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The Kielce University of Technology has five faculties:

- the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture,

- the Faculty of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering,
- the Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering,
- the Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling,
- the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science.

Each faculty is divided into departments. The university is headed by the Rector, professor
Zbigniew Koruba.

The university offers bachelor’s degree courses, master’s degree courses and PhD courses.

The campus is located in the city centre. It has:

- 8 teaching and research buildings with administration offices,
- the library building with the Rector’s office,
- 6 halls of residence (BrE)/dormitories (AmE),
- sporting facilities.

The academic year has 2 semesters. Each semester ends with an examination session. After that,
there is a resit examination session. The winter semester usually begins on the 1st of October and
ends at the end of January. The summer semester lasts from the end of February until mid-
June. Students can solve their problems either in the dean’s office or in the student affairs office.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science offers courses
in: - Automatic Control and Industrial Electrical Engineering,
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
- Electric Mobility,
- Power Engineering,
- Computer Science,
- ICT (Information & Communication Technology).
Professor Roman Deniziak is the dean of the faculty.
I am a student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer
Science at the Kielce University of Technology. I am studying ___________________. I am
a first/second*-year student. I study full time.
The course lasts 3.5 (three and a half) years. It’s a first-cycle programme of study. When I finish
the course, I will get/obtain/receive* a first-cycle qualification of inżynier/a BSc degree.* In
the future, I think I will specialise in ______________.

We have lectures, classes and lab classes from Monday to Friday. Our classes usually start at
_____ and finish at _____. We have some on-line lectures. This semester, the main modules
are _________________. My favourite module is ____________. I like it, because
_____________________. I don’t like ____________ because it
_______________________. ____________ is the most difficult module for me.

I live with my parents in Kielce./I’m renting a flat with my friends in Kielce./I’m renting a
room in Kielce./I’m living in a hall of residence (dormitory, student hostel) at the campus./I
live in _______ and I commute to Kielce every day.*
* – choose one option
Recruitment: Curriculum Vitae

I. Study the information about CVs. Then look at the examples (CV Model 1 & 2) and write
your own curriculum vitae, using the information given in the table below.

Formaty życiorysów pisanych w języku angielskim, jak i w polskim, choć zawierają stałe elementy, różnią się od
siebie poziomem szczegółowości. Dlatego przed napisaniem CV zawsze dobrze jest upewnić się, jaki typ
dokumentu jest preferowany w firmie, w której będzie on składany.
• CV Model 1 jest dość ogólnym rodzajem życiorysu, z wypunktowanymi nagłówkami i treścią wprowadzoną z
hasłami dzielącycmi poszczególne informacje na podsekcje. Nie zawiera na początku ani krótkiego profilu, czyli
ogólnej charakterystyki kandydata, ani nazwy stanowiska, o które kandydat się ubiega. Informacje o
kandydacie są krótkie i konkretne.
• CV Model 2, jest bardziej szczegółowy i zawiera profil kandydata ma początku. Nie zawiera nazwy stanowiska,
o które kandydat się ubiega. Informacje o kandydacie są konkretne i bogate treściowo.


Profile: Profil jest dowolnym elementem. Tworzony jest na bazie równoważników

zdań, nie pełnych zdań. Powinien zawierać te konkretne cechy kandydata, które
mogą być interesujące dla potencjalnego pracodawcy.
Position applied for: Stanowisko, o które się ubiegamy jest dowolnym elementem.
Informację podaje się, gdy kandydat ubiega się o jedno/kilka stanowisk
oferowanych w danym miejscu pracy.
Full name: Dane osobowe to element obowiązkowy (wybieramy jedną z dwóch
Date and place of birth: proponowanych nazw). Dane osobowe powinny zawierać następujące
Address: informacje: pełne imię i nazwisko, datę i miejsce urodzenia uwzględniające
Phone no.: miejscowość i kraj, adres zamieszkania (i korespondencji), numer telefonu oraz
E-mail address: adres mailowy.
Dates: Wykształcenie to element obowiązkowy. Powinien zawierać daty
Institution: rozpoczęcia i ukończenia danej szkoły/uczelni (jeśli kontynuujemy naukę, piszemy
Qualification:/Examinations: np. 2019-present), nazwę szkoły, miejscowość i kraj, stopień naukowy w
przypadku wyższych uczelni oraz informacje o egzaminach ze szkoły średniej.
UWAGA! Najczęściej stosuję się porządek wsteczny – od wykształcenia
zdobywanego obecnie lub zdobytego ostatnio do informacjo o wykształceniu
zdobytym w szkole średniej. NIE COFAMY SIĘ dalej niż do szkoły średniej.
Informacja o kwalifikacjach zdobytych na studiach: BSc/MSc in
(dziedzina); jeśli nie ukończyliśmy danego etapu kształcenia akademickiego,
podajemy kierunek studiów.
Przydatne nazwy: liceum – Secondary School, technikum – Technical
Secondary School, szkoła branżowa – Vocational School, matura – secondary
school final examination, egzamin zawodowy – vocational examination,
technik – technician
Przykład tłumaczenia nazwy polskiego liceum: Żeromski Secondary
School no. 1
Informacja o maturze powinna zawierać nazwę przedmiotu i poziom
zaawansowania, np.: Mathematics (O level, A level)
Dates: Doświadczenie zawodowe to element obowiązkowy (wybieramy jedną
Company/Employer: z dwóch proponowanych nazw). Powinien zawierać daty rozpoczęcia i
Business sector: ukończenia danej pracy (jeśli kontynuujemy pracę, piszemy np. 2019-present),
Job title: nazwę zakładu pracy wraz z miejscowością i krajem, sektor biznesu, w którym
Responsibilities:/Duties: działa firma, stanowisko i nasze obowiązki.
Możemy podać tutaj również informacje o praktykach studenckich/zawodowych.
Informacja o obowiązkach: równoważniki zdań, np.: contact with customers
/keeping contact with customers /kept contact with customers
Dates: Odpowiedzialne funkcje to dowolny element. Podajemy go wtedy, jeśli nie
Institution: mamy absolutnie żadnego doświadczenia zawodowego.
Languages: Umiejętności to element obowiązkowy. Powinien zawierać informację o:
IT skills: znajomości języków obcych z określonym poziomem, programach
Driving licence: komputerowych, które znamy, o kategorii prawa jazdy (driving licence, category
Interpersonal skills: …) oraz o naszych umiejętnościach interpersonalnych oraz innych cechach
Personal qualities: przydatnych w danej pracy
Type: Zainteresowania to element obowiązkowy (wybieramy jedną z dwóch
proponowanych nazw). Powinien zawierać przykłady naszych zainteresowań z
krótką informacja uzupełniającą. UWAGA! Nie podajemy bardzo ogólnych
informacji typu: music, sport.
Referencje to element obowiązkowy (wybieramy jedną z dwóch
proponowanych nazw). Najczęściej podaje się formułę: Available upon
Klauzula o ochronie danych osobowych:
I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the CV to be processed for
the purposes of recruitment under Data Protection Act 1997/Dz. U. (Journal of
Laws) no. ___ item ___.
Data Protection Act to ustawa europejska/można też odnieść się do naszego
dziennika Ustaw. Podaje się zazwyczaj tylko rok, ale można podać też całą datę.

Proszę przygotować CV w przejrzystej formie. Mogą Państwo bazować na swoim dotychczasowym

doświadczeniu, lub wybiec w przyszłość. Nie muszą Państwo podawać prawdziwych danych
osobowych, poza swoim imieniem i nazwiskiem.

Information technology 1
e Information systems colIect, organize. store, processoretrieve and display information in different
formats (text. video, and voice), Information technology alIows very fast. automated
tU manipulation of digital data and their transformation from and to analogue,
Two basic technologies have been responsible for the development of the necessary hardware:
integrated circuits and digital communications, Parallel advances have been made in software,
'< particularly easy-to-use software products to create. maintain, manipulate, and query files and
":u records. Many of these software programs are designed for use both by computer professionals
o and enthusiastic amateurs. Another important factor is the development of computer networks
m (- 6).
[ As technology develops, new modelsand types of computer appear. At the heart of all computers
is the hardware. However. without software. computers are just dumb boxes, unable to perform
any calculations or operations.
Models and types of computer
workstation--' I

Computer hardware
CPU (central proce~ssing 'unit) . printer
keyboard . faser printer . monitor. mouse . RAM(randomaccess memory)
scanner. screen . storagedevices

Many words in the field of IT corne from American English. So you may see the following
British English American English
programme program
analogue analog

The area of IT is developing very quickly; and the language to describe hardware, software and
applications is also evolving at a high speed. As a result new no un + noun combinations often
change to single nouns
noun + noun single noun
lap top laptop
note book notebook
work station workstation

desk top desktop

Label the diagram.


'\ o
[ J fi)
I I z
Combine one word from A and one word ITomB and match it with the appropriate definition (')
inC. <
A B C m
create --... products a monitor will do this on a computer screen
central information this describes the format of O and 1 in which
information is stored
j software \ processing unit these enable a computer to perform word
processing, to create databases, and to manipulate
numerical data

display when two or more components are combined and
then incorporated into a single package
digital ca"
files to make new programs, utilities or documents
expansion network a group of electronic machines connected by cables
J or other means which can exchange information and
share equipment (such as printers and disk drives)
integrated data the principal microchip that the computer is built
computer circuits you plug this into a slot to add features such as
video, sound, modem and networking

Complete each gap in the following text with a phrase from the table above.
1 The computer monitor will so you can see it on screen.
2 Information is stored on a computer as
3 Spreadsheet and graphic software are examples of
4 Digital communications and have allowed developments in
hardware to be made.
5 In order to organise data you should where you can store data.
6 When several computers are linked together you have a
7 The part of the computer which interprets and carries out instructions is the

8 An- can be inserted in your computer to give your computer extra

capabilities. 15
Information technology 2
A network includes:
11 - techniques
e-I I
11 - physical connections
11 - computer programs
... used to link two or more computers.
'< Network users can:
::u 11 - share files,printersand other resources
o 11 - send electronic messages
. - run programs on other computers
o Each network operates according to a set of computer programs called network protocols for
~ computers to talk to one another. Computer networks can now be interconnected efficiently
through gateways. The biggest network is the World Wide Web. It consists of a large number of
(') smaller interconnected networks called internets. These internets may connect tens, hundreds,
< or thousands of computers. They can share information with each other, such as databases of
-I information. The internet allows people all over the world to communicate with each other
1"1'1 effectivelyand inexpensively.

Before a network can operate, it needs physical connectÍonsso that signals can be transmitted.
After the network has been connecte d, it is ready for operatÍon.

Network connections

Network operation

web page . website

A prefix comes at the beginning of a word and usually has a specificmeaning, for example
inter between.

Look at the following prefixes and their use in the above IT words/phrases:

prefix meaning of prefix example of use

inter- between internet, interconnect, interactive, international
intra- within intranet, e.g. company intranet
trans- across transmit, transfer, transaction
co-jcom-jcon- with combine, compatible, connect, configure
up- up (to internet) upload
down- down (from internet) download, downtime, i.e. when the network is down
(not working)

Choose the correct word in each of the following.
1 The speed with which a modem can process data is measured in -'
a) bandwidth b) bits per second (bps) c) signal
2 Cables consisting of several copper wires each with a shield are known as - cables. O
a) twisted pair b) optical fibre c) power cables (')
3 Computers that are connected together within one building form a -' er
a) WAN b) ISP c) LAN -e
4 If you transfer a file from a remote computer to your computer, you -' $I)
a) download b) upload c) run '<
5 To send out information is to -' ."
a) signal b) packet c) transmit o
6 A document containing information and graphics that can be accessed on the internet is m
a) a website b) a web page c) the World Wide Web o
Complete the words in the following sentences by adding the prefix inter-, intra-, trans-, com-, )00
con-, up- or down-. -I
1 Last month computer _time cost the company over ¤lO,OOOin lost production. -I
2 The computers in the production department have now been successfully _connected VI
with those in the planning department.
3 Once you have completed payment details the data will be _mitted via a secure link.
4 We cannot network these computers because the systems are not _patible.
5 Many companies distribute internal documents on their own _net.
6 Once the home page has been completed, we'll be ready to _lo ad the site.
7 Cables are being laid throughout the building as the network requires physical_nections.
8 Using the network he was able to _bine the data from different reports.

Here is a list of instructions for someone wanting to set up a small network. Put the instructions
in the correct order.

a Make wiring and layout plans for your network.

b Hook up the network cables by connecting everything to the hub.
c Check that each computer has an IP address and give it a name.
d If you're installing a small network, twisted pair will be adequate. However, in order to span
greater distances and to minimize magnetic and electrical interference use fibre optic cable.
e Decide on the type of network you want to install. To enable you to transfer large amo unts of
data, choose Fast Ethernet (lOOBaseT).
f Install network adapters in the computers.
g Add an internet gateway to your network to set up a shared internet connection.
h Install driver software for the adapter driver and install client software to share printers and
Check which protocols are installed and add any other protocols you require.
Get the hardware you need: an Ethernet adapter card for each computer that doesn't have an
Ethernet port, a hub if you've got more than two computers, cables and wall jacks.


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