and is
claimed to be an international language. English is not only a means of
communication, but also has an important role in various fields such as education,
government, business and socio-economics. In Indonesia, English has become a
second language through formal education as one of the compulsory subjects in
schools from junior high school to university level. The goal is to be able to
master four skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Mastering these four skills, a person must have the motivation to learn.
According to Harmer (2007) motivation is an "internal drive" that encourages us
to take action to achieve goals. According to Brown (2000) Motivation is the
extent to which you make choices regarding the goals you want to achieve and the
efforts you can make for those interests. Naiman et al. (1991)) student success
does not come easily, they will carry out certain characteristics, especially those
related to motivation. Students will understand the importance of learning and
mastering English for a long time, because it can open up wider careers and job
opportunities, so students can be more motivated to learn english.

Motivation is one of the factors that can help students achieve academic
success. Students will be encouraged to do the activities they want and enjoy
them. Students who have a high level of motivation will be enthusiastic about
preparing themselves to be involved in the learning process, they tend to look
dominant, enthusiastic, brave and confident in the learning process in class,
especially in learning English. If students fail to achieve academic success, then
that is one of the consequences of low student learning motivation.

Reading motivation is the most important thing that needs special attention
in learning a foreign language. The impact of reading activities is very large,

because students will understand more aspects and topics of material from the
subject or lesson, and this will help students' understanding and achievement be
better. Reading is one of the language skills, as part of the learning process, and a
way to obtain information, increase knowledge. Apart from that, it also helps
connect with other people. The condition for students to get these benefits or goals
is reading comprehension.

There are many different things that go into a student's reading

comprehension, such as internal and external influences that contribute to these
aspects. In Munarsih's (2003) research he found that IQ, passion, intelligence,
potential, behavior and motivation can prevent students from knowing true
reading comprehension. According to Gutherie (2007), less or more of one of
these factors can influence a person not to achieve optimal reading
comprehension. Of course, this shows that students' reading motivation decreases
along with low reading interest.

MAN 1 Lombok Tengah in eleventh-grades observation results show that

some English language learners are not very motivated to learn. Their lack of
excitement, unwillingness to take notes on the content, lack of seriousness when
receiving lessons, daydreaming, inability to focus when the teacher presents
lesson themes, and even making jokes with their peers while learning are all signs
of this issue. The school's english teacher also noted difficulties that certain
students encountered, including not finishing homework, holding back when
expressing thoughts and opinions, being oppositional, fearing mistakes, growing
bored easily, and experiencing unbalanced emotions.

Furthermore, regarding reading comprehension, based on observations at

MAN 1 Lombok Tengah, some students still experience difficulties, this is
because they lack interest in reading in english, they are bored and lack
motivation to continue reading. If one of their friends is instructed to read by the
teacher, many students do not pay attention, compete, lack vocabulary,
daydreaming, thus failing to comprehend the content of the reading.

It is important to find a correlation between students' motivation to learn

english and reading comprehension results, because we will provide valuable
information regarding what factors influence student learning at school. Besides
that, students will automatically be motivated to read literature aimed at
improving reading comprehension if they have high encouragement, of course this
will have a good impact on their ability to learn english. The correlation between
motivation and reading comprehension is strong, this encouragement is able to
make students read more so that it increases their success, becoming the key and
foundation for broad knowledge. This is the reason for researchers to conduct
research on the correlation between students' motivation in learning english and
reading comprehension results.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher was motivated to conduct

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024".

1.2 Research Question

Based on the explanation of the background above, the researcher stated

that it’s important to research the research question, as follows: "Is there a
significant correlation between students' motivation in learning english and their
reading comprehension results in the eleventh grade of MAN 1 Lombok Tengah
in academic year 2023/2024?”.

1.3 Objective of the Research

The goal of this study is to examine and characterize the significant

correlation between students' enthusiasm to learn english and their reading
comprehension scores at the eleventh-grades level of MAN 1 Lombok Tengah in
the academic year 2023/2024, based on the research question above. The next
stage after determining the association is to create and implement practical tactics
that will increase students' enthusiasm for learning english and reading

1.4 Scope of the Research

The scope of this study is the students' motivation in learning english and
the results of their reading comprehension. This study focuses on investigating the
correlation between students' motivation in learning english and the results of
their reading comprehension at eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Lombok
Tengah in academic year 2023/2024.

1.5 Significant of the Research

1. Theoretical Significance

It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to learning

practice or pedagogical theory in understanding motivation to learn english and
reading comprehension. Provides more knowledge to readers, especially students
and lecturers majoring in English.

2. Practical Significance

a. For Students

It is hoped that it will be able to provide information related to the research

topic, namely understanding the importance of motivation in learning and reading
comprehension. So, they understand the importance of motivation to improve
their reading comprehension skills.

b. For Teachers

It is hoped that it will be a guide and feedback for teachers to improve teaching
activities, especially in reading comprehension.

c. For future researchers.

It is hoped that it will be a useful reference for future researchers who are
interested in researching the same topic, besides being able to understand students'
motivation to learn english and reading comprehension.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

a. Learning Motivation

According to Schunk (2012), states that motivation is something that can

prevent them from doing something based on their goals and staying on the right

b. Reading Comprehension

According to Healy (2002) Reading comprehension is understanding

written words, understanding the content read, and constructing the meaning of
the text.

2.1 Learning Motivation
2.1.1 Definition of Learning Motivation
Harmer (2007) motivation is an "internal drive" which can encourage us to
take action to achieve goals that have been previously created by making efforts
both physically and mentally. Through existing internal drives and cognitive
passion, a person will be motivated to do something that helps them achieve their
goals. Santrock (2004) said that motivation has several important things, namely a
process to encourage, direct and maintain behavior. So, motivation is carrying out
an activity because there is encouragement that can make someone consistently
carry out the activity to achieve the target or goal.

According to Elliot (2000), motivation is a condition that exists within a

person as a generator of action to encourage a person in a specific direction and
continue to participate in certain activities. This means that all human activities
require motivation, because motivation has a crucial role, with it a person can gain
the strength to do their best. Lack of motivation can threaten the failure of
learning goals. Students who are motivated to achieve learning goals tend to
realize that motivation is the key to an effective learning process.

Motivation is a factor that influences teaching and learning activities in the

classroom, so that the success of a lesson depends on the presence or absence of
learning motivation. It is important to realize the fact that one of the main
elements is encouraging a person to learn, because having strong motivation will
foster a person's enthusiasm for learning. So, on the contrary, if motivation is
lacking it will cause a weak enthusiasm for learning. Students who study with low
motivation will not succeed in achieving their goals optimally. If a teacher
provides rewards that can measure student achievement, it is more likely that
students believe they are capable of performing and achieving targeted success.
Incentive achievement awards motivate students to learn. Intellectual motivation
is the hope or desire to

achieve something big, dream big, while achievement motivation includes

emotional needs, especially the need for achievement.

2.1.2 Types of Learning Motivation

a. Intrinsic motivation

According to Harmer (2001), intrinsic motivation comes from an individual's

inner will, linearly with the aim of increasing a sense of satisfaction in the
learning process. Students will learn english grammar because they are interested
in doing this activity, without any request from other parties. The desire to learn
comes from within, there are several things that inspire someone to have a desire,
one of which is to feel like they want to be better, to upgrade themselves with
more and broader knowledge. Schunk (2012) says that intrinsic motivation is
motivation that refers to an activity for the sake of the activity itself. Students who
have intrinsic motivation will also study hard, be enthusiastic, and enjoy the
learning process, because good desires come from within.

b. Extrinsic motivation

Harmer (1991) states that integrative and instrumental motivation are both
classified under the extrinsic motivation branch. Arnold (2000) intrinsic
motivation aims to get rewards and free from punishment. Some of the expert
opinions above show that extrinsic motivation comes from outside to get awards,
having to pass exams, performance given by teachers and other interests in order
to avoid risks or punishment. Viewed from the positive side, extrinsic motivation
supports intrinsic motivation so that if the two are combined, you will certainly
get maximum results. However, if viewed from a negative side, someone who
only has extrinsic motivation will feel a little pressure, because what is aimed at is
how to get rewards and complete them without punishment.

2.1.3 Factor Influence Learning Motivation

According to According to Harmer (2001: 53) in Thohir (2017), the factors

that influence student learning motivation are as follows:

a. Goals of Learning

Short-term and long-term goals are the two categories into which students
separate their learning objectives. The students' immediate learning objectives are
to complete the essay writing process and pass the test. In the meantime, students'
long-term learning objective is to pass the test and potentially land a respectable
career once they graduate.

b. Learning Environment

Environment for learning the actual layout of the classroom makes up the
student learning environment. In order to improve the physical appearance and
foster a more comfortable learning environment, teachers and even students can
alter or decorate the space. In the meanwhile, the instructor can create a conducive
learning environment in the classroom by using music and other elements.
Making the learning environment more engaging and boosting student enthusiasm
to participate in class activities are two benefits of this.

c. An Exciting Class

Students' interest in a lesson and the subjects being discussed should be

aroused. It is the duty of educators to provide their pupils assignments to promote
a higher level of student engagement with the learning process. To create a more
successful learning process, the teacher must also understand how to convey the
subject and consider the materials utilized in the classroom.

2.2 Reading

2.2.1 Definition of Reading

According to Healy (2002:3) reading is a purposeful and active process.

Readers must understand, remember, and apply understanding of the text they

Tarigan (2008) understands that information conveyed by individuals using

writing or text is a reading activity. The ability to read is obtained through the
learning process at school. Reading ability plays an important role as the main key
in teaching, the development of knowledge, a communication tool, and is a part of
everyday life.

Readers will get various information, new experiences, knowledge from

reading. The purpose of reading is to understand the reading topic correctly.
Reading is a complex activity and process, which combines many activities such
as repeating written material, emotional processes, perspective processes,
metacognition, and reimbursement. Reading involves symbols being rich and
visually pronounceable. Apart from that, the reading process also collaborates
different thinking activities, such as literal knowledge, word detection, critical
reading, lateral knowledge, and creative thinking.

2.2.2 Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is the process of understanding the connection between

words, sentences, and text. According to Broek and Espin (2012: 315) Reading
comprehension is a complex interaction between automatic strategies and
cognitive processes; this allows readers to create a mental representation of a text.
This understanding does not only depend on reading skills, decoding,
comprehension, sensitivity to text structure, inference, and motivation. This
statement is also supported by Horowiz's (2014) statement that reading
comprehension is a cognitive activity that is not easy, when reading the reader is
required to be careful and wise, the reader must also analyze the sentences and
meaning of the reading.

Students are willing to explore reading comprehension material if they

find a strong reason to read. Reading comprehension is reading by understanding
in your heart, with the aim of obtaining information, drawing, and analyzing
something from what you read. The main goal is to improve students' abilities
when learning English with written material.

2.2.3 Level of Reading Comprehension

According to Westwood (2008), reading comprehension can be divided

into three categories:

a. Literal reading comprehension

The ability to understand a text literally or to acquire information

presented in it directly is known as literal reading comprehension. It requires an
understanding of information expressed in clear sentences or paragraphs.

Because they serve as the basis for more sophisticated comprehension

abilities, literal reading comprehension skills are crucial for reading and
comprehending texts. Readers will be able to recognize more abstract and
sophisticated ideas in the text after mastering literal reading comprehension.

b. Inferential reading comprehension

The capacity to understand meaning that is explicitly suggested in a text is

known as inferential reading comprehension. The reader's ability to draw
conclusions from the text and apply explicit knowledge found in it are both

Because they enable readers to have a deep and comprehensive knowledge

of the words, inferential reading comprehension skills are crucial for reading and
comprehending texts. This capacity can assist readers in widening their
perspectives, honing their critical thinking abilities, and drawing the right
conclusions from the information provided in the text. Nonetheless, the ability to
read and possess the specific knowledge mentioned in the text is also necessary
for inferential reading comprehension. As a result, the development of inferential
reading comprehension skills still relies heavily on literal reading comprehension

b. Critical reading comprehension

The ability to read and comprehend materials critically is known as critical
reading comprehension. It involves the reader's capacity to spot flaws or

contradictions in arguments, assess the data and supporting evidence, and draw
the right conclusions and generalizations from the text's content.

The development of critical reading comprehension abilities is crucial for

readers who want to become knowledgeable and knowledgeable consumers.
These abilities can aid readers in recognizing biases or faults in the texts they
read, comprehending various points of view, and helping them make better
judgments. However, in addition to the capacity to read and comprehend texts
effectively and efficiently, critical comprehension reading skills want a great deal
of practice and advancement.

2.2.4 Ways of Reading

Grellet (1984) classified reading styles into the following categories:

a. Skimming

Skimming is the practice of quickly reading a text to understand its major

ideas. Different skimming acts exist. They are contrasting ideas, locating, and
contrasting instances, choosing a topic, concluding, choosing the analysis, and
coming up with the title.

b. Scanning

Scanning is the fast reading of a text to locate a particular piece of

information. There are several steps involved in scanning. They locate
grammatical elements, look for designated advertisements, compare attributes,
look for appointments and shopping catalogs, create word sets, and create
newspaper subtitles. They also find new phrases for the oldest ones.

c. Extensive reading

Reading a long work through to the end is called comprehensive reading.

There are other ways to demonstrate substantial reading, including making notes
and wall charts, summarizing, and highlighting challenges. The advantages of
reading extensively or quickly are being able to quickly understand the substance

of the book, even if all you know is its overview, and being able to recognize its
contents right away.

d. Intensive reading

Intensive reading is defined as paying close attention to short texts.

Creating summaries, documenting paragraphs, filling in blanks, finishing tables
and graphs, picking sides while reading and selecting, selecting summaries,
comparing versions, identifying facts, and focusing on form and style are just a
few examples of the various intensive reading acts. The goal of intensive reading
is to improve students' reading skills by emphasizing their intellect, which
involves understanding language, expanding one's vocabulary, and
comprehending the content of a discourse.

2.2.5 Factors Influence Reading Comprehension

Dawson and Bamman (1967) state that the following factors could
influence a reader's comprehension:

a. Intelligence

The level of understanding has a relationship with student abilities. This

can be seen from the differences between intelligent and less intelligent students.
Smart students respond more quickly or can grasp concepts rather than taking

The level of understanding often depends on the student's talent. This

shows that smarter students will be better able to grasp concepts than less
intelligent students.

b. Experience

Reading comprehension skills provide students with knowledge about

literature and the process of interacting with other students. Students will
experience difficulties if they have less experience compared to students who are
familiar with the content.

c. Mechanics of reading

Students who already understand the content of the text, their mastery of
vocabulary and structure will be better. If they have learned how to read text
properly and correctly, from left to right, of course they will understand the text
more easily.

d. Interest

Someone who has the goal of reading a book will respond quickly and be
motivated to read the book. So that they can understand well what they have read.

e. Comprehension skills

As with all reading skills, the teaching used for reading comprehension
ranges from simple to difficult. Direct teaching techniques are a balanced strategy
to teach.

2.3 Previous Studies

The first, “The Correlation Between Students' Motivation and Reading

Comprehension” conducted in 2018 by Ikhsan. The purpose of this study is to
determine whether reading comprehension and student motivation are correlated.
The study's methodology was correlational research. A test and a questionnaire
were employed by the researcher. The findings indicated a highly substantial
relationship between reading comprehension and student motivation.

The second, "The Correlation Between Students' Motivation in Learning

English and Their Reading Comprehension Achievement" conducted by Maria
(2019) the purpose of this study is to determine whether students' motivation to
learn english and their proficiency in reading comprehension are correlated. This
study employed quantitative approaches in conjunction with a correlational
approach. The instruments used in this study were a questionnaire and a question
test. The findings indicated a significant relationship between reading
comprehension and motivation.

Thirdly "The Relationship Between Students' Motivation and Their

English Learning Achievement" was conducted by Rosalina (2014). The purpose
of this study is to determine whether students' motivation and their proficiency in
english at the second-grade level of SMAN 3 Tangsel are correlated. Correlational
analysis was employed in this investigation. The research's instruments are the
questionnaire and the paperwork. The findings demonstrate a negative
relationship between students' motivation and their proficiency in learning

The researcher believes that the current study and the research by Ikhsan
are similar because they both use quantitative research methods, correlational
studies, questionnaires and tests as research instruments, and the same research
hypothesis. This belief is based on the previously mentioned research. The
research site, research year, research object, population and samples used,
sampling strategies, and data processing strategies vary, in the moment. In
addition, the studies mentioned earlier support the study that will be conducted by
researchers in other ways, including through the application of research
instruments, methodologies, and procedures for gathering, analyzing, and
generating hypothesis.



3.1 Research Design

Researchers use a quantitative approach research method. According to

Creswell (2012), a quantitative approach is an approach that emphasizes data
collection, analysis and interpretation in the form of numbers. This method is used
to factually test hypotheses. Data can be collected through surveys, experiments
and other instruments that are analyzed using statistical analysis techniques to
build relationships and generalize (Miles, et al. 1987)

This research involves correlation studies, Creswell (2012) correlation

research is a type of research used to obtain the relationship between one variable
and another variable. Researchers used this study to find out whether there was a
correlation between motivation to learn english and reading comprehension test
results using statistical analysis.

3.2 Population and Sample

Population is a group of individuals having the same characteristics,

Creswell (2011). According to Sugiyono (2018: 130), population is a general area
in the form of subjects/objects that have certain qualities and characteristics and
are studied by researchers to draw conclusions. The population in this study is
eleventh- grades students at MAN 1 Lombok Tengah in academic year 2023/2024.

Sugiyono (2016:18) The sample is a small portion of the number and

characteristics of the population. Sugiyono's recommended sample size
determination is between 30 and 500 samples which are considered appropriate
for research.

3.3 Research Instruments

a. Questionnaire

Sugiyono (2017:142) A questionnaire is a tool for collecting data by

providing a set of questions or written questions to be answered to research
respondents. Researchers in this study used a Likert scale for the measurement
scale. The questionnaire consists of 25 items.

b. Reading Test

According to Brown (2002) test is a method used to measure a person's

knowledge, ability, or performance in a certain domain. From the test you can find
out and measure awareness and skillfulness. Reading comprehension test means a
method designed to check and measure students' reading comprehension abilities.
The test consists of 25 questions. The question options are a, b, c, and d. The
reading comprehension test consists of 2 indicators, namely literal reading, and
inferential reading. This reading test is used to collect data on student test results.

3.4. Data Collection Procedure

a. Questionnaire

Questionnaires will be distributed to students, and they will be given 15

minutes to fill in and answer the questionnaire. Before that, the researcher
explained clearly what needed to be done and paid attention to when filling out
the questionnaire. Students must answer questions consisting of 5 answer choices,
namely: strongly agree, agree, quite agree, disagree, and strongly disagree
(Sugiyono, 2018: 135). After completing the questionnaire, the researcher will
collect the completed questionnaires from students, then students will be asked to
answer questions based on categories and their scores will be calculated based on
the image table below:

Table 3.1. Likert Scale

No Option Score
1 Strongly Agree 5
2 Agree 4
3 Quite agree 3
4 Disagree 2
5 Strongly 1
(Sugyono, 2018:135)

Table 3.2 Criteria for Indeks Score

No Category Interval Score

1 High 71-100
2 Medium 41-70
3 Low 10-40
(Ferdinand, 2014)

b. Reading Test
Reading tests are given to students to determine their reading
comprehension abilities. Researchers used this method to find out students'
abilities regarding reading comprehension skills. Reading tests will be distributed
to students to be done individually at their respective tables and given 45 minutes.
After the students have finished working and filling in the questions, the students'
work sheets are collected by the researcher. The researcher will give a value of 1
point for the correct answer. The test results will be calculated using the formula:

S=𝐶𝐴x 100

S = final test score
N = number of questions
CA = number of correct answer
(Arikunto, 2003)

Student score results will be interpreted using the formula below:

No Category Interval Score

1 Excellent 85-100
2 Very good 75-84
3 Good 65-74
4 Fair 55-64
5 Enough 45-54
6 Poor 0-44
(Suryanto, 2006)

3.5 Data Analysis

Data analysis is a high-level data processing method that examines and

examines how to interpret the data by analyzing the output in the data processing
process, Prasetyo (2008). This research uses quantitative analysis data.
Quantitative is synonymous with numbers or numeric.

After the researcher obtains data from the students' test results, the
researcher will then analyze the data and correlate the questionnaire results and
the students' reading test results. The process is carried out through quantitative
analysis using statistics which is usually called statistical analysis. Researchers
will analyze with questionnaires and reading tests using the T-test, with the help
of the SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) application. After that the
researcher will determine conclusions based on the results of the T-test

3.7 Hypothesis of the Study

Creswell (2012: 125) defines a hypothesis as a potential assumption of

research findings. This means that the hypothesis is a pretension of research
results. This research hypothesis is proposed in the form of an alternative
hypothesis and a null hypothesis.

A hypothesis is an estimate of potential findings in research. From this

statement it can be interpreted as a hypothetical prediction about what we will

in a study. Hypotheses can be proposed, hypotheses that state there is no

relationship or are often called null hypotheses and those that state there is a
relationship are called alternative hypotheses.

a. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Is there a significant correlation between students' motivation to learn

english and their reading comprehension results?

b. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

Is there no significant correlation between students' motivation to learn

english and their reading comprehension results?

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