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08 August 2023

To Home Office UKVI

My name is Rutendo Mollin Bobo ID Number 63-1299262 Z 48 and Passport number AE239897 I am
the biological mother to Josephine Samara Ndongera. She was born on the 26th of July 2016
Passport Number FN904565.

Joseph Ndongera is her biological father, whom l did not stay with after the birth of Josephine, our
relationship failed to materials into a marriage. I have been her sole guardian providing for her
needs and upkeep as the father was not active in her upkeep. Josephine has a strong bond with me
through the years we have spent together. I have been the one to tend to her care and this invludes
bathing, feeding, playing games with her, wash her clothes, and go to church with her. On her
birthdays celebrations l buy her presents including cakes.

As a normal child she would fall sick sometimes and i would be the one to go with her for doctors
attention and visits, see annexure A attached. Josephine is still going to nursery school and I was
paying her fees supporting her, attending school plays and I was there with her for her first
graduation is a kindergarten please also see annexure B attached. I have been with Josephine
through happy times and trying times pictures attached for you information.

I have provided and supported her financially too through paying her fees, hospital bills, providing
shelter and clothing. I have been committed to caring for her since her birth and I am certainly
prepared and committed to continue doing that even in the United kingdom upon her relocation.

The issue of relocation to her it was received with joy and moreover in our reuniting, therefore
Josephine and I are eager for her joining me in the United Kingdom.

Finally, as for her care in the United Kingdom i have also attached the lease agreement of the house
she will be staying with me and the help of my aunt Bridget Bimha Residents Permit ...if you were to
grant her a visa. Have also attached a letter from my company undertaking to assist wherever there
is need for Josephine. I have also gone ahead to apply nearby schools for her to attend were she to
join me.

Thank you!
Yours sincerely

Rutendo Mollin Bobo.

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