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Survey Questionnaire

1. Demographic Information
1.1 Name: (Optional) __________________________
1.2 Age: _________________
1.3 Gender: ________________

Instructions: Rate the questions honestly using the 5-point scale

provided. Do not leave any items unanswered.

5- Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

2. To what extent does peer tutoring contribute to academic

achievement at community colleges of the Philippines?

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
2.1 Peer tutoring fosters a positive
and interactive learning
environment, leading to higher
levels of academic success among
2.2 Academic achievement is positively
influenced by the supportive
relationships formed through peer
tutoring, enhancing overall
learning outcomes.
2.3 Despite the intentions, peer
tutoring shows limited impact on
academic achievement, with minimal
improvement observed in students'
2.4 Students who engage in peer
tutoring demonstrate improved
academic performance, showcasing
the effectiveness of collaborative
2.5 The personalized attention and
feedback provided in peer tutoring
sessions positively impact
students' understanding and mastery
of academic content.
2.6 Peer tutoring does not consistently
contribute to academic achievement,
as its effectiveness varies across
different subjects and student
2.7 The influence of peer tutoring on
academic achievement is
overshadowed by factors such as
individual student motivation and
2.8 Peer tutoring significantly
enhances academic achievement,
providing students with
personalized support and guidance.
2.9 Academic gains resulting from peer
tutoring are marginal, suggesting
that alternative educational
interventions may be more
2.10 Peer tutoring does not contribute
significantly to academic
achievement, and its effectiveness
is not significant enough to
warrant widespread implementation
as a primary educational strategy.

3. How do students perceive the social development outcomes

resulting from participation in peer tutoring programs at
community colleges of the Philippines?

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
3.1 Peer tutoring has had a slightly
negative impact on my social
development, presenting challenges
in building effective relationships
with peers.
3.2 Through peer tutoring, I have
developed stronger interpersonal
relationships, contributing to a
more supportive and inclusive
learning environment.
3.3 Participation in peer tutoring
programs has significantly enhanced
my social skills, fostering better
communication and collaboration
with peers.
3.4 Peer tutoring has positively
influenced my ability to work in
teams, creating a sense of
cooperation and shared learning
3.5 The social development outcomes
from peer tutoring are somewhat
limited, with only occasional
improvements in communication and
3.6 Engaging in peer tutoring programs
has positively impacted my social
skills, leading to noticeable
improvements in communication and
3.7 My participation in peer tutoring
programs has not significantly
influenced my social skills,
resulting in minimal changes in my
ability to work with others.
3.8 Peer tutoring has moderately
contributed to my social
development, providing valuable
opportunities to interact with
diverse peers and perspectives.
3.9 Peer tutoring has inconsistently
contributed to my social
development, with variable
experiences in building
relationships and teamwork.
3.10 The social development outcomes
resulting from peer tutoring
programs are negligible, with
little to no impact on my
interpersonal skills.

Approved by:
Research Head

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