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This module makes me realize that every information you receive it should be a relevant and

truthful. These generation many fake news and chismis1 is spreading in our community or in a
country, This module tackle how to cite a relevant information, First we need to check the grammar,
the author who posted it if its legit and trusted, the date, and if the information had a strong
evidence. These steps help me very much because I stay in social media and keep hearing stories
that I don’t know if its fake or not. This lesson I learned so much that I can use it in my daily activity,
First, when I read articles online, when I search for latest political issues, doing a background check
about artist and musician, and lastly, when I hear someone gossiping about something, these are the
frequent situation where I use citing the relevant and truthfulness of a story, article, etc. So as you
can see that is the way how this module help me a lot as a student who still not so open in this

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