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My response to the blog From A to D

I have recently read the blog from A to D which is about the author interest and opinion about the
Aldub and its fans. I agree with her that the phenomena that Aldub created is huge and it is even
shocking for me that something silly like ALdub and dubsmashing became famous worldwide but people
have different likes and dislike so I don’t really care about it. In her blog the author mentioned how she
lost interest in the Aldub love team, in her blog she mentioned how the show is getting repetitive and
she lost her hype about it and I agree with her because people doesn’t like something that is repetitive
they like and search for new things that can entertain them or something align to what they like.

I also agree with the author that it is impressive that Aldub became famous worldwide for
something that happened by chance, but I disagree with her opinion about the Filipinos having tendency
to become blind believers, yes, it is true that Aldub has many Filipino fans but most of them are just
there because of the trend(or their mother/lola liking the show and influence them), and like she said
Aldub has became famous worldwide not just in the Philippines so it’s not just the Filipinos who became
a blind believer but also the people who became their fans worldwide.

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