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NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework

What is the purpose of the NDPE IRF

Meeting No Deforestation, No Expansion on Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE) commitments is an ongoing process to
understand what is needed to achieve it, as well as a commitment to track progress, identify where action is needed, and
work to implement the necessary changes and improvements.

The NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework, or NDPE IRF, is a reporting tool that provides a shared and consistent
view of progress towards NDPE commitments across the full supply base of companies throughout the supply chain.

The IRF is like a universal language that all players can use and understand, allowing individual companies and the
industry collectively to:
• Understand what is required to deliver NDPE commitments
• Monitor progress
• Identify gaps
• Drive improvement.

Who developed the NDPE IRF

The Palm Oil Collaboration Group POCG members:

(POCG) is convened by PepsiCo and
Cargill with many other companies
convening the different working groups.

Technical coordination and support for

the POCG and working groups is
provided by Proforest.

What does a NDPE IRF profile look like
How is a profile useful to the company
Companies have agreed on a set of definitions and criteria to assess whether and to what degree the oil in their supply chain is compliant with
NDPE commitments.

Based on data collection from their suppliers (end user from refinery or refinery from mills), companies categorise the oil r eceived into five

1. Delivering (green): the mill can demonstrate that all supply to mill (directly managed and third party) is compliant
2. Progressing (light green): The mill has action plan and has made progress on directly managed areas where they have them, as well as third party
3. Commitments and starting action (yellow): The mill or mill group has made commitment to ensure all volume comply with the relevant NDPE
commitments and is planning or initiating action
4. Awareness (orange): The mill or mill group has been exposed to the relevant NDPE commitments and expectations
5. Known (brown): Traceable but no further action has been taken
6. Unknown (red): Untraceable volume

How can the NDPE IRF be trusted

Third-party independent verification provides assurance to the

actors downstream receiving aggregated IRF profiles on the
accuracy of IRF mill data, and to confirm that the system and
processes adopted by the data aggregators (for example GAR)
enable the supply of accurate IRF data.

Approved independent verification bodies will be able to confirm

the accuracy of the system by reviewing the quality
management system deployed by the data aggregator, and by
verifying a sample of the mill profiles and corresponding volumes
compiled by the data aggregators.

How does NDPE IRF Template look like?

Useful references

• NDPE Profile of one of GAR’s refinery -


• Palm Oil Collaboration Group –

• NDPE IRF technical documents –

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