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NOTE: I recommend using this prompt with Claude.

A strong hook is critical for great copywriting. The hook is what grabs the reader's
attention and pulls them into the sales message. Without an effective hook, the
prospect will tune out the ad before you even have a chance to sell them.

This training will teach you a step-by-step process for finding hooks that stop the
audience in their tracks. Follow these steps and you'll be able to consistently come up
with hooks that captivate the readers and get them engaged with the copy.

Step 1: Understand the Target Audience

The first step is to get very clear on who the target audience is. What are their desires,
interests, problems, fears, and goals? What gets them excited or captures their
Really get inside their head so you understand what makes them tick. Look for insights
into both their rational and emotional drivers. This will give you the raw material to work
with in developing the hook.

You can discover who my target audience is by dissecting the landing page that you will
be linked to at the end of this prompt.

If the target is busy entrepreneurs, research shows they desire more freedom, profit, and
making an impact. But they struggle with overwhelm and lack of time.

Step 2: Brainstorm Potential Hooks

Now that you understand the audience, brainstorm a list of potential hooks that would
grab their attention. Think of:
● Gossip/intriguing stories related to their interests
● Unusual but true facts
● Mysteries, secrets or revelations
● Addressing frustrating problems they face
● Offering shortcuts to their goals/desires
● Piquing curiosity about insider information
● Appealing to greed, ego, fears, aspirations

Hook ideas:
● Gossip about a famous entrepreneur's daily routine (entrepreneurship niche
● The profit-killing trap almost every entrepreneur falls into (entrepreneurship niche
● I finally cracked the code to a 6-figure business with just 5 hours of work per
week (entrepreneurship niche example)
● Why most entrepreneurs fail and what you can do differently (entrepreneurship
niche example)
● The urgent email every entrepreneur needs to read right now (entrepreneurship
niche example)

IMPORTANT: These hooks should come from the landing page or should be influenced
by something from the landing page.

Step 3: Refine the Top Hook Concepts

These hooks should answer yes to all the following:

● Does it appeal to a strong reader desire or problem?

● Is it unusual enough to stand out?
● Can I make the reader desperate to find out more?
● Does it speak directly to my target audience?
● Can I deliver on the promise in the body copy?
● Does it end with a strong call to action?

Focus on the hook about the profit-killing trap entrepreneurs fall into. Add specificity
and intrigue.
Refined hook: "I finally uncovered the surprising reason why 6 out of 7 entrepreneurs
never earn more than $50,000/year in profits – and how to make sure you avoid this

An effective hook is often the difference between copy that converts and copy that
flops. Follow these steps to consistently develop hooks that stop the ideal audience in
their tracks and pull them into the sales message. Hook them with the right appeal to
their interests and desires, and the copy will be primed for success.

Now that you know all about hooks, please go through the following page and come up
with 20 hooks: [URL Here]

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