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Made by:
Aleena Taj Khan 2218106
Ailia Raza 2218105
Anaadil Junaid 2218112
Mominah khan - 2218170

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Table of Contents
Budget Creation...............................................................................................................................4
Life Plan for the Next 3 Years.........................................................................................................5
Life Happens- Situation 1................................................................................................................6
Life Happens- Situation 2................................................................................................................6
Life Happens- Situation 3................................................................................................................7
Effect on Budget & Life Plan..........................................................................................................9
New Life Plan & Budget...............................................................................................................10

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This report delves into the financial planning and life goals of Sofia, a 22-yеar-old student
currently pursuing a Culinary Arts program at Fairview University. Hailing from a middle-class
family with four siblings, Sofia is deeply passionate about culinary arts. Despite the financial
challenges her family faces, she’s committed to pursuing her dreams. Her determination is
еvidеnt as she opted for a more affordable university, demonstrating her resolve to pave her own
path in the face of financial constraints.

Sofia's choice highlights her dedication to personal growth and self-reliance. Amidst her family's
financial difficulties, she takes on the responsibility of covering her expenses, including
contributing to the rent for her shard accommodation. This showcases her maturity and
determination to manage her own financial well-being, all while supporting her family. Her
parents, with her dad working tirelessly in a demanding job and her mom, a devoted homemaker
who adores cooking, have instilled in Sofia a strong work ethic and a passion for pursuing her
ambitions despite the odds.

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Budget Creation

Income Amount (annually)

Part-time job / Internship stipend PKR 144,000
Parental support PKR 84,000
Freelance Work PKR 180,000
Total Income PKR 408,000

Expenses Amount (annually)

Rent PKR 48,000
Transportation PKR 76,800
Textbooks and supplies PKR 60,000
Dining out/Entertainment PKR 60000
Health insurance PKR 17500
Miscellaneous PKR 30,000
Total Expenses PKR 291,800

Assets Value
Savings (last year) PKR 30,000
Savings (current year) PKR 52,000
Investments PKR 64,200

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Life Plan for the Next 3 Years
 Sofia plans to graduate in the summer of 2024
 After that she plans on moving abroad to pursue her goal of becoming a professional chef
 Sofia prioritizes securing a stable source of income in the culinary field to ensure
personal financial stability
 Sofia wants to earn enough for her father to retire
 She eventually hopes to pursue further culinary education
 Sofia wants to focus on creating a unique culinary identity that reflects her journey,
possibly by blending global flavors
 She hopes to win the James Beard Award for Rising Star Chef of the Year
 All while ensuring the well-being of her family back home
 She hopes to immerse herself in the local culture and culinary traditions of the country
she's in and become a naturalized citizen

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Life Happens- Situation 1
Sofia finds herself in a daunting and tough situation when her father falls critically ill. The
diagnosis reveals that he had a tumor in his brain which had to be treated instantly. If not, he was
at the risk of passing away. Visiting the doctors to discuss the procedure, Sofia gets to know that
the road to recovery is paved with financial hurdles. His father's treatment demands specialized
care from renowned medical experts, and the surgery itself was extremely expensive.
Additionally, the medications he required were also costly and these had to be continued for a
Apart from the finances Sofia was emotionally very weak. Thinking about life without her father
tore her and her family apart. She had to find a way to collect the finances. She reached out to
her relatives and told them about the situation. They were kind enough to lend her money. This
covered the cost of the surgery and for the rest of the expenses she took a bank loan.

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Life Happens- Situation


After finishing school, Sofia got a job at a restaurant. She worked with her boss, John, for a while,
and they seemed to get along well. She trusted him completely and couldn't have imagined that he
would do something bad to her.

John's restaurant was responsible for Sofia's visa, which allowed her to stay and work. But here's
the tricky part: John paid Sofia in cash and told her not to talk about her pay with other workers.
That was weird, but Sofia didn't question it because she trusted him.

One day, Sofia found out that she was getting paid a lot less than her co-workers who were doing
the same job. She was shocked and upset. When she asked John about it, he not only ignored her
concerns but also threatened to take away her visa if she didn't drop the issue. Things got worse,
and Sofia ended up losing her job.

She tried to get help from the police, but they couldn't do anything to fix the problem. Sofia then
applied for a different type of visa that would let her work independently. But it took a few months,
during which she didn't have a job and had to use her savings to get by. It was a tough time, but
Sofia stayed strong, determined to overcome the difficulties and continue pursuing her dreams in
the culinary world.

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Life Happens- Situation 3
Got Married
The 3rd situation is that Sofia gets married to a guy named Danny. Sofia and Danny had common
friends. As both were living in France their friends encouraged them to at least meet once. After
just meeting once they developed a good bond with one another and started meeting more
frequently, they would share everything with one another and became each other's support system.
This went on for a few months after which Danny proposed to Sofia. Soon after which they had an
intimate wedding ceremony.

Getting married was the turning point of her life as this changed her life in a positive way rather
than in a negative way. She was lucky enough to find the right life partner who supported her in all
hardships and happiness. He understood her, appreciated her upbringing on how she had been
raised despite facing financial challenges throughout her life.

She was lucky enough that she found a husband who was well settled and had set goals as well as
determined about his future. Danny was kind, loving, honest, loyal and caring. Additionally, he
came from a respected family background. He encouraged and motivated her to start working on
her future. Danny was a true gentleman. Sofía was extremely grateful for this change in her life and
her life completely changed after she took the decision to get married.

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Effect on Budget & Life Plan
Sofia Garcia was a passionate aspiring chef but when she faces life-altering challenges during her
pursuit of becoming a professional in the culinary world, it has a massive impact on her future

Family Health Crisis: Sofia faces immense financial strain due to her father's critical illness,
requiring expensive treatment. But regardless of the highly emotional situation, she can gather
enough money through a bank loan as well as other personal loans from relatives. While her dad
can receive treatment, she now has to redirect more of her resources to pay off the loans.

Betrayal and Unemployment: Trusting a friend in a joint restaurant venture, Sofia faces betrayal
when her partner, John, commits financial fraud which eventually leads to authorities being
involved and the restaurant being shut down indefinitely. This leaves her unemployed with no
source of income to support herself and her family back home. Sofia must pick up part-time shifts
at fast food restaurants while she reevaluates her life goals.

Marriage and Support: Thankfully, Sofia finds solace and stability in her marriage to Danny,
who becomes her pillar of support. Danny's understanding and encouragement provide Sofia with
renewed determination and enough confidence to refocus on her culinary goals.

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New Life Plan & Budget

Short term: Next 2-3 Years

i. Stabilize Financially: She should focus on securing a stable source of income in the
culinary field to rebuild financial stability after the setbacks.
ii. Gain Professional Experience: She should look for more opportunities as a sous chef or
in a similar role in France. This will not only provide financial stability but also valuable
hands-on experience.
iii. Sophia should consider enrolling in specialized culinary courses or workshops to enhance
culinary skills and knowledge, potentially aiming for certifications or short-term
programs that complement her long-term goals.

Long term: Next 5-10 Years

i. With a solid foundation in the culinary industry and financial stability, she should work
towards opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant that embodies Sofia's culinary vision.
Focus on creating a unique culinary identity, possibly blending global flavors that
showcase her journey.
ii. Sophia should do everything she can to ensure her family is comfortable back home and
her parents health is maintained
iii. Throughout her journey, prioritize personal well-being and work-life balance. Balancing
professional aspirations with personal life, hobbies, and time for self-care is crucial for
long-term success and happiness.
iv. Embrace lifelong learning by staying updated with culinary trends, refining skills, and
networking within the industry to foster growth and innovation.
v. She should aim to gain valuable industry experience by working in various roles within
the restaurant and hospitality sector.
vi. Immersing herself in the local culture and culinary traditions of France will provide her
with invaluable insights into the preferences and expectations of the local clientele.

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