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Dinda Indah’s

My Recent Work Link

In this platform, I work as a movie reviewer. My job is to write and make an interesting movie review
with a clickbait title.

Link :

Green Garment
In this company website, I work as a content creator. I produce some content about garment. One of my
favorite content that I write is an article about fashion and sustainability. You can check the link below
or check the English version in my previously written writing article that I sent in attachment.

Link : Sustainability Fashion in Indonesia

You can also check my work here

Personal Blog
Beside content creator, I also write for my personal blog. In my blog, the topic focused in parenting, like
how to handle baby who refuse to eat, traveling with baby, and recommendation place for hang out
with baby. I will really glad if you want to check the link.

Link :

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