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Eugene Sierra

Discuss the importance of virtue in policing. What are the implications for society if a police officer
did not have virtue as the foundation of their character?

One of the most crucial qualities to possess is virtue, which helps us live up to the ideas we
have been inculcated with since we were little. We acquired it through observation of others,
application in daily life, and dealing with every practice to ensure that we were comfortable with
and accustomed to it.

Honesty, courage, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity, fairness, self-control, and

prudence are all examples of virtues. We can also apply this to policing. As someone who is
dedicated to serving the nation, it is important to be honest, especially when serving justice to
those who need it. We should also be courageous toward others. If a police officer possesses all
these attributes, we may say that they can be trusted without a shadow of a doubt. We should also
be courageous towards others; having compassion for your work to live by rather than just doing it
for the salary itself can do a lot of good; having strong morals; being impartial and just in treatment
and behavior without favoritism or discrimination; and being able to control yourself whenever it is
needed is a huge thing, especially when it comes to being a police officer. If police officers must
deal with these traits, they can all perform their duties well. Every person who is policing can do
their job properly if they have these characteristics. Virtues include things like sincerity, bravery,
empathy, generosity, loyalty, and wisdom. This applies to policing as well. Having strong morals is
also essential, as is the ability to control a situation if the moment calls for it. As someone who is
dedicated to serving the nation, it is important to be honest, especially in serving justice to those
who need it. We should also be courageous toward others. If a police officer possesses all these
attributes, we may state that they can be trusted without a shadow of a doubt. Imagine if someone
who does not have virtue as the foundation of their character, just someone who have typical vices
policing we can see that they can be someone who is coward not to right what is wrong nor to
callout someone who do others wrong, they may be insensible to others, injustice, and vanity.

Temperance, justice, wisdom, fortitude, generosity, and truthfulness can also be

categorized as virtues. If police officers must deal with these traits, they can all perform their duties
well. Since virtues serve as guides for our lives, they enable us to make moral decisions and lead
morally upright lives without strictly adhering to any set of laws.

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