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Implementation Function in Educational Management

Lecturer : Rabukit Damanik, M.Pd

(Rank Ayu Lestari, Ika Sri Devi, Afdara Mawati Br.Lubis, Muhammad Khairi S)

1.1 Definition of the implementation function in educational management

The Implementing function in education management is a series of concrete actions and

activities carried out by educational implementers or practitioners, such as teachers, education
personnel and school staff. The main objective is to implement policies, programs and plans that
have been formulated by higher level management with the aim of achieving the educational
targets and objectives that have been set.

1.2 The concept of the implementation function in educational management

The concept of implementation function in education management includes several main aspects:

 Implementation Planning (Planning): This is the initial stage in the implementing function, where
operational plans and strategies for implementing educational programs are formulated. This includes
resource allocation, schedules, and teaching strategies.

 Implementation of Educational Programs (Execution): Involves implementing the plans that have been
made. Teachers and educational staff must implement the curriculum, teaching methods and learning
strategies that have been planned in accordance with educational goals.

 Evaluation and Control: This is an assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of implementing
educational programs. This evaluation helps in identifying successes, weaknesses, and improvements
that may be needed to ensure achievement of educational goals.

1.3 The role of the implementation function in educational management

The role of the implementation function in education management is to carry out the daily tasks
necessary to run the education system, including organizing learning, managing resources,
supervising students, and running educational programs in accordance with established policies.
This function involves teachers, school staff and administrators in carrying out the daily
operations of educational institutions.

1.4 The connection with other educational management functions

The connection with other educational management functions is that the four functions of
educational management, namely planning, organizing, implementing and controlling, are interrelated
and influence each other in an effort to achieve predetermined educational goals. Planning helps in
setting educational vision and goals, organizing ensures appropriate resources and structure,
implementation involves carrying out plans, and controlling helps in monitoring and evaluating
progress and making changes if necessary. All these functions work together to manage the education
system effectively and efficiently.

1.5 Conclusion

The implementing function in education management is an integral part of an education system

which aims to implement educational plans and policies. Consists of three main components,
namely implementation planning, implementation of educational programs, and evaluation and
control. Implementation planning involves creating operational plans, resource allocation, and
scheduling program implementation. The implementation of educational programs plays an
important role in carrying out plans that have been formulated, including curriculum
implementation, teaching methods and learning strategies. Evaluation and control are carried
out to assess the effectiveness of program implementation, identify successes, weaknesses and
improvements needed to achieve educational goals.

The relationship between the executive function and other management functions, such as
planning, organizing, directing and supervising, is the main foundation for achieving educational
goals efficiently and effectively. Collaboration and synergy between various management
functions is important to ensure that strategic plans are implemented well at the operational
level, so that educational institutions can achieve the desired quality of education.

Overall, the implementing function is the spearhead in realizing the vision and mission of
education, connecting top-level management plans with practices that occur in the field. By
carrying out implementing functions well, educational institutions can achieve educational goals,
provide quality learning experiences, and form a generation that is competent and ready to face
future challenges.

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