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Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. Describe the fandom culture that the AlDub phenomenon has created.

● The fandom culture that Aldub created spread all over the world. It became the topic of discussion for
the citizen and by other celebrities and news station. The Aldub has been considered by their fans as a
phenomenal love team.

2. What do you think was the formula for the popularity of AlDub?

● The formula for their popularity is the new trend that Maine made popular the dubmash that she did
on her videos. Because it is new to the people they became interested.

3. What can be inferred about the traits of 21st century viewers if you are to base it on the fandom of the
AlDub loveteam?

● It can be inferred that the traits of the 21st century viewers can be attracted or be a fan of something
so fast because of the influence of other and because of their curiosity about what is currently popular.
And the viewers of the 21st can become crazy obsess with something or someone that they have the
tendency to become blind believers.

4. What can you observe on the language used by the author of the blog?

● The author use a less formal language in her blog, she also write her blog like she is telling a story how
the fandom start to how it end for her, she also occasionally leaves her own comment base on what is
on her blog.

5. As discussed earlier, in what classification does the blog From A, To D belong?

● The blog From A, to D belong to the category of personal blog, because the blog is about the authors
interest and her opinions.

6. Were the opinions of the author logical and reasonable? Explain your answer.

● Yes, Although I’m not a fan of Aldub for me it is logical and reasonable although because for me the
popularity is overrated, Their fans are like believers who worship them and as time pass their
broadcasting station tried to make them more and more popular which cause the repetitiveness and
other boring concepts of their show which resulted to its downfall.

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