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Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of English

Reg. Number: 2011070004



“The Use of Kahoot Application to Improve Descriptive Text Writing Ability of
2nd Grade Students’ of SMPK Giovani Kupang”
A Thesis
Vivi A. Wenyi

Board of Supervisors

First Supervisor, Second Supervisor,

Prof. Drs. Tans Feliks, M.ED., Ph.D Drs. Johnson W.Haan, MA., Ph.D
NIP. 19630711 198803 1 003 NIP. 19630222 198803 1 002

Kupang, November 18th 2022

Head of Graduate English Study Vice Dean of Academic and

Program Student Affairs

Drs. Johnson W.Haan, MA., Ph.D Dr. Moses Kopong Tokan, M.Si
NIP. 19630222 198803 1 002 NIP. 19631231 199203 1 202


Herewith, I, Vivi Ardiani Wenyi, state that:

1. This thesis is my work on the research done by the researcher myself, and it
has not been published by any person to get an academic title at any university.
2. The quotation of others’ work in this thesis has met the usual standard of
normal quotation, which means the writer gives credit to those quoted in this
3. I will not mind if this thesis is published by the University of Nusa Cendana
Kupang either partially or fully for scientific or non-commercial purposes.
4. My master’s certificate and academic title will be taken back if this thesis is a
part of plagiarism.

Kupang, November 2022

The Author,

Vivi Ardiani Wenyi

Student ID: 2011070004


“There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope

will not be cut off”.

(PROVERBS 23: 18)


First of all, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Almighty God for His

grace and blessing in finishing this writing. In this occasion, the writer realizes that

this writing would not be accomplished without a lot of contribution from some

people. Therefore, she would like to express her deepest appreciation to the following


1. Prof. Feliks Tans, M.Ed., Ph. D., and Drs. John Wem Haan, MA, Ph.D, as her

first and second supervisor for their guidance, advice, suggestions, and

comments during the process of completing this writing.

2. Drs. John Wem Haan, MA, Ph.D., as her academic supervisor and also the

head of English Study Program, who has supported her in all her academic


3. The lectures of English Graduate Study Program who have enriched her

English knowledge and skills.

4. Her beloved parents, Pieter Wenji and Mariam Hasan, for their prayer, love,

sacrifices, supports, and advices.

5. Her dearest sisters and brothers, Din, Tina, Saul and Aulia for cheering her up


6. Her beloved person, David Alexander Jacob, ST.

7. Her all friends Hamidah, Efrand, Putra, Yanti, John, Awad AlKatiri, Koko,

Nia, Mila, Gege, Tya, Ecy, dan Putri..

8. All the people who have helped the writer during the process of conducting

this research whose names are not mentioned here.

The writer realizes that this writing still has many weaknesses and needs to be

improved. Hence, criticisms and suggestions would be appreciated to make it better.

Finally, the writer expects that this writing can give some advantages to all its readers.

Kupang, November 2022

The Author,

Vivi Ardiani Wenyi

Student ID: 2011070004


This thesis is dedicated to:

1. The writers’ parents: AKBP. Purn. Pieter Wenji and Mariam Hasan

2. The writers’ dearest sisters and brothers: Din, Lina, Tina, Saul, and Aulia

3. The writers’ dearest niece and nephew: Sammy and Michelle

4. The writer’s beloved almamater, Graduate Program of Nusa Cendana


REG NO: 2011070004
Vivi Ardiani Wenyi, 2022. This thesis is entitled "The Use of "Kahoot
Application" to Improve Descriptive Text Writing Ability of 2nd Grade
Students of Giovani Junior High School". Descriptive text is one of the available
texts which is difficult enough to be learned by the students in English Lesson. In
writing descriptive text, students often find some difficulties. Students usually feel
difficult to organize their ideas. Furthermore, many students made mistakes and
faced difficulties in building and developing their imaginations. Therefore, Kahoot
application as a teaching media to assist students in improving their ability to write a
descriptive text. The main objectives of this study were; 1) to find out the
improvement of students' writing ability of Descriptive Text of 2nd Grade Students
of SMPK Geovani Kupang by using the Kahoot application. 2) To determine the
strengths and the weaknesses in students' descriptive text writing of 2nd Grade
Students of SMPK Geovani Kupang. 3) To find out specific procedures of Kahoot
application to improve descriptive text writing ability of 2nd Grade Students of
SMPK Geovani Kupang. This research used qualitative and quantitative descriptive
methods with a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design. The participants in this
study were second-grade students of Giovani Junior High School. The writer used
the instrument for this research's data source, which were pretest and posttest done
by the students. The data were analyzed and tabulated, then studied based on the
average score that the students received and also their writing abilities in writing
descriptive text. The findings show that 1) there are improvements in students
writing ability, with the t-test results showing the value sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, means
that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest results. 2) Based
on the pretest, there are ten students with a poor level of ability, 11 students with a
good level of ability, and two students with an excellent level of ability. At the same
time, in the posttest, there are three students with an excellent level of ability, 13
students with a very good level of ability, three students with a fair level of ability,
and three students with a good level of ability.

Key Words: Descriptive text, Kahoot Application, Writing Ability, Quasi


REG NO: 2011070004
Vivi Ardiani Wenyi, 2022. Skripsi ini berjudul “Penggunaan “Aplikasi Kahoot”
Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Deskriptif Siswa Kelas 2 SMP
Giovani”. Teks deskripsi merupakan salah satu teks fungsional yang cukup sulit
dipelajari oleh siswa dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Dalam menulis teks deskriptif,
siswa sering menemukan beberapa kesulitan. Siswa biasanya merasa sulit untuk
mengatur ide-ide mereka. Selain itu, banyak siswa yang melakukan kesalahan dan
mengalami kesulitan untuk membangun dan mengembangkan imajinasinya. Oleh
karena itu, aplikasi Kahoot sebagai media pembelajaran untuk membantu siswa
dalam meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Tujuan utama
dari penelitian ini adalah; 1) untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan menulis
teks deskriptif siswa kelas 2 SMPK Geovani Kupang dengan menggunakan aplikasi
Kahoot. 2) Untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam menulis teks
deskriptif siswa kelas 2 SMPK Geovani Kupang. 3) Untuk mengetahui prosedur
khusus penerapan Kahoot untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks deskriptif
siswa kelas 2 SMPK Geovani Kupang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif
kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan desain quasi eksperimen pretest posttest design.
Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua SMP Giovani. Penulis
menggunakan instrumen sebagai sumber data penelitian ini yaitu pre-test dan post-
test yang dilakukan oleh siswa. Data dianalisis dan ditabulasi, kemudian dianalisis
berdasarkan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa serta kemampuan menulis siswa
dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) terdapat
peningkatan kemampuan menulis siswa dengan hasil uji-t menunjukkan nilai sig. (2-
tailed) < 0,05 artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil pre-test dan
post-test. 2) Berdasarkan pretest terdapat 10 siswa dengan tingkat kemampuan
kurang, 11 siswa dengan tingkat kemampuan baik dan 2 siswa dengan tingkat
kemampuan sangat baik sedangkan pada post-test terdapat 3 siswa dengan tingkat
kemampuan sangat baik, 13 siswa dengan sangat baik. tingkat kemampuan baik, 3
siswa dengan tingkat kemampuan sedang dan 3 siswa dengan tingkat kemampuan

Kata Kunci: Teks Deskriptif, Aplikasi Kahoot, Kemampuan Menulis, Quasi


Table of Contents
APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….ii



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. v
DEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)……………………………………………………………………………………………………….viii

ABSTRACT (BAHASA INDONESIA)………………………………………………………………………………………ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………x

CHAPTER I.................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Problem Statement and Background .......................................................................... 1
1.2 Action Hypothesis ....................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Research Problems...................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Research Objective ....................................................................................................5
1.5 Significance of Writing ...............................................................................................5
1.6 Definition of Terms ....................................................................................................6
1.7 Organization of Writing..............................................................................................6
CHAPTER II .................................................................................................................................. 8
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Definition of Writing ................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Types of Writing .......................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Teaching and Learning of Writing in Junior High School .......................................... 10
2.4 The Concepts of Instructional Media ........................................................................ 15
2.5 Concepts of Kahoot Application................................................................................ 17
2.6 Previous Studies ........................................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................... 25
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Place and Time of the Study ..................................................................................... 25
3.2 Research Method ...................................................................................................... 25

3.3 Data Source ............................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Research Design ........................................................................................................ 27
3.4 Instrument of the Research ...................................................................................... 27
3.5 Technique of Data analysis ....................................................................................... 33
3.6 Time Schedule ........................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER IV ............................................................................................................................... 35
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................... 35
4.1 Finding Students’ Descriptive Writing Scores .............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1.1 The Students’ Score in Pre-Test ............................................................................ 35
4.1.2 The Students’ Score in Post-Test .......................................................................... 37
4.1.3 The Calculating Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test ................................................. 40
4.1.4 The Score of Student’s Ability in Writing Descriptive Text ................................... 41
4.2 Discussion.................................................................................................................. 46
4.2.1 Students’ Strengths in Descriptive Writing. .......................................................... 47 Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Content Component ......... 49 Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Organization Component . 51 Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Vocabulary Component .... 53 Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Language Use Component 55
4.2.2 Students’ Weaknesses in Descriptive Writing. ..................................................... 58 Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Content Component......... 59 Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Organization Component . 60 Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Vocabulary Component.... 62 Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Languange use Component
63 Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Mechanics Component .... 64
4.2.3 The Specific Procedures of Kahoot Application in Improving Student’s Writing
Ability. 65 The Early Stage of Using Kahoot Application ........................................................ 66 Specific Procedures of Kahoot for Teachers ......................................................... 73 Procedures of Kahoot for Students....................................................................... 83
CHAPTER V ................................................................................................................................ 87
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................................................ 87
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 87

5.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................................... 88
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 90



1.1 Problem Statement and Background

English as one of the subjects in schools has an important role because

English is an international language which is widely used in communication by

people in most countries in the world. Furthermore, English is often used in

writing science books, journals, or articles about knowledge and technology.

Therefore, in order to able to develop science, knowledge, and technology, and to

communicate with people from other countries, English is taught in Indonesia as a

foreign language from junior high schools until universities. However, students

feel difficult in writing descriptive text. This is also stated by Ni’mah (2016) who

was intended to know students’ ability in writing a descriptive text in the eighth

grade at MTsN Bandung in the academic year of2015/2016. The result of the

research showed that the mean score of the students’ mean score in writing

descriptive text is 54. In this case, none has conducted research to improve

descriptive text writing ability of 2nd grade students of SMPK Giovani Kupang.

Hopefully, this research can improve students’ descriptive writing ability. The

writer chooses SMPK Geovani because based on the interview with the teacher in

2ndgrade who is the writer’s niece, the students have problem in writing especially

in descriptive text. The students are lack of proficiency in writing, lack of

knowledge relating to the subject contents, and lack of interest in learning

English. The students have handbook but seem do not interested with the material.

In the second year of junior high school, the basic competency that should be

achieved in writing English subject is that students can develop and produce

written simple, functional text in descriptive text, recount text, and narrative text.

Descriptive text is one of the functional texts which is difficult enough to be

learned by the students. Descriptive text is a text that describes the features of

someone, something, or a particular place. Warriner (1982:4) also states that a

descriptive paragraph gives a picture in words that appeal directly to the sense

(sight, sound, smell, touch, taste). The descriptive text consists of an introduction

and description. The introduction is a part of the paragraph that introduces the

character, and the description is part of a paragraph that describes the character. In

writing descriptive text, students often find some difficulties. Students usually feel

difficult to organize their ideas. Furthermore, many students made mistakes and

faced difficulties in building and developing their imaginations.

Based on the statement above, teachers must be able to organize learning and

teaching activities. They must master the materials, methods, and techniques or

strategies to make the students understand and apply descriptive writing matters in

practice. A suitable way can help the students comprehend and master the lesson.

One of the teaching failures is caused by an unsuitable method or technique in the

teaching-learning process. There are a lot of methods and techniques to get

English teaching effectively.

Several months ago, several regions decided to close schools to prevent the

spread of the corona virus. For students to continue studying at home, the

Ministry of education and culture develops distance learning applications based

on portals and android.

Some excellent features can be accessed by teachers and students, such as

learning resources, digital classes, and virtual laboratories. However, how a

teacher presents material is not always interesting for the students. Most teachers

deliver materials similar to presentations and only give tasks. Murray, Yang, and

Allen (2002:10) state that the inclusion of technology in the learning process has

dramatically created new opportunities for students to embrace reading or writing

and collaboration as a means of self-expression. In short, by changing how

information is presented, technology is influencing how students read, write, and


Based on the situation, the researcher thinks it is important to find ways to

overcome the problem. One of the ways to solve the problem is by proposing a

teaching model that is suitable, effective, easy, exciting, and helpful to the

students. One of the ways is to use the Kahoot application. The researcher hopes

to use this method. Students can make it easier to write what they should write in

descriptive text. This method is expected can help the students to make a

descriptive text.

In this case, the writer focuses on students’ descriptive text writing ability and

will use the Kahoot application as teaching media to improve students’ descriptive

text writing ability. According to Damara (2016:5), the Kahoot application is an

online learning platform that allows teachers to set up fun web learning for

students. The writer chooses the Kahoot application because it has room for

discussion, quizzes, and surveys. Kahoot in this study utilizes discussion and quiz.

Based on the situation above, the writes will conduct the research und the tittle

“The Use of Kahoot Application to Improve Descriptive Text Writing Ability

of 2nd Grade Students” of SMPK Giovani Kupang”

1.2 Action Hypothesis

Based on theories, the writer makes hypothesis can be described below:

H0: There is no improvement in students’ writing ability in a descriptive text

through Kahoot Application.

H1: There is an improvement in students’ writing ability in the descriptive text

through Kahoot Application.

1.3 Research Problems

Based on the problem statement and background above, this study focuses on

the use of Kahoot application to improve the descriptive text writing ability of

2nd-grade students :

1. To what extent does the Kahoot application improve descriptive text writing

ability of 2nd Grade Students of SMPK Giovani Kupang?

2. What are the strengths and the weaknesses in students’ descriptive text

writing of 2nd Grade Students of SMPK Giovani Kupang?

3. What are specific procedures of Kahoot application to improve students’

descriptive text writing ability of 2nd Grade Students of SMPK Giovani


1.4 Research Objectives

Referring to the background and the problems, aims of the study are to know


1. To find out improvement of students’ writing ability of Descriptive Text of 2 nd

Grade Students of SMPK Giovani Kupang by using Kahoot application

2. To find out the strengths and the weaknesses in students’ descriptive text

writing of 2nd Grade Students of SMPK Giovani Kupang.

3. To find out specific procedures of Kahoot application to improve descriptive

text writing ability of 2nd Grade Students of SMPK Giovani Kupang.

1.5 Significance of Writing

This research is expected to contribute to the teaching and learning process of

English for practical benefits:

1. For students

Using Kahoot as the research media would motivate increasing skill writing

and make the subject matter more meaningful to students, which is expected

to improve the quality of education itself.

2. For teacher

It allows teachers to implement learning and could achieve a higher quality

learning process interesting because it can stimulate students to learn

independently and interactively and will be used as more references to

improving students’ skill in reading ability.

3. For school

The results of this study will expect to contribute positively as a learning

resource for students and also as references

1.6 Definition of Terms

There are several definitions that related to this research, such as:

1. Kahoot Application

According to Damara (2016:5), Kahoot application is an online learning

platform that allows teacher to set up fun web learning for students.

2. Descriptive text

According to Wilbur (1966:45), he states that descriptive writing is to create a

clear picture or impression of person, place or object. Similarly, White (1986)

also states that descriptive text is drawing in words.

3. Writing

According to Dewi (2003:2), writing is the expression of language in forms of

letters, symbols or words. At the most basic level, writing is physically act of

committing words or ideas to some medium.

1.7 Organization of Writing

In this research there will be five chapter they are as follows; there are 6 sub-

chapter in chapter 1, they are problem statement and background, research

problemresearch ,objective, significance of writing, definition of terms. There are

6 sub-chapter in chapter 2. They are definition of writing, types of writing,

teaching and learning of writing in junior high school, concepts of Kahoot

application, and previous studies. There are 4 sub-chapter in chapter 3. They are

research design, procedure of design, techniques of data collection, and techniques

of data analysis. There are 2 sub-chapter in chapter 4, they are findings and

discussion. There are 2 sub-chapter in chapter 5, they are conclusion and




2.1 Definition of Writing

In learning English, four skills should be mastered: listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Writing the four skills, writing writings is a difficult skill to

learn. This opinion is supported by Jack and Willy (2002: 303); writing is difficult

for second-language learners to master. The difficulty is in generating and

organizing ideas and translating an idea into readable text. Similarly, According

to Dewi (2003:2), writing is the expression of language in forms of letters,

symbols or words. At the most basic level, writing is physically act of committing

words or ideas to some medium.

The definitions of writing are variously stated by some experts. According to

Nunan (2003: 88), writing is conveying information or expression of original

ideas in consecutive way in the new language. Brown (2000:388) states that

writing is a thinking process. Furthermore, he states that writing can be planned

and given with unlimited number of reversions before its release. Similarly to

Brown, according to Marianne (1991: 233), writing is the ability to express one’s

ideas in written form is a second or foreign language. It means that writing is an

activity to express our ideas in written form.

From the ideas above, the writer conclude that writing is more than a medium

communication. It is a way of remembering and a way of thinking. Because of

that, writing is not easy. In this case the writer will use Kahoot application as a

media to help the students to learn about writing text.

2.2 Types of Writing

There are several types of writing text; they are interpersonal text,

transactional text, short functional text, and long functional text.

1. Interpersonal text

Interpersonal text established or maintained social relationships, such as

personal interviews or casual conversation role plays. (Eggins and Slade

(1997: 10).

2. Transactional text

Whereas interactional language is language for maintaining social

relationships, transactional conversation is message-oriented. “Transactional

uses of language are those in which language is being used primarily for

communicating information.” (Richards, 1990: 54). Accurate and coherent

communication of the message, confirmation that it has been understood,

explicitness and directness of meaning are essential. Transactional

conversations are interactions which have an outcome, for example; ordering

or commanding, requesting, promising, threating, warning, complaining.

3. Short functional text

Anderson and Anderson (1997:3) state that short functional text is used for

everyday information. It presents information or idea and aims to show, to

tell, or to persuade the reader.

4. Long functional text

According to Laila (2013), long functional textsare so called due not only to

the length in the writing, but also the process of the interpreting which

requires specific recognition of their structures and situation. A text will be

meaningless if it is taken apart from its structure and situation. Long

functional textsare also classified on the basis of the intention of the

communicator. Based on its communicative purposes, text varies in the

course of its function, generic structure, language feature, and vocabularies.

To communicate purpose, ones may construct texts in specific structures and

use certain linguistic features in conjunction with particular vocabularies.

There are 13 types of long functional text, such as; Narrative, Recount,

Descriptive, Procedure, Report, Anecdote, Hortatory, Spoof, Explanation,

Discussion, News Item text, Review, and Analytical Exposition text.

Based on the explanation above, the writer will used long functional text

which is only focusing on descriptive text.

2.3 Teaching and Learning of Writing in Junior High School

Writing skill is the one of the skills in learning English. Through writing

activity, the students can develop their thinking, knowledge, and their ability in

English such as grammar and vocabulary (Jayanti, 2019). Writing can be the last

phase in learning English as montioned by Hamp and Heasly, (2006: 2),

“Competent writing is frequentlyaccepted as being the last language skill to be

acquired for native speakers of the language as well as forforeign/second language

learners.”. Based on the curriculum, there are some types of writing texts which

have to be taught in junior high school, they are procedure, narrative, recount, and


1. Procedure Text

According to Mark and Khaty (1998:23), procedure text is a text that tells

the reader or listener how to do something. Its purpose is to provide instruction

for making something, doing something. For example; recipies, instruction,

and manual.

Generic structure of procedure:

1. Title; showing the purpose

2. Material: telling the need material

3. Step 1 – end: describing the steps to achieve the purpose

4. Recount text

According to Mark and Khaty (1998:24), recount text is a piece of text that

retell past event, usually in the order which they happened. The aim of recount

text is to give audincea description of what or when it occurred. Some examples

of recount text are; newspaper, report, and interview.

Generic structures of recount text are;

1. Orientation: introducing participants, place, and time

2. Events: describing series of events that happened in the past

2. Narrative Text

According to Mark and Khaty (1998:25), narrative text is a text that tells a

story of one character or more who tale certain situation. The aim of narrative text

is to present a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or listener.

There are several types of narrative text, they are humor, romance, crime,

mystery, and fantasy. Generic structure of narrative text:

1. Orientation: introducing the participant, place and time

2. Complication: describing the rising crises which the participants have to do

3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises.

3. Descriptive text

According to Wilbur (1966:45), he states that descriptive writing is to create a

clear picture or impression of person, place or object. Similarly, White (1986) also

states that descriptive text is drawing in words.

Descriptive text is also a text which describes something that appeal directly to

the sense like Warriner (1982:4) said that descriptive paragraph is giving a picture

in words that appeal directly to the sense (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste). He

states a descriptive paragraph is normally full of vivid verbs and precise


Based on the opinions above, the writer conclude that descriptive text is a

monologue text that help the readers to visualize a person, place, and object.

The generic structure of descriptive text:

According to Laila (2013), there are two parts of descriptive text. They are as


Text Elements Content

Identification An introduction to the objects/things described

which includes who or what, when, where.

Description A description of an object. For example, the

color, the size, the smell, the taste, etc.

For persons: what they look like, what they do,

how they act, what they like or dislike, what

makes them special.

For something: how it looks, sounds, feels,

smells or tastes, where it is seen or found, what it

does, how it is used, what makes it special.

According to Lestari (2018:21), there are three types of descriptive text

namely describing people, describing places, describing things. They are as

follows: 1. Description of a people

1. Description of a People

People are different, and writing description of people is different. You are

probably already aware of some of the complications because you have often been

asked, “What’s so-and-like?” In replying you might resort to identification, an

impression, or a character sketch, depending on the situation.

a. Identification

Although you might provide identification, you would probably want to go further

than that. Used mainly in official records and documents, identification consists

only of certain statistical information (height, weight, age), visible characteristics

(color of hair, skin, and eyes), and recognizable marks (scars, birthmark).

b. Impression

Unlike the identification, the impression may not identify a person, but it does

convey an overall idea of him or her. Many details may be missing, yet the writer

does provide in a few broad strokes a general feeling about the subject. Although

impression is usually less complete and informative than identification, it may be

more effective in capturing an individual’s striking or distinctive traits.

c. Character Sketch

More complete descriptions of people are usually called character sketch; they

may be also referred to as profiles, literary portraits, and biographical sketches. As

its name indicates, a character sketch delineates the character of a person, or at

least his or her main personality traits. In the process, it may include identification

and an impression, but it will do more than tell what people look or seem like: it

will show what they are like. A character sketch may be about a type rather than

an individual, revealing the characteristics common to the members of a group,

such as campus jocks, cheerleaders, art students, religious fanatics, television


2. Description of a Place

In describing the place for example, a room, what should you describe

first? The walls? The floor? Unlike a chronologically developed paragraph, there

is no set pattern for arranging sentences in descriptive paragraph. It is not

necessary to begin with one area and then proceed to another one. Nevertheless,

the sentences should not be randomly arranged. The description must be

organized so that the reader can vividly imagine the scene being described. To

make the paragraph more interesting, you can add a controlling idea that states an

attitude or impression about the place being described. And the arrangement of the

details in your description depends on your subject and purpose.

3. Description of a Things

To describe the thing the writer must have a good imagination about that

thing that will be describe. Besides, to make our subjects as interesting and as

vivid to our readers as they are to us: using proper nouns and effective verbs.

a. Using Proper Noun In addition to filling our descriptive writing with concrete

details and figures of speech, we might also want to include a number of

proper nouns, which, as we know, are the names of particular persons, places,

and things. For example: Arizona, University of Tennessee. Including proper

nouns that readers recognize easily can make what we are describing more

familiar to them.

b. Using Effective Verb to know how important verbs are to narration, but

effective verbs can also add much to a piece of description. Writers use verbs

to make descriptions more specific, accurate, and interesting. For instance,”

the wind had chiseled deep grooves into the sides of the cliffs” is more

specific than “the wind had made deep grooves.” The verb chiseled also gives

the reader a more accurate picture of the wind’s action than made does.

2.4 The Concepts of Instructional Media

There are several of definitions of media. Gagne (1970:30) defines that media

are various components in learners‟ environment which support the learners learn.

In addition, Murcia (2001:461) states that media are tools or physical things used

by the teacher to motivate the students by bringing a slice of real life into the

classroom and by presenting language in its more complete communication


Another definition comes from Azikiwe (2007:10), instructional media cover

whatever the teacher uses to involve all the five senses of sight, hearing, touch,

smell and taste while presenting his/her lessons. In a similar, vein Adegun

(1997:2) states instructional media are things which are intended to help the

teacher to teach more effectively and enable the students to learn more readily.

Instructional media are information carriers designed specifically to fulfill

objectives in a teaching-learning situation.

According to Morris (1962:5) the function of technological media is to

supplement the teacher through enhancing his effectiveness in the classroom.

Educational media are both tools for teaching and avenues for learning, and their

function is to serve these two processes by enhancing clarity in communication,

diversity in method, and force fullness in appeal. Except for the teacher, these

media will determine more than anything else the quality for educational effort.

On the other side, Seth (2000:12) defines that the instructional media refer to

devices and materials employed in teaching and learning. It includes hardware

like blackboard, radio, television, tape recorders, video tapes and recorders and

projects; and software like transparences, films, slides, and teachers made-

diagrams, real objects, cartoons, models, maps and photograph. In similar as Seth,

Ahmad Rohani (1997:6) states that instructional media encompasses all the

materials and physical means an instructor might use to implement instructional

objectives. This may include traditional materials such as chalkboard, handouts,

charts, slides, overheads, real objects, and video tape or film, as well newer

materials and methods such as computers, DVD, CDROM, the internet, and

interactive video conferencing.

Based on the definitions above, the researcher can conclude that instructional

media is teaching aids that can be used to stimulate the mind, feelings, attention

and skills or skills of learners to encourage the learning process. It must contain

such collection of materials or tools and equipment that can be used effectively for

transferring, conveying and learning information. In this case, the researcher will

use Kahoot application as digital instructional media because it has the entire

attribute that mention above.

2.5 Concepts of Kahoot Application

1. Definition

Kahoot is an education-based interactive game in which there are several

icons to be developed. One of them is the icon quiz where users can create quizzes

using Kahoot for a study so that learning becomes interesting and not boring.

"Kahoot" It is an educational website that was originally initiated by Johan Brad,

Jamie Brooker, and Morten Versvik in a joint project with the Norwegian

University of Science and Technology in March 2013. In September 2013

"Kahoot!" Opened to the public. "Kahoot!" Has two different website addresses is for teachers and for learners. "Kahoot!" It

can be accessed and used free of charge, including all the features that exist in it.

Kahoot has the features that help the students to creat fun learning in the class.

One of the features is Quiz, from the feature the teacher can create “game” in the

class and every student will get the point for those who give the correct answer

(Sartika & Octafianti, 2019). Kahoot application could be an effective learning

tool to make an interseting class, there are some reserachers that have been

discussed regarding the effective kahoot application to be implemented in the

class such as Fadillah et. al. (2022); Daryanes & Ririen (2020); Wijyanti &

Zainuddin (2019).

2. Procedure of Using Kahoot

Kahoot with its fun learning can be an intermediary for students and teachers

in evaluating learning. Kahoot can be used for pretest posttest and even daily test

(Alfansyur & Mariyani, 2019). By using the Kahoot application, it is hoped that in

the learning evaluation process it can maintain students' continuous motivation in

learning, thus it can create a learning atmosphere that is more interesting, fun, and

not boring. Using the Kahoot game increases students' interest and motivation in

learning, making it easier for students to understand the material provided by the

teacher (Hartanti, 2019). There are several steps to use Kahoot, they are as follows:

1. Step 1: create new account

Register for a new account at

Please choose a category according to your needs. For example, choose as a

teacher. After click on that category, there will be an option to register via


2. Steps 2: create course

After registration is complete, you will see the page below;

Then, click on create

Then click course, fill the title and description, and then create

Then click add Kahoot

Then, click on create

After that, create your own exercise and click save. And you are ready to

start the class.

2.6 Previous Studies

To develop the fundamental analysis, the researcher presented the previous

studies dealing with the topic, they are as follows:

The first is the study entitled “Go Kahoot!” Enriching Classroom

Engagement, Motivation, and Learning Experience with Games by Sherlock A.

Licorish, Jade Li George, Helen. E. Owen & Ben in the year 2017. This study

conducted in an Information System Strategy and Governance course at a

research-intensive teaching university in New Zealand. The purpose of this study

is to examine the efficacy of ‘Kahoot!’ in engaging students in the classroom

during lectures. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research to describe

the use of ‘Kahoot’ during the class.

The second one is Nunung Susilo Putri (2019) in her researched “Kahoot

Application in English Language Teaching (ELT) Context: An Alternative

Learning Strategy”. The results showed that after using Kahoot in the learning

process, students were very interested in taking classes, students were more

concerned and interested in learning English.

The third study is Budiati (2017) in her researched “ICT (Information

Communication and Technology) Use: Kahoot Program for English Students’

Learning Booster”. The purpose of this research is to find out whether using

Kahoot, The student's English learning booster program with a total of 39

participants in the English course for the first semester students of the nursing

program. The results showed that Kahoot succeeded in attracting students'

attention in learning English.

The fourth study is Kathryn E. Ciaramella (2017) in her researched “The

Effect of Kahoot! On Vocabullary Acquisition and Retention of Students with

Learning Disabilities and Other Health Impairments”. The purpose of this study

was to evaluate the effectiveness of using Kahoot on vocabulary mastery and

retention of sixth graders with learning disabilities and other health disorders. The

participants were seven students selected with learning disabilities or other health

disorders according to their individual educational plans. The results of this study

indicate that Kahoot! Applications have a positive effect and help improve

students' vocabulary mastery.

Based on the researches above, the writer knows that using Kahoot can

make students are excited in joining the class, students are attentive and interested

in learning about English. Kahoot is successful in capturing student’s attention in

learning English. Kahoot application had a positive effect and help to increase

students' English mastery. Kahoot greatly helps students to study with excited

and fun.



3.1 Place and Time of the Study

The writer did the research at Giovani Junior High School. The

location A. Yani St. No.48, Fatubesi, Kota Lama District, Kupang

Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The writer did the research from July to

August in academic year 2021/2022.

3.2 Research Method

In this research, the writer used qualitative and quantitative

descriptive method with a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design.

According to Starton (2019: 573), Pretest and posttest design is a form of

quasi-experimental research that allows for an uncomplicated assessment

of an intervention applied to a group of study participants, an advantage of

a pretest and posttest study design is that there is a directionality of the

research, meaning there is the testing of a dependent variable (knowledge

or attitude) before and after intervention with an independent variable

(training or an information presentation session). This research used

descriptive explorative means there will be descriptive qualitative and


3.3 Data Source

The writer used the instrument as the data source of this research

which was pre-test and post-test done by the students. Before gathering

the data, the writer planned to do the meeting three times in two weeks

in the class. The researcher taught descriptive text material to the

students. For the class treatment, after the pre-test was done manually,

the researcher used the Kahoot application that helped the students do

an online post-test. Kahoot application was used to measure the

student's ability to write descriptive text if the test was done through

online learning media. There were some steps in collecting the data

source in this research:

- The writer gave the teaching material about the descriptive text and

taught the students in the class before conducting pre-test and post-test.

- After that, the writer asked the students to describe an object by

showing them a picture. The pre-test was done by the students in paper

worksheets. In the pre-test, the students were asked to write down a

descriptive text about “Jungkook” (A South Korean Singer), the given

time was about 30 minutes, and then after that, the writer collected the


- In the next meeting, the writer gave the students an explanation about

the Kahoot Application and its use of the application. Then the

students created an account for each of them.

- After creating the Kahoot account, the writer asked the students to log

in into their accounts, and to do the post-test. In post-test, the writer

asked the students to describe about Tablolong Beach through Kahoot

Application in 30 minutes then the writer collected the data from the


3.3 Research Design

The research method used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-

test-post-test design. This study aimed to determine the effect of an action

on the experimental group that received the intervention. The advantage of

this research design is that it provides a measure of comparison between

the first test (pre-test) and the last test (post-test) to the researcher. The

experimental group had the treatment using the Kahoot Application as a

learning tool, which helped them do the pre-test and post-test online.

Table 3.1. Design of the reserach

O1 X O2

O1 = First Test (pre-test) for class of experiment.

O2 = Last test (post-test) for class of experiment.

X = treament given to experimental group

3.4 Instrument of the Research

To quantify the data of quantitative and to quantify the research

variable, the writer needs a tool which is called an instrument. The

question of the research will be answered by the data collected. The writer

did a test of writing as an instrument which would be done in writing text

in the pre-test with the paper-based and in writing online by using Kahoot

Apps for the students in the post-test.

The researcher will utilize the scoring of analytical to evaluate

students’ writing in descriptive text. Five parts of writing will be assessed

in the scoring of analytical. They are Content, Organization, Vocabulary,

Language Use, and Mechanics, as cited in Sara Chusing Weigle (Sara,


Table 3.2.

Analytical Scoring in Student’s Writing Adopted from Weigle

Writing Component Range Characteristics

27 up
Content to 30 excellent-verygood: acquainted with

information, substantive, thoroughgoing

development of thesis, relevant to the topic

22 up
to 26 good-average: some knowledge of subject,

adequate range, limited knowledge of thesis,

mostly relevant to the topic but deficiency


up fair-poor: limited knowledge of subject, little
21 substance, insufficient for developing the


13 verypoor: does not show knowledge of

to subject, non-substantive, not relevant, or not
enough to evaluate

Organization 18 excellent-verygood: fluent expression, ideas

to clearly stated/supported, concise, well-
organized, logical sequencing, cohesive

14 good-average: somewhat choppy, loosely

to 17 organized but main ideas stand out, limited

support, logical but incomplete sequence

10 fair-poor: non-fluent, ideas confused or

to disconnected, lacks logical sequencing and

up Very poor: does not communicate, no
to 9
organization, not enough to evaluate

Vocabulary 18 excellent-very good: sophisticated range,
to effective word oridiom choice and usage,
mastery of word form, appropriate register

14 good-average: adequate range, infrequent

to 17 error in word/idiom form choice, usage and

meaning bewildered or obscured

10 fair-poor: non-fluent, ideas confused or

to13 disconnected, less logical sequencing and


verypoor: does not communicate, no

7 up organization, not enough to evaluate

to 9

Language Use 22 Excellent-verygood: effective multiplex

up to
25 constructions, some error in agreement,

tenses, number, word order/function, article,

pronoun, preposition

18 good-average: effective but simple

up to constructions, several errors of agreement,

21 tense, number, word

form/function, article, pronoun, preposition

but meaning seldom unclear

11up fair-poor: big problem in simple orcomplex

to 17 construction, often error in negation,

agreement, tenses, word order or function,

article, pronoun, preposition, an/or

fragments, meaning confused or obscured

5 up to10 verypoor: almost no mastery in sentence

construction rule, dominated by error, does

not communicate or not enough to evaluate

Mechanics 5. excellent-verygood: show mastery of

conventions, some error in spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing

4. good-average: several errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but

meaning not obscured

fair-poor: often error in spelling,
punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing,

verypoor: no mastery of convention,

dominated by error in spelling,

punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, handwriting unreadable or

not enough to evaluate

To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in students’ descriptive

writing, the writer used the criteria measurement in scoring the writing

ability adopted by Purwati (2016) as in table 3.3. After scoring based on

the requirements below, the writer divided the students into two

categories. The first category would be the students who had a strong

ability in writing descriptive text, which got a score >61-100, and the

second category would be the students who had a poor ability or weakness

in writing descriptive text with a score below <60.

Table 3.3.

Criteria Scoring Writing

No. Score Criteria

1 91-100 Excellent

2 81-90 Very good

3 71-80 Good

4 61-70 Fair

5 51-60 Poor

6 <50 Very Poor

3.5 Technique of Data analysis

In analyzing the data, the results of the student's writing in the

descriptive text were scored and tabulated, then studied based on

the average score the students received and their writing abilities in

writing descriptive text. The student's writing of the descriptive

text was determined by using the percentage calculations based on

the formula below:

N= x 100


N : the students’ ability level of writing descriptive text.

∑X : the total score of each writing component

∑Y : total number of all writing components

(Banga, 17:2006)

In examining the data, the writer also utilizes the calculation of t-

test in order to know whether there is a difference in the average value

between the results of the pre-test and post-test in students’ writing ability,

on the basis of decision making of t-test results as follows:

1. If the value of Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05, then there is a significant

difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test.

2. If the value of Sig. (2-tailed) >0.05, then there is no significant

difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test.

3.6 Time Schedule

Date Activity

14 March – 25 Consulting research proposal


14 May Conducting research proposal seminar

6 June – 10 June Revised proposal

5-10 August Conducting research result

24 August-24 Consulting Research Result


26-30 September Conducting research result seminar

1 October-18 Consulting thesis


21-25 November Thesis seminar



In this chapter, the writer would like to present the result of this study. It

deals with the students' writing in descriptive text encountered by the second-

grade students of SMPK Geovani Kupang in the academic year 2021/2022 and the

procedures of the Kahoot application to improve students writing ability in

descriptive text. In scoring the student's ability, the writer tabulated the data into

five components: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.

4.1 Students’ Descriptive Writing Improvement

In the research finding, the writer discusses the results of data analysis.

The data below shows the students' scores on the pre-test, the student's scores on

the post-test, the calculating scores of the pre-test and post-test, and the score of

students' ability in writing descriptive text. They are as follows:

4.1.1 The Students’ Score in Pre-Test

To know the differences in student learning outcomes can be measured

through the results of the pre-test and post-test scores, as the writer would like to

know students' initial ability in writing descriptive text. The pre-test is a test

carried out to measure students' initial abilities before participating in learning

activities. The treatment was not given yet on the pre-test; thus, the students did it

manually on paper-based.

Table 4.1.

Students’ Score in Pre-Test


1 1 18 10 17 11 4 60
2 2 20 17 15 21 5 78
3 3 18 10 17 11 4 60
4 4 20 16 17 21 5 79
5 5 20 15 15 17 4 71
6 6 20 17 14 21 5 77
7 7 23 18 15 21 5 82
8 8 20 17 14 21 5 77
9 9 18 11 11 8 3 51
10 10 18 10 17 11 4 60
11 11 21 17 17 20 4 79
12 12 20 17 15 21 5 78
13 13 21 17 17 20 4 79
14 14 18 13 6 11 4 52
15 15 18 10 10 11 3 52
16 16 18 10 10 11 3 52
17 17 18 10 10 11 3 52
18 18 20 15 15 17 4 71
19 19 20 15 15 17 4 71
20 20 18 13 6 11 4 52
21 21 23 18 15 21 5 82
22 22 18 11 11 8 3 51
23 23 21 17 17 20 4 79
Total 449 324 316 362 90 1545
Score 19,52 14,08 13,73 15,73 3,91 67,17

Table 4.1 shows the students’ scores on the pre-test in writing the

descriptive text. The data shows that most students had scores below < 60, with

the highest score of 82. There were two students who got a score of 82, four who

got a score of 79, two who got scores of 78 and 77, and three who got a score of

71. There were also the students who got low scores below 60, with a total

number of students being ten.

4.1.2 The Students’ Score in Post-Test

The post-test was given to the students with the treatment measure the

student's ability to write descriptive text through the Kahoot application. The post-

test is a series of tests or exams given to students after material or action has been

taught. The purpose of the post-test is to evaluate the extent to which students

understand the material that has just been taught. With this, the teacher can assess

whether itis necessary to repeat, enrich or move to the next material.

Table 4.2.

Students’ Score in Post-Test


1 1 26 17 17 21 4 85
2 2 30 17 17 20 4 88
3 3 26 17 17 21 4 85
4 4 30 17 17 24 4 92
5 5 26 16 16 25 5 88
6 6 30 17 16 23 4 90
7 7 30 18 18 23 4 93
8 8 30 17 16 23 4 90
9 9 26 13 13 15 3 70
10 10 30 17 17 24 4 92
11 11 24 18 17 23 4 86
12 12 30 17 17 20 4 88
13 13 24 18 17 23 4 86
14 14 28 12 12 14 3 69
15 15 28 17 18 15 5 83
16 16 28 17 18 15 5 83
17 17 28 17 18 15 5 83
18 18 26 16 16 15 5 78
19 19 26 16 16 15 5 78
20 20 28 12 12 14 3 69
21 21 30 18 18 15 4 85
22 22 26 13 13 15 3 70
23 23 24 18 17 15 4 78
Total 634 375 373 433 94 1909
Score 27,56 16,30 16,21 18,82 4,08 83

Table 4.2 shows the students’ scores on the post-test in writing the

descriptive text. The average student received an increasing score after being

given the treatment. The data shows that most students had scores above <70,

although only two got a score of 69. There was one student who got the highest

score, 93. Two students earned a score of 92, and one scored a 90. Besides that,

four students got a score of 88, two got a score of 86, 70, and 69, and some got a

score of 85, 83, and 78.

4.1.3 The Calculating Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test

Table 4.3.

The Calculating Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test


1 1 60 85 72,5
2 2 78 88 83
3 3 60 85 72,5
4 4 79 92 85,5
5 5 71 88 79,5
6 6 77 90 83,5
7 7 82 93 87,5
8 8 77 90 83,5
9 9 51 70 60,5
10 10 60 92 76
11 11 79 86 82,5
12 12 78 88 83
13 13 79 86 82,5
14 14 52 69 60,5
15 15 52 88 70
16 16 52 88 70
17 17 52 88 70
18 18 71 88 79,5
19 19 71 88 79,5
20 20 52 69 60,5
21 21 82 93 87,5
22 22 51 70 60,5
23 23 79 86 82,5
Total 1545 1909 Average
Mean Score 67,17 83,00

The table above shows the calculated scores of the students in the pre-test

and post-test. The calculation of each test and result can show the improvement of

the student's ability to use Kahoot as a tool of learning. The data show the

improvement of students' scores after getting the treatment i.g. there was a student

who got a score of 52 on the pre-test and got a score of 88 on the post-test with an

average score of 70. The value of students has increased, although there is still an

increase that is not too significant. The average point of the post-test has grown to

a percentage of 85,21% compared to the average point of the pre-test result with a

percentage of 67,17%.

4.1.4 The Score of Student’s Ability in Writing Descriptive Text

There are four skills in learning English, and writing is one component of

the skills that must be learned and improved. Writing skill is the hardest part of all

those skills that need to focus on improving the ability to write and describe a

thing. Descriptive text is one English writing text, and the descriptive text

describes something, including a person, place, or another object.

There are five components in scoring writing ability. They are content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanism. The writer divided two

parts of the student's ability to write a descriptive text. They would be the

student's ability in the pre-test and post-test, as in the two tables below:

Table 4.4.

The Student’s Ability in Pre-Test


1 1 18 10 17 11 4 60 Poor
2 2 20 17 15 21 5 78 Good
3 3 18 10 17 11 4 60 Poor
4 4 20 16 17 21 5 79 Good
5 5 20 15 15 17 4 71 Good
6 6 20 17 14 21 5 77 Good
7 7 23 18 15 21 5 82 Excellent
8 8 20 17 14 21 5 77 Good
9 9 18 11 11 8 3 51 Poor
10 10 18 10 17 11 4 60 Poor
11 11 21 17 17 20 4 79 Good
12 12 20 17 15 21 5 78 Good
13 13 21 17 17 20 4 79 Good
14 14 18 13 6 11 4 52 Poor
15 15 18 10 10 11 3 52 Poor
16 16 18 10 10 11 3 52 Poor
17 17 18 10 10 11 3 52 Poor
18 18 20 15 15 17 4 71 Good
19 19 20 15 15 17 4 71 Good
20 20 18 13 6 11 4 52 Poor
21 21 23 18 15 21 5 82 Excellent
22 22 18 11 11 8 3 51 Poor
23 23 21 17 17 20 4 79 Good
Total 449 324 316 362 90 1545 Average
Mean 19,52 14,08 13,73 15,7 3,91 67,17

Table 4.4. The student's ability to write descriptive text in pre-test with an

average percentage of 67,1% for overall writing components. There were six

criteria for scoring students' ability (excellent, very good. Good. Fair, poor, and

very poor). Based on the data above, two students got the criteria' excellent', 11

students got good,' and then got the criteria' poor.' The results of each score show

that there were ten students who were categorized into 'weakness' ability and the

others students (13 students) who were categorized into 'strength' ability in writing

descriptive text.

Tabel 4.5. The Student’s Ability in Post-Test


1 1 26 17 17 21 4 85 Very Good
2 2 30 17 17 20 4 88 Very Good
3 3 26 17 17 21 4 85 Very Good
4 4 30 17 17 24 4 92 Excellent
5 5 26 16 16 25 5 88 Very Good
6 6 30 17 16 23 4 90 Very Good
7 7 30 18 18 23 4 93 Very Good
8 8 30 17 16 23 4 90 Very Good
9 9 26 13 13 15 3 70 Fair
10 10 30 17 17 24 4 92 Excellent
11 11 24 18 17 23 4 86 Very Good
12 12 30 17 17 20 4 88 Very Good
13 13 24 18 17 23 4 86 Very Good
14 14 28 12 12 14 3 69 Fair
15 15 28 17 18 15 5 83 Very Good
16 16 28 17 18 15 5 83 Very Good
17 17 28 17 18 15 5 83 Very Good
18 18 26 16 16 15 5 78 Good
19 19 26 16 16 15 5 78 Good
20 20 28 12 12 14 3 69 Fair
21 21 30 18 18 15 4 85 Excellent
22 22 26 13 13 15 3 70 Fair
23 23 24 18 17 15 4 78 Good
Total 610 375 356 418 94 1909 Average
Mean 26,52 16,30 15,47 18,17 4,08 83

Table 4.5. The student's ability to write descriptive text in the post-test after

getting the treatment by using the Kahoot application and the average percentage

was about 83% for overall writing components. Based on the data above, three

students got the criteria' excellent', there were 13 students got the criteria' very

good, there were three students got the criteria' good', and last, there were three

students got the criteria' fair.' The data shows the increasing score in students'

ability to write descriptive text after the treatment. The result of each score shows

that all students are categorized into 'strength' ability in writing descriptive text

after the treatment given.

Table 4.6.

The Result of t-Test

Independent Samples Test

Levene's t-test for Equality of Means
Test for
Equality of
F Sig. t df Sig. Mea Std. 95%
(2- n Erro Confidence
tailed) Diffe r Interval of
renc Diffe the
e renc Difference
e Lo Upp
wer er
The Equal 17,34 ,000 - 44 ,000 - 3,00 - -
Student variance 2 5, 15,8 504 21, 9,76
s' s 26 260 882 983
Results assumed 7 9 34
in Pre- Equal - 36, ,000 - 3,00 - -
Test variance 5, 751 15,8 504 21, 9,73
and s not 26 260 916 591
Post assumed 7 9 26

Table 4.6. shows the results of the t-test; the t-test was used to know

whether there is a difference in the average value between the results of the pre-

test and post-test in students' writing ability. As the result of the t-test shows, the

value sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, it shows that there is a significant difference between

the results of the pre-test and post-test. In other words, the writer can conclude

that there is a significant increase in the post-test results compared to the pre-test

results, which shows an improvement in students' ability to write a descriptive


4.2 Discussion

Kahoot is an online educational application that provides features to be

used as a medium in the learning process. Kahoot can be accessed either through

mobile phones or laptops. And it can be accessed through the website page to the

available applications. Thus, that access to the use of Kahoot can be more flexible

for use by teachers and students.

Success in a learning process can be assessed from students' ability to

understand the material's concepts and from the evaluation of learning outcomes.

Learning media used in the learning process can clarify information, focus

students' attention, increase learning motivation, and encourage learning

achievement. This research tried to explain the use of Kahoot as learning media to

help the students to increase the student's ability to write descriptive text.

The results of the student's scores in writing components show the

increasing percentage of each element in the pretest and post-test; thus, the writers

can conclude that the Kahoot application can improve the student's ability in

writing. In the 'content' component, the students achieved the highest percentage

increase after giving the treatment. The increasing percentage was about 7,00% as

the students are improving the content of their writing. They clearly described the

information of the object of writing and gave the relevant topics.

Besides the ‘content’ component, the students also had a high increase in the

‘organization’ component, the student had logical sequencing and cohesive

writing, fluent expression, and clear ideas in their writing, and they wrote in a

well-organized paragraph. Language use is in the third sequence, where the

students had an increasing percentage as they had increased in grammar mistakes

that they made; the writer can state that they had fewer grammatical errors in the

post-test if the results of the post-test were compared to the results of the pre-test.

4.2.1 Students’ Strengths in Descriptive Writing.

The results show an increasing percentage of five components in writing

ability scoring. It can be concluded that the students have the improvement and

the strength in writing descriptive text after getting the treatment as students’

scores increased by about 15,83% compared with the pre-test results. It can be

seen in the table below for each component:

Table 4.5

Students Score in Five Components Of Writing

No. Component Category Score Percentage Percentage

Pre-Test Post-Test Increase
1 Content 19,52% 26,52% 7,00%
2 Organization 14,08% 16,03% 1,95%
3 Vocabulary 13,73% 15,47% 1,74
4 Language Use 15,7% 18,17% 2,47%
5 Mechanism 3,91% 4,08% 0,17%

Table 4.5. shows the increasing percentage of each component category of

writing to measure the student's ability. The category of 'content' component

showed an increase of 7%, the category of 'organization' component showed an

increase of 1,95%, the category of 'vocabulary' component showed an increase of

1,74%, the category of 'language use' component showed an increase of 2,47%.

The category of the 'mechanism' component showed an increase of 0,17%. The

'content' component had the highest increase compared to the other components,

whereas the 'mechanism' component had the lowest increase.

Referring to the data, the writer would like to present students’ strengths in

writing descriptive text, divided into five components: content component,

organization component, vocabulary component, language use component, and

mechanism component. The discussion is as follows:

48 Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Content


The students will be categorized in strength ability if they are in the

category excellent,' 'very good, or 'good average.' The characteristics in the

'content' component could be explained by the student's ability to write text with

good information and substantive writing. They could develop the writing thesis

and give the relevant topic of their writing. The writer found the increasing score

in all of the students in the 'content' component,' for example:

The Student’s Writing Sample of Alexandra in Post-Test

Tablolong beach is this beach name. It located in West Kupang. We can go

by car. It is not far. We can see a beautiful view with blue and clean water to

swim. The white and smooth sand is nice to just sit and enjoy the view. Sit and

listening to music is good way.

People go there to hang out with friends. They will take picture together or

videos. Bring food from home is better, because food there is expensive. We can

go there to have school picnic too. The sun shine so bright in summer there, so use

sunscreen is good.

After hanging out, or swim, we can sit near the sand and wait for sunset. The

sunset color is orange and beautiful on summer. Do not go to beach on rainy

season. The beach will look dirty. Before go home check your things.

(See Apendix 5, SN01, Page 122)

Based on the student's results in the table above, the student can write an

informative passage about Tablolong Beach, and the student can develop a

relevant topic about the instruction given by the writer. The student started the

writing by describing the general things about Tablolong by identifying the name

of the beach, the location, and a general description of Tablolong Beach as the

introduction; after that, in the second paragraph and third paragraphs, the student

wrote the specific explanation regarding the beach, how the activities can be done

in the beach, the food price, and the sunset in the beach. Another expample can be

seen as below:

The Student’s Writing Sample of Anselmus in Post-Test

This is a picture of Tablolong beach. The beach is popular in Kupang. It is not

far from Kupang. You can go by car or motocycle. You will spend 45 minutes

there. When you there you will see a nice beach.

The beach has white sand, blue water and so full of people in Sunday. People

come with their family and friends. There are some lopo for the visitor to sit and

enjoy the view. We can sit on the snad too using carpet.

At lunch time we can eat our lunch box. At five afternoon, we can enjoy the

sunset and take a video or picture of it. Clean our things and go home.

(See Apendix 3, SN01, Page 123)

Based on the student's results in the table above, the student can write an

informative passage about Tablolong Beach, and the student knows Tablolong

Beach. The student started the writing by describing the general things about

Tablolong by identifying the name of the beach, the location, and the duration to

get to the beach; after that, in the second paragraph and third paragraphs, the

student wrote the specific explanation regarding the beach, how the activities

could be done in the beach, for example, the people can have the lunch together,

and they can enjoy the sunset in the afternoon time. Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Organization


The students can be categorized in the strength category in the

‘organization’ component if they can write descriptive text with fluent expression,

well-organized writing, and they could write in clear ideas. An example of the

student’s writing is below:

The Student’s Writing Sample of Anelmus in Post-Test

This is a picture of Tablolong beach. Tablolong beach is famous beach in

Kupang. Many people to Tablolong beach every weekend. They come with their

family or friends . We can go to there by car or motocycle, it takes 45 minutes

from Kupang City. When we arrive, we can see like in the picture.

We can see white sand, lopo and blue ocean with blue sky. We can take

picture and video there. We can sit and enjoy the sunset with family. We can

swim too. But we can not fishing there. If we want to sit or enjoy the beach, we

can sit in lopo. There are many lopo there. We can rent one lopo with Rp. 25.000.

Many people love to stay at beach in summer.

(See Apendix 5, SN03, Page 123)

Based on the writing above, which the student did, it has a good structure

or well-organized logical sequence as it includes the two parts of descriptive text

elements (identification and description). The student started by describing the

writing from general things about Tablolong beach, such as the location, the

transportation that can be used to get to the beach, and the time or duration to get

to the beach. After that, the student continued to describe specific things in the

second paragraph, such as the facilities, the activities the tourist can do on the

beach, and the price of renting a ‘lopo’ at Tablolong beach.

The Student’s Writing Sample of Theresia in Post-Test

This is a picture of Tablolong beach. Famous beach in West Kupang. It is

near the city and need forty-five minutes. We can go by car or motocyle. When

we arrive, we have to pay ten thousand for car and five thousand for motocycle.

The sand is white and the water is blue. We can see beautiful sky above.

Many people come to this beach. They come because holiday. They come with

big family or friends.

Boys like to play football here. Children like to swim and look small fish.

Their mother busy prepare the lunch. The other sing and dancing. We can rent the

lopo and use the toilet but we pay.

(See Apendix 5, SN22, Page 123)

Based on the writing of the student named Theresia above, the writing has

a good structure or well-organized logical sequence as it includes the two parts of

descriptive text elements (identification and description). The student started by

describing the writing from general things about Tablolong beach, such as the

location, the transportation that can use to get to the beach, and the time or

duration to get there. After that, the student continued to describe specific things

in the second paragraph, such as the activities that the family can do in Tablolong

Beach dan general activities that the people usually do in Tablolong beach. Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Vocabulary


The characteristics in the 'vocabulary' component could be explained by

the student's ability to write text with effective word and idiom choice and

mastery of word form. Vocabulary is very important because learning vocabulary

is the main capital for learning sentence structure and other skills in the language.

Mastering a lot of vocabulary will make it easier for someone to read, write, listen

and speak English.

The Student’s Writing Sample of Alexandra in Post-Test

Tablolong beach is this beach name. It located in West Kupang. We can go

by car. It is not far. We can see a beautiful view with blue and clean water to

swim. The white and smooth sand is nice to just sit and enjoy the view. Sit and

listening to music is good way.

People go there to hang out with friends. They will take picture together or

videos. Bring food from home is better, because food there is expensive. We can

go there to have school picnic too. The sun shine so bright in summer there, so use

sunscreen is good.

After hanging out, or swim, we can sit near the sand and wait for sunset. The

sunset color is orange and beautiful on summer. Do not go to beach on rainy

season. The beach will look dirty. Before go home check your things.

(See Apendix 5, SN01, Page 122)

Based on the example of the student's result of writing descriptive text

showed sufficient vocabulary mastery of the student even though the student still

needs to learn more to make less grammatical mistakes. The student used various

words to describe an object. Other examples from the other students that show the

strength in vocabulary as below:

“Tablolong beach is beautiful beach in Kupang. We can reach Tablolong

beach by car or bike. People go there on Sunday or Saturday or in any

holiday. If you want to go there you will spend 45 Minutes from Kupang

city. Before you go there, you prepare food and drinks. They sell food and

drinks there but expensive”. (See Apendix 5, SN19, Page 135)

Based on the sentance above student's result of writing descriptive text

showed sufficient vocabulary mastery of the student, how the student can form the

word properly with the clear ideas of the choosen word. The student can put

every word in proper way such as the the result of another student below:

“You can go by car or motocycle. You can see sunset before you go

home. The water is good to swim. Usually people go there for picnic with

their family or friends. They enjoy the view together.” (See Apendix 15,

SN19, Page 132) Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Language Use


The characteristics in the 'language use' component could be explained by

the student's ability to write text with the least grammatical errors found in the

students' writing. The language use component is an important component in

writing descriptive text. Many students might encounter grammar problems in

English writing; however, even students might have grammatical problems, and

some students can understand by making the sentences in a good way. For an

example of the students' sentences:

“We can see many people. They do their acivity. Like swimming, singing,

dancing, playing ball or just sit enjoy the view. About 5 on the afternoon, we can

see sunset. The view is great. We can take picture and video in Tablolong beach

and post it on our social media.” (See Apendix 5, SN13, Page 131)

Based on the example above that the student can understand by using the

Gerund in English. A gerund is a verb in its present participle form (root verb +

“ing”) that acts as a noun in a sentence or with the verb ‘LIKE’ + Verb + ING, as

on the student’s writing: “like swimming, singing, dancing, playing”. The other

example also on the example below:

“This is Tablolong beach. This is beautiful. When you arrive there, you

can see beautiful view with white sand and blue ocean. You can see

people sitting, dancing, playing football or singing. Many activities they

are doing.” (See Apendix 5, SN6, Page 126)

The student can also use the proper singular and plural nouns correctly as

they did not have grammatical errors when the noun should be in singular form or

plural form, such as the words. “Many Children; Theri Parents, Girls are busy

taking pictures and videos” as the example below:

“Many children come with their parents, boys will play football or

singing with guitar. Girls are busy taking pictures and videos. They will

come to their mother to have lunch”. (See Apendix 5, SN5, Page 125) Students’ Strengths in Writing Descriptive Text in Mechanic


The characteristics in the 'mechanics' component could be explained by the

student's ability to write text with mastery of conventions, and they have less

spelling errors. Besides that, the 'mechanics' component also can be seen in the

writing's punctuation, paragraphing, and capitalization. The writer found some

students might have strengths in the mechanism component, for example, as


The Student’s Writing Sample of Jonathan in Post-Test

The place name is Tablolong beach. The beach location is in West Kupang.

It is 45 Minutes from Kupang. When you arrive there, you will see a blue water

and white sand. Many people go there on Sunday. They sell food and drinks there.

You can sit in lopo like in the picture. You can enjoy picnic with your family.

You can swim and enjoy the scenery.

Tablolong beach is one of many beach in Kupang. Sometime people visit and

play loud music with their friends. They sing and dance together. You can go to

Tablolong by driving car. Before you go home you can see the sunset.

Do not forget to take picture of it, you will like the picture. Other beach you

can visit and enjoy the sunset are Manikin, Lasiana, and Oesapa beach too. They

has a good view. They are near fro city. Do not forget to clean your things before

you go home. Do not leave any trash

(See Apendix 5, SN10, Page 129)

Based on the example above shows the students understand how to use

capitalization. For example, the first word of every sentence or paragraph has to

use a capital letter, and every place's name also used a capital letter. The student

also had a good in paragraphing as the student's writing was in good sequence.

Another example as the students has a good sequence in wrinting the descriptive

text as below:

The Student’s Writing Sample of Cherryl in Post-Test

This is Tablolong beach. This beach is beautiful. When you arrive there,

you can see beautiful view with white sand and blue ocean. You can see people

sitting, dancing, playing football or singing. Many activities they are doing. Some

child running around, girls are busy taking pictures.

You can swim and enjoy the beach view. Drink coconut water is good.

Spending time with family here recommended. You can post your pictures in

Instagram. Foods there are tasty, you can buy with cheap price. Usually, people go

there to picnic or just hanging out.

A lot of things you can do. Do not forget to clean things before you go

home. Keep the beach area clean is important. By doing this we help the live of


(See Apendix 5, SN10, Page 129)

4.2.2 Students’ Weaknesses in Descriptive Writing.

Data analysis reveals that second-grade students are good at writing

descriptive text in the post-test as student scores increased compared to the pre-

test results. However, there are some students who still have problems or

weaknesses in the writing component. Referring to the data, the writer would like

to present students’ weaknesses in writing descriptive text, which is divided into

five components: content component, organization component, vocabulary

component, language use component, and mechanism component. The discussion

is as follows:

58 Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Content


The characteristics in the 'content' component could be explained by the

student's ability to write text with good information and substantive writing. They

could develop the writing thesis and give the relevant topic of their writing. Based

on the student's results in the pre-test, some students gave limited knowledge on

the subject as on the instruction of the writing, i.g. in the pre-test, the writer gave

the Korean actor and singer named Jungkook to be described but there some

students did not know well about that Jungkook. Thus they described limited

knowledge and non-substantive writing. However, the post-test results showed

they have an increasing ability in the content component.

The Student’s Writing Sample of Cheryl in Pre-Test

His name is jungkook. He has short and black hair. His white skin. He has

small and black eyes, and high nose. He is singer from BTS. He is from South

Korea. In this picture he is wearing blue. He sing very well. He is actor too.

Jungkook has his song and album alone. He sing it alone without member

of BTS. Jungkook can dance and sing, and he always look handsome in any

picture and video. Girl in Indonesia like him. Jungkook has beautiful smile


(See Apendix 3, SN07, Page 104)

Based on the sample above in the pre-test, the result did not show a good

understanding of the subject, as Jungkook is a BTS member. He does not have

any album alone. There are seven people in BTS member, and they always

perform in groups. It is shown that the student did not know well about the object

that they described. The same example as below:

“Jungkook is a very good singer. He sing and dancing. He can sing alone.

He is handsome. I am his fans. I join the ARMY kupang as member. Many

girl at my class like him. Boy do not like him. I like to hear his songs and

BTS songs. BTS is jungkokk grup band. They are very famous.” (See

Apendix 3, SN18, Page 115) Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Organization


The characteristics in the 'ogranization' component could be explained by

the student's ability to write text with fluent expression, well-organized writing,

and they could write in clear ideas. Based on the student's results in the pre-test,

some students gave confused ideas, i.g. in the pre-test, the writer found the

students wrote not in well-organized writing as they should write in good order. It

should start from the identification first by introducing the subject and the

description of the object, such as what the actor Jungkook looks like, what the

actor does, and what my them unique. Still, the same students wrote the

description first rather than they have to make the identification paragraph first.

The Student’s Writing Sample of Maria in Pre-Test

Jungkook is tall. He is Jungkook. His hair long but short black. He is

handsome. His eyes is black and little like korea People. He come from South

Korea. He has high nose and small lip. His smile is good. He is member of BTS.

BTS is grat boyband of Korea. Their song many and popular.

Jungkook is leader of BTS, he can sing and dance. Other member can sing

and dance too. Jungkook can be a model of newspaper in Korea too. Jungkook too

shows in TV and Youtube program in Korea and Indonesia. In Indonesia may

jungkook fans. Name are Army.

Jungkook too has his song alone. The song is famous. They play it on tiktok

video now and popular. People make video use the song of Jungkook. Girl in

Indonesia crazy about Jungkook. They put Jungkook picture in front of their


(See Apendix 3, SN13, Page 110)

Based on the student’s sample above, the student did not describe well

about the object given by the writer. The student told an object not in a good

sequence of writing as the student did not write the identification first in general

about the object. The student started to write by describing who the object is the

object, but the student began to give physical descriptions of the object.

61 Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Vocabulary


The characteristics in the 'vocabulary' component could be explained by

the student's ability to write text with effective word and idiom choice and

mastery of word form. Based on the student's results in the pre-test, some students

have less vocabulary. Thus, they made repeated words, and they lacked word

choice. The students can not write the logical sequencing in their writing and can

not develop the statement well to describe the subject as on the instruction that the

writer gave them. The examples can be seen as below:

The Student’s Writing Sample of Theresia in Pre-Test

Name is Jungkook. Jungkook is handsome. He sing and dance. He can act.

He the leader of BTS.

This picture Jungkook smile. His eyes is nice. His hair black and short. His

nose is small. He is wear blue shirt.

Jungkook is popular in world. When girl listen his name they shout. I like

Jungkook so much.

(See Apendix 3, SN21, Page 118)

The Student’s Writing Sample of Verena in Pre-Test

I like Jungkook. He is handsome. My friend like Jungkook. I do not like

other member. Bts is group of boy band in South korea.

Jungkook has black eyes. His short hair looking good in him. He smile like

nice. His lips is small and pink. I love him.

This picture Jungkook wear blue shirt. With long hand. He look handsome

more other member.

(See Apendix 3, SN23, Page 119) Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Languange use


The characteristics in the 'language use' component could be explained by

the student's ability to write text with the least grammatical errors found in the

students' writing. Based on the students' results in the pre-test, there are some

students still have grammartical errors in their writing i.g. they made the

grammatical mistakes as follow:

“Boy do not like Jungkook. But some boy like his and BTS song”, the

sentence should be “A Boy does not like Jungkook. But some boys like

him and BTS songs”. (See Apendix 3, SN08, Page 105)

Based on the sentences above, the writer found grammatical mistakes

made by the students. The student had a problem using the article and singular

pronoun in English as “boy do not like Jungkook” the word ‘boy’ show singular.

It should add an article ‘a’ and the ‘do not should be ‘does not as ‘a boy’ is a

singular subject. Another problem is the use of personal pronouns. The word ‘his’

should be ‘him’ because it should become the object of the sentence. Besides that,

the students also encountered the same problem with grammatical mistakes in the

post-test, as follows:

“This is a picture of Tablolong beach. It location is in West Kupang.

When you we go there, we can see beautiful view”. It should be “This is

the picture of Tablolong beach. It is located in West Kupang (or its

location is West Kupang). When we go there, we can see the beautiful

view. (See Apendix 5, SN14, Page 131)

The student had some problems with the use of ‘article,’ ‘double subject’

and ‘possessive pronoun”. If there is a specific object, we can use a definite article

to mention the thing specifically, such as “This is the picture of Tablolong Beach”

or “We can see the beautiful view.” Other problems that the students encounter

are double-subject, and the student should be aware of using the double-subject in

writing and the use of ‘possessive pronoun or ‘to be in English text. Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Descriptive Text in Mechanics


The characteristics in the 'mechanics' component could be explained by the

student's ability to write text with mastery of conventions and have fewer spelling

errors. Based on the student's results in the pre-test, some students still have

problems spelling the words in their writing, i.g. the word "fomous" but the

student's word with word "famus." It can be seen in the student's result below:

The Student’s Writing Sample of Alexandra in Pre-Test

This is a artist. He come from Korea South. His Name is Jungkook. He is a

member of BTS. He is very famus. He has a short hair and also black. He has a

sharp eyes like. He has a sharp nose and small lips. In this picture he wear a blue

t-shirt. Many girl in Indonesia love to wath him singing.

But usually, boys doesn’t like him. He can sing and dance. Their songs is

very good. Some of their song is famus in Indonesia. They shows in television

programs, youtube, tiktok and a lot. As we know, he is very famous than other

member of BTS. They also being a guest to PBB coferece.

(See Apendix 3, SN01, Page 98)

Based on the underlined words above, the students made some mistakes

associated with the mechanics component. The student made some mistakes in

spelling the English words, such as the word ‘famus’ should be ‘famous’ and the

word ‘coferece’ should be ‘conference.’ Another problem is the use of capital

words, as the words ‘youtube’ and ‘tiktok’ should be ‘Youtbe’ and ‘TikTok’ as

the example below:

He group is BTS. They are popular with their song. This picture jungkook

wearing blue shirt. He eyes is black. Many gilr like Jungkook. Jungkook is

handsome. Other member of BTS handsome too. They sing good and can

dance. Their album in youtube is great. (See Apendix 3, SN02, Page 99)

4.2.3 The Specific Procedures of Kahoot Application in Improving Student’s

Writing Ability.

The Kahoot application can be a learning media that help the teachers

make an interesting class and help the students be more active. For the specific

procedures of Kahoot Application during this research, the writer divided into

three phases that passed by the teachers and students.

65 The Early Stage of Using Kahoot Application

Kahoot application can be used as a learning media for students. This can be

an innovation or a new learning style, but still enjoyable. The standard procedure

for using Kahoot in classroom learning is usually the teacher only uses Kahoot as

a Quiz. To make a quiz, the teacher has to enter specific questions and the answer

key (multiple choice), which students can then answer after accessing the Kahoot

link. Teachers can prepare specific questions and input them into the Kahoot,

especially on the Quiz feature. Here are some standard procedures in Kahoot

Application that the teacher can do:

First, the teacher must create a Kahoot account by logging into the link

( or downloading the Kahoot application. Next, the

teacher follows the procedure for filling in the data on the application. Choose the

account type. The teacher can choose a teacher.

Then create the account by filling out all the data. It includes the Email and

Password used by the teacher. After that, the account will be made automatically

with the teacher's email address by clicking Sign Up.

The next page will be shown if the account has already been made. On this page,

the teacher will see some features that later on can be used based on the teacher's


The next step is the teacher can click “Create” to create Kahoot. In this step, the

teacher can choose “Kahoot.”

Then the teacher will see this page below and choose “Create New Kahoot.” This

is the first step. If the teacher wants to use Kahoot, then click “OK.”

And this page will be shown. The teacher can choose “insert media” to put

pictures or videos and put the question by clicking ‘add the question” and put the

question and give the correct answer, even choose the limited time to answer the

question in the Time Limit part and also the point. For example:

After setting everything, the Teacher can click save, put the title and

description, and click “continue.

After that, the page below will be shown, which means everything is already set

up. The material is ready to use.

The last step is the teacher needs to click ‘assign’ to create a link and set

the time that the students will later access it.

There will be a link and game pin that can later be sent to students to join

the Kahoot. While for the students, the standard procedure is to click the link and

enter their name, then do the quiz.

Enter the nickname of the student then click Ok Go

Then choose the answer. If the students choose the correct answer, they

will see this page below, which shows if they choose the correct answer. If they

choose the right answer, the color will change to green. There will be information

stating that they are “Correct” and their score.

After creating the account and login into Kahoot, the specific procedures of

Kahoot are divided into two parts due to the different users or roles. They are for

teachers and students. The teacher will create a class, and the students will attend

the course and carry out the activities instructed by the teacher. Such as listening

and accessing class material on Kahoot, which can be replayed by students later,

then discussing with the teacher the material and working on tasks in Kahoot. Specific Procedures of Kahoot for Teachers

The teacher must do several procedures. The first step is to prepare class

material through the "Slide" feature, the next is to make a brainstorming quiz

through the "Quiz" feature, and the last is to make questions in the "Open-ended"

feature so that students can write their descriptive text. The teacher needs to create

a Kahoot account with the same procedures in the common procedures above. It

would be better if the account created were a premium account. The procedures

can be explained as follow:

1. Creating Kahoot Account

Create a Kahoot account by logging into the link link or downloading the Kahoot application. Next,

the Teacher follows the procedure for filling in the data on the application.

Choose the account type. The Teacher can choose a Teacher. Then create the

account by filling out all the data.

After filling out the data the teacher can see this page below. The teacher can

choose to create a Kahoot. The teacher will see this page below and choose create

course. Before the teacher has to make sure to explain how to use Kahoot for the

students, make a trial will be better.

2. Create a Material for Class

The next step is for the teacher to click “create” and choose “Course” to start

creating course materials in Kahoot. The material given is in the form of pictures

and explanations in a slide show about the descriptive text. They are starting from

explaining the descriptive text, how to make descriptive text, and inserting

pictures and examples of descriptive text about the picture. In this case, the writer

uses the image of Lake Toba as an example.

This is the material that the teacher put inside Kahoot:

Learning material :

1. Definition Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Other

definition is a text that describes what kind of person or an object described, good

shape, properties, and other numbers. The purpose of descriptive text is to

describe or disclose an individual or an object.

2. The Characteristic of Descriptive Text

a. Generic Structure

1. Identification: contains the identification of matter/ a will be described.

2. Description: contains the explanation/description of the thing/person to

mention a few properties

b. Language Feature

1. The use of adjectives and compound adjectives.

2. Using simple present tense.

3. The Example of Descriptive Text

This text is adopting from Teaching Planning book by M. MUSTAQIM

for SMP Durul Islam Class 2nd 2022 (Mustaqim, 2022).

Text Elements Lake Toba

Identification Lake Toba is one of the most popular

destinations in Indonesia, especially in Medan,

North Sumatera. Toba Lake is the largest

volcanic lake in Indonesia, even in the Southeast

Asia. Which make it more special is taken from

the Samosir Island, an Island that settled in the

middle of the lake.

Description Lake Toba is an area of 1,707 km2 , we can say

that is 1,000 km2 bigger than Singapore. It

formed by a gigantic volcanic eruption some

70,000 years ago, it is probably the largest

resurgent caldera on Earth. Pulau Samosir or

Samosir island, the island in the middle, was

joined to the caldera wall by a narrow isthmus,

which was cut through to enable boats to pass, a

road bridge crosses the cutting. Samosir island is

the cultural center of the Batak tribe, the

indigenous from North Sumatera. Lake Toba is

actually more like a sea than a lake considering

its size. Therefore, the Lake placed as the largest

lake in Southeast Asia and the second largest in

the world after Lake Victoria in deepest lake in

the world, which is approximately 450 meters

This page below will be shown and the teacher can insert the material.

After the material is entered, a display like the two pictures below will appear and

click “save” to save the material.

Later, this material will be accessed by the student while listening to the

explanation from the teacher. The teacher must send the material link to the

student's class group. The next step is that the teacher can immediately explain the

material in Kahoot after students access the material link. Students can save or

replay the material at this link. Inside the material, the teacher can make one slide

for brainstorming invitations to students by asking questions on the slide using the

"type answer" feature on Kahoot. This is to show the student how to make an

excellent descriptive text in content, language use, mechanism, and organization

of the descriptive text.

3. Make a Brainstorming Game Using “Quiz” Feature Kahoot

The teacher makes other brainstorming games. This is to increase students'

vocabulary related to the things to be described by making practice questions in

the form of a quiz by selecting the "Quiz" feature on Kahoot. Enter the right

questions, answer choices, and pictures that will be described. In this case, the

writer provides five questions in the "Quiz" feature with answer choices. The

writer asks the student to look carefully at the picture and choose the correct

answer by clicking the answer on their phone or laptop screen. Then the teacher

has to select create a link, and the link can be shared with students to work on.

Here are the questions, pictures, and answer choices entered into the "Quiz"


The picture :

No Question Choices
1. What is this? a. A picture of a beach
b. picture of a school
c. picture of an office
d. A picture of a forest
2. What do you see in this a. A blue water, a pink bowl and garage
picture? b. A blue water, a lopo and white sand
c. A school bag, a book and pencils
d. Nothing
3. what do you usually do in a. Picnic, swim and enjoy the sunset

beach? b. Study, reading and playing piano
c. Sleep
d. watching television
4. This is a picture of a. Kupang, 45 minutes
tablolong beach. where is b. Sumba, 2 days
the location? how long you c. Alor, 1 week
can get there? d. Sabu, 1 hour
5 By what do you usually go a. Motocyle or cars
there? b. Aero plane
c. Boat
d. Fly yourself

4. Make a Descriptive Writing Test by Using “Open-Ended” Feature in


In the next step, the teacher makes a question and inputs the image to be

described by selecting the "Open-ended" feature. The teacher inputs one reference

image and one invitation sentence to describe the image, create a link, and shares

it with the class group for student access. In this feature, students can type their

descriptive text. The writer used a Tablolong beach picture and one question in

this test. The writer asks the student to do their work based on instructions.

No. Questions Picture to Describe

1 Please describe the picture of
Tablolong beach below.
Remember what you do on quiz!

Furthermore, the teacher can retrieve data on student work in the "Report"

feature in Kahoot to find out the results of student work.

82 Procedures of Kahoot for Students

Several procedures need to be done by the students, first is to follow the

explanation of the material, then answer the question on the “Quiz” feature and

start writing in the “Open- Ended” feature. The procedures can be explained as


1. Access the Link and Follow the Explanation

First, students need to access the link in the class group for materials through

cell phones, laptops, or computers provided by the school. It will be easier if

students use cell phones or personal laptops. After accessing the class material

link, students can listen, read, and discuss it with friends and the teacher. After

clicking the link, this will appear on their phone.

2. Answer the Questions on Quiz by Kahoot

After accessing the material and listening to explanations and discussions,

students will immediately take Quiz on Kahoot to brainstorm the vocabulary

needed to describe the existing images. They will answer each out of five

questions by clicking the correct answer on their phone screen or laptop. This will

help them to enrich their vocabulary to write a descriptive text, in this case about

Tablolong beach.

After that, students will get their scores or grades along with the order of

rank, which can motivate them to do better and compete with other friends. This

score will be shown right after the students click “Save.”

3. Start to Describe Based on the Question and Picture

The last step is, students access the "Open ended" link in the class group and

start describing pictures based on clues in the quiz game and the material on the

Kahoot slide. They will look at the picture first on first slide, the next slide they

can start to describe.

This is the report of their descriptive text. This also can be accessed by the

teacher after all student done with their text. The teacher can take this from

“Report” feature.

These are the steps for specific procedures to improve students' descriptive

text writing abilities using Kahoot. Teachers can also use other Kahoot features to

teach other materials to students. Thus, the class feels interesting, enthusiastic, and




In this chapter, the writer would like to present the research conclusion

based on the research finding and discussion presented in the previous chapter.

The writer also offers some suggestions that hopefully can be worthwhile for

readers, especially English teachers, and students of SMPK Giovani Kupang.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the research finding and discussion in the previous chapter, the

writer draws the conclusion as follows:

1. Based on the pretest and post-test, there are improvements in students

writing abilities. For Content, there is a 7,00% increase percentage

from 19,52 score of percentage in the pretest to 26,52% in the Post-

test. The same thing happens for other components, such as a 1,95%

increase in rate from 14,08% to 16.03% in the organization, a 1,74%

increase in percentage from 13,73% to 15,47% in vocabulary, a 2,47%

increase in percentage from 15,7% to 18,17% in language use, and the

last is 0,17% increase percentage from 3,91% to 4,08%. The t-test

results show the value sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 indicates a significant

difference between the results of the pretest and post-test. Thus, the

writer can conclude that the Kahoot Application can improve students’

writing abilities.

2. Based on the pretest, there are ten students with a poor level of ability,

11 students with a good level of ability, and two with an excellent level

of ability. This proves that the students still have some weaknesses,

especially ten students with the gained point under 60. While in the

post-test, there were three students with an excellent level of ability, 13

students with a very good level of ability, three students with a fair

level of ability, and three students with good level of ability. This

proves that all students become strength in writing descriptive text

because there are no students with the gained point under 60.

3. The specific procedures of the Kahoot application that can improve

students writing ability are divided into three parts. They are the early

stage of using Kahoot that includes the teacher having to take account

of Kahoot, prepare the material and quiz also a test in Kahoot by using

some features in Kahoot such as quizzes, slides, and end open-ended.

Also, the teachers have to link the students so that they can access the

class. The next step is for the student can access the link, put in their

nickname, and do the task. After that, the teachers can collect the

Report of students' work in the Report feature of Kahoot to see the


5.2 Suggestions

In this section, the writer would like to offer suggestions that are hopefully

helpful for the improvement of the teaching-learning process to design teaching


1. The teacher should provide the students with many writing activities and

do more punctuation, vocabulary, and grammar exercises. Thus, the

students can improve their writing comprehension, which helps develop

their writing ability.

2. It is required for the teacher to pay attention to the English sentence

patterns and the generic structure of descriptive text where the students

find them difficult or where they encounter problems when writing

English descriptive text.

3. It is also expected that in writing, grammar mistakes should be avoided,

and the writing should be done contextually.

4. The kahoot application can help improve students' writing ability in

writing descriptive text.


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Appendix 1. Students’ Attendance List

Appendix 2. Pictures of Students

Appendix 3. Results of Pre-Test

Appendix 4. Post-Test Instruction in Kahoot Application

Appendix 5. Results of Post-Test
SN Name Post-Test Results in Kahoot Application

1 Alexanda Tablolong beach is this beach name. It located in West

T. Patricia Kupang. We can go by car. It is not far. We can see a

Kama beautiful view with blue and clean water to swim. The white

and smooth sand is nice to just sit and enjoy the view. Sit and

listening to music is good way.

People go there to hang out with friends. They will take

picture together or videos. Bring food from home is better,

because food there is expensive. We can go there to have

school picnic too. The sun shine so bright in summer there,

so use sunscreen is good.

After hanging out, or swim, we can sit near the sand and wait

for sunset. The sunset color is orange and beautiful on

summer. Do not go to beach on rainy season. The beach will

look dirty. Before go home check your things.

2 Alvin Tablolong beach is the beach name. From what I can see in

this picture, the sea has beautiful view. It has blue water and

white sand. I ever go there with my family. We spend a lot

time at the beach.

The beach has lopo, and you I can sit and enjoy time with my

family. My mother will give us picnic lunch. We can enjoy

the sunset when the time come. You can take picture too.

My favorite thing to do is swimming in this beach. The water

is clear. They sell some food and drink there. This beach is

famous and beautiful. It is near from Kupang city. You can

go by car or motocycle.

3 Anselmus This is a picture of Tablolong beach. The beach is popular in

V. De Kupang. It is not far from Kupang. You can go by car or

Rozari motocycle. You will spend 45 minutes there. When you there

you will see a nice beach.

The beach has white sand, blue water and so full of people in

Sunday. People come with their family and friends. There are

some lopo for the visitor to sit and enjoy the view. We can sit

on the snad too using carpet.

At lunch time we can eat our lunch box. At five afternoon,

we can enjoy the sunset and take a video or picture of it.

Clean our things and go home.

4 Bima This is Tablolong beach. It is beautiful and clean. The beach

Ermanda has white sand and blue water, and blue sky. On Saturday

and Sunday many people come to spend weekend at this

beach. They will come by car or motocyle with their family,

friend or alone.

The beach has clean water to swim. Some local people sell

foods and drinks. They keep the toilet clean and when you

want to use, you have to pay two thousands. They rent some

lopo, so people can sit and enjoy the beach.

Many people come to picnic, swim, take pictures or just

singing along. They ring their guitar or speaker to play music.

They sing and dance together at the beach. Children are

palying football there.

5 Bryant M. Tablolong beach is famous beach located at Kupang. The

Malelak beach is near from Kupang. You can go by motocyle. The

beach has beautiful scenery with white sand and blu clean

water. The beach is always full of people usually on Sunday.

Many people come and spend their holiday at the beach. On

summer days, people will come to Tablolong to swim.

Many children come with their parents, boys will play

football or singing with guitar. Girls are busy taking pictures

and videos. They will come to their mother to have lunch.

Other children will enjoy looking for small fish to take home.

If you wait until afternoon you will see the beautiful sunset if

its not rainy days. They will leave the beach before seven at


6 Cherryl This is Tablolong beach. This beach is beautiful. When you

Aurelyani arrive there, you can see beautiful view with white sand and

Lopez blue ocean. You can see people sitting, dancing, playing

football or singing. Many activities they are doing. Some

child running around , girls are busy taking pictures.

You can swim and enjoy the beach view. Drink coconut

water is good. Spending time with family here recommended.

You can post your pictures in Instagram. Foods there are

tasty, you can buy with cheap price. Usually, people go there

to picnic or just hanging out.

A lot of things you can do. Do not forget to clean things

before you go home. Keep the beach area clean is important.

By doing this we help the live of earth.

7 Divallery Tablolong beach is favorite beach to spend your time with

Keyra A. your family and friends. There are many beach, but this beac

Roman has beautiful view. It has white sand and blue water like in

the picture. You can swim and sit on the sand or lopo. It is

near from Kupang city. Holiday is the best time to come here.

Swimming, playing ball, gathering, dancing and singing are

good things to do in this beach. You can meet and see many

people here. They come to enjoy holiday or to hang out with

their friends. Many school students come here too. Here, you

can take picture and videos.

My family like this beach too. Sometimes on Sunday we

come here. We come with our big family

8 Esthevania Tablolong beach is famous and popular in West Kupang.

Y. M. P. Many tourist go there. From national or international.

Rihi Kupang people laso go there on Sunday or holiday. They

come to enjoy the view.

Tablolong beach is not far from Kupang city, only forty five

minutes. We can go by car. There we will see beach with

beautiful sand and clean water. This beach usuall full of


We can swim on the water. Have lunch in the sand. Singing

with guitar or playing music. We can eat and drink coconut

water. We can take pictures wit our family and friends here.

9 Hendrikus Tablolong beach is a famous beach in Kupang. This is a

William picture of Tablolong beach. You can go to Tablolong beach

Patty by car or motocycle. It not take a lot time. When you there,

you see a beautiful beach White sand and blue water . Blue

sky and the sun is hot. You can sit in sun or in lopo. You can

rent the lopo.

Music is best for enjoying the beach. You can play loud

music. You can swim or picnic with your friends and family.

Sunset is beautiful there. You can take picture and smile. If

you go on weekend, there are many people there. They come

with their family or friends too.

If you are hungry, you can eat your food from home. You can

buy some food there too. If you bring guitar , you can sing

with your friends and family. Some people can camping there

at night. There are toilets for you to change clothes or take


10 Jonathan D. The place name is Tablolong beach. The beach location is in

Christian West Kupang. It is 45 Minutes from Kupang. When you

arrive there , you will see a blue water and white sand. Many

people go there on Sunday. They sell food and drinks there.

You can sit in lopo like in the picture. You can enjoy picnic

with your family. You can swim and enjoy the scenery.

Tablolong beach is one of many beach in Kupang. Sometime

people visit and play loud music with their friends. They sing

and dance together. You can go to Tablolong by driving car.

Before you go home you can see the sunset.

Do not forget to take picture of it, you will like the picture.

Other beach you can visit and enjoy the sunset are Manikin,

Lasiana, and Oesapa beach too. They has a good view . They

are near fro city. Do not forget to clean your things before

you go home. Do not leave any trash

11 Kristiani Tablolong beach is a beach in West Kupang. It is near from

Sonya P. Kupang city. Many Kupang people go there. They will come

Manutede with their family or friends. The beach has a beautiful view.

It has white sand. Children can make sand castle here. It has

blue water. People usually swim there. It has lopo to sit and

enjoy food.

Local people there sell coconut fruit and water. They sell

food too. We can buy from them. People sing and dance here

with the ir family and friends.

12 Lorenzho This is Tablolong beach. The beach has beautiful scenery. As

Charlos see in the picture. There are white sand, blue sky, blue sea

Us’abatan and lopos. Usually, people come here to picnic. They bring

food from their home. They eat the food together In beach.

They spend time for hours in Tablolong until sunset.

Swimming, dancing, singing, playing football and volleyball

is good thing to do in beach. But better come in summer. Sit

in lopo to relax is also good to do. Listen to music and drink

coffee too. Make sure to bring phone or camera to take


Sunset time is golden time. People will wait until sunset gone

to back home. Drink coconut water and eat some food there

is nice. There is a batch room and change room. You can

clean yourself before you go home.

13 Maria This is a picture of Tablolong beach. It location is in West

Wulandari Kupang. When you we go there, we can see beautiful view.

The white sand and blue water. They make us want to swim.

We can open or picnic mate on the sand or just sit in lopo

there. We can eat our food or buy some food there. They sell

banana and coconut water.

We can see many people. They do their acivity. Like

swimming, singing, dancing, playing ball or just sit enjoy the

view. About 5 on the afternoon, we can see sunset. The view

is great. We can take picture and video in Tablolong beach

and post it on our social media.

We can meet fisherman. They are going to go fishing. We

can small and big boat. If we want to swim, we can go in

summer. If it is rainy season, the water will bad. We ca not

see a good view there.

14 Maria Picture is Tablolong beach. The beach is good and clean. It

Anne has blue water and white sand. We can go to beach by car or

Shendy riding motocycle. It is only forty five minutes from Kupang.

Botoor If we go there we can swim and sit on the sand. We can eat

our lunch or buy lunch there. It has lopo and villa to rent.

There, we can see many fisherman. We will see their boat

there. We can take picture of the beach. I like swimming in

this beach even it is hot.

15 Petrus D. The place name is Tablolong beach. The beach place in West

Raymond Kupang. It is 45 minutes from Kupang city. When you arrive

Ma’u there, you will see a blue water and a white sand. Many

people go there on sunday . They sell some coconut there.

You can sit in lopo.

You can go by car or motocycle. You can see sunset before

you go home. The water is good to swim. Usually people go

there for picnic with their family or friends. They enjoy the

view together.

We ever go there for class picnic with our teacher. There we

take picture together. Swim together with my class friends.

We enjoy and take picture of sunset before we go home.

16 Philips S. In this picture is Tablolong beach. This beach is beautiful and

Hendrikus clean. The beach has white sand and blue water. It is very

Ola beautiful for take pictures. This beach is not far from

Kaupang city. We can go by car.

This beach is full in Sunday and Saturday. Many people

come to this beach. They come to enjoy picnic and holiday

with their family. This beach has lopo to sit. Some people sell

coconut and many food and drinks. We can buy from them or

bring our food.

Before we go home, we can swim and enjoy the beatiful

view. We can play ball and singing together with guitar. On

the afternoon, we can see sunset before we go home.

17 Richardo Tablolong beach is a beach in Kupang. The beach is very

Aloysius beautiful. People come here to picnic. They will come with

Benu their friends and family. They spend time together. They

bring food, drinks, speaker to play music or music


Boys usually play games like ball in here. Some people swim

and enjoy the view. They take pictures and smile together

with their friends or family.

Because the water is clean, many children swim with their

parents. But in summer, the sun so bright and we feel hot. We

can swim at four on the afternoon. Usually at the time the sun

not so bright.

18 Rizal This is Tablolong beach. The wonderful beach in Kupang. It

Kristensyen is near and beautiful. When we arrive we can see bautiful

Ballo view. The sand is white and the water is blue. It is very


It is not like other beach in Kupang. People like to come to

Tablolong because they can swim and play in sand. Children

like to run and swim here. Mother will take picture of their

children. Afater that all people will take picture together.

We can sit in lopo, enjoy lunch box with family. People look

happy here. To get in the beach, we need to pay ten thousand

to enter,. For the toilet we pay two thousand. To rent lopo we

pay twenty five thousand.

19 Satria Tablolong beach is beautiful beach in Kupang. We can reach

Bhernad T. Tablolong beach by car or bike. People go there on Sunday or

Siahaan Saturday or in any holiday. If you want to go there you will

spend 45 Minutes from Kupang city. Before you go there,

you prepare food and drinks. They sell food and drinks there

but expensive.

You will see, beautiful sea. White sand and blue water. You

can meet a lot people there. You can meet you friend usually.

You can go picnic with your family and sit by the sea. You

can drink coconut and eat banana. You can listen to music

while see the sunset. You can take picture and video.

Swimming is my favorite thing to do there. Before I will use

sunblock in my skin. So my skin will not burn. Then I will

swim with my family. Before we go home, we clean or


20 Selonita This is a picture of Tablolong beach. Tablolong beach is

Salsabila famous beach in Kupang. Many people to Tablolong beach

every weekend. They come with their family or friends . We

can go to there by car or motocycle, it takes 45 minutes from

Kupang City. When we arrive, we can see like in the picture.

We can see white sand, lopo and blue ocean with blue sky.

We can take picture and video there. We can sit and enjoy the

sunset with family. We can swim too. But we can not fishing


If we want to sit or enjoy the beach, we can sit in lopo. There

are many lopo there. We can rent one lopo with Rp. 25.000.

Many people love to stay at beach in summer.

21 Stefanya Tablolong beach in the picture is one of beautiful beach in

Tige Kupang. It is not far from the city you can go by bike. You

can see beautiful view there. The sand is white. The sky is

blue and the water is blue. You can see people there to swim,

picnic or just enjoy the beach. People sometime go there for

any activity from church, office or school.

We can enjoy food and drinks there. They sell coconut fruit

too. The taste is sweet. If you want to swim you can swim or

diving. You can play volley ball or football there. You can

see many sea creatures there.

The beach is clean. Please do not throw you garbage. People

usually go there in summer not in rainy season. Do not swim

too far. They say there is a crocodile too. So be aware.

22 Theresia This is a picture of Tablolong beach. Famous beach in West

LAstranti Kupang. It is near the city and need forty five minutes. We

M. Bara can goy by car or motocyle. When we arrive we have to pay

ten thousand for car and five thousand for motocycle.

The sand is white and the water is blue. We can see beautiful

sky above. Many people come to this beach. They come

because holiday. They come with big family or friends.

Boys like to play football here. Children like to swim and

look small fish. Their mother busy prepare the lunch. The

other sing and dancing. We can rent the lopo and use the

toilet but we pay.

23 Verena This is picture of Tablolong beach. The beach is beautiful

Nalani and near. It is in West Kupang. We can go with family and

Gilberte friends. We can go in holiday. But in holiday the beach is


The sand is white and the water is blue like In picture. We

can see colorful lopo to sit. When we sit there we pay twenty

thousand. Some people choose sit in sand. When the sun not

bright the children swimming.

The boysplaying football and waiting for sunset. Sunset in

here is very beautiful. The sky change to orange and the sun

too. People like to take picture of sunset.

Appendix 6. Result of T-Test

Appendix 7. Letter of Reserach Proposal

Appendix 8. Letter of Research Completion


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