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國立臺北護理健康大學 (110 學年第一學期,大學部聽四二 A)

語音學及語音聲學實作考試 Praat Final Exam - due 2022/1/23

請用電腦直接填寫 (最好用英文) 上傳 PDF file 在 iLMS
必須要加入 Praat 產生的圖+F1-F2 圖 (使用 Excel 或其他畫圖軟體)
Name ~ ~ ~ _____________________________

(A) Record /a/, /i/, /u/, /o/, /ə/, /y/ with Praat (Mandarin
vowels based on Jeng, 2011 鄭靜宜老師課本(表7-2)
or pages 289-290 of my PPT handout):
1. Record the 6 vowels with your own voice 你自己錄音

2. Ask your friend (your boyfriend or husband or girlfriend or a friend of different

gender) to record the 6 vowels 你必須找一位異性朋友錄音

3. Recruit a child or an elderly to record the 6 vowels 你必須找一位小於10歲的

小孩錄音 (男或女孩都可以) 或找一位大於60歲的老人錄音 (男或女都可以)

You can record with mobile phone, then convert .m4a to .wav audio file
format for Praat, using Cloud Convert (

4. With Praat, select a part (a section) of the signal, create image files
(Praat Picture: Save as 300-dpi .PNG files) for EACH of the following:

a. Microphone signal (acoustic waveform ) ( “Draw selected sound” in Praat )

x axis - Time (seconds) y axis - Amplitude


b. Fundamental frequency ( F0 ) ( “Show pitch” in Praat )

Page 2
( “Draw visible pitch contour” )
x axis - Time (seconds) y axis - F0 (Hz)


c. Intensity ( dB ) ( “Show intensity” in Praat )

( “Draw visible intensity contour” )
x axis - Time (seconds) y axis - Amplitude (dB)

d. Wide-band spectrogram ( “Spectrogram settings: short (small) window length”

in Praat ) ( “Paint visible spectrogram” )
x axis - Time (seconds) y axis - Frequency (Hz) Darkness - Amplitude (dB)

e. Narrow-band spectrogram ( “Spectrogram settings: long (large) window length”

in Praat ) ( “Paint visible spectrogram” )
x axis - Time (seconds) y axis - Frequency (Hz) Darkness - Amplitude (dB)

f. Formant frequencies F1, F2 ( “Get first formant”, “Get second formant” in Praat
): Just write down the mean (average) values of F1, F2 for each vowel , and no
need to save any images here. Fill in the table on the next page.

/a/ /i/ /u/ /o/ /ə/ /y/

你自己 F1

Page 3

異性朋友 F1


小孩 or F1
老人 (Hz)

Age: ?
Gender: ? (Hz)

5. Using any computer program for plotting graphs (e.g. Microsoft Excel), draw
an F1–F2 chart ( vowel location chart ) for the 6 vowels for 你自己, 你的異性朋
友, and 小孩 (or 老人) according to the data collected.

x axis - First formant frequency F1(Hz); y axis - Second formant frequency


( see the Excel file example: F1-F2-chart-example.xlsx )

6. What are the effects of gender and age on the F1–F2 chart ? 你自己, 你的異性
朋友, and 小孩(or 老人) 在 F1–F2 圖上的差異 ? Why ?

(more, see next page below)

Page 4
(B) Record the 4 Mandarin lexical tones or the 7
Taiwanese tones or the 6 Cantonese tones or the 6 (or 7)
Hakka tones with Praat :
Examples: / ma / for Mandarin, / ji / for Cantonese, / ton / for Taiwanese
/ fu / for Hakka

(1) Seven Taiwanese tones:

(2) Six Cantonese tones:


/ji/ tone 1: 衣, tone 2: 椅, tone 3: 意, tone 4: 兒, tone 5: 耳, tone 6: 義

/fu/ tone 1: 夫, tone 2: 虎, tone 3: 富, tone 4: 符, tone 5: 婦, tone 6: 父
/sui/ tone 1: 雖, tone 2: 水, tone 3: 碎, tone 4: 誰, tone 5: 穗, tone 6: 睡

(3) Seven Hakka tones:

Page 5

1. Record the lexical tones with your own voice 你自己錄音

2. Ask your friend (your boyfriend or husband or girlfriend or a friend of different

gender) to record the tones 你必須找一位異性朋友錄音

3. Recruit an elderly (native speaker of selected language) to record the tones 你

必須找一位大於60歲的長者 (母語為國語、臺語、廣東話、客語, 男女都可)

4. With Praat, select a part (a section) of the signal, create image files
(Praat Picture: Save as 300-dpi .PNG files) for :

Fundamental Frequency ( F0 ) ( “Show pitch” in Praat )

( “Draw visible pitch contour” )

x axis - Time (seconds) y axis - F0 (Hz)

5. Measure the beginning fundamental frequency ( onset F0 ), ending fundamental

frequency ( offset F0 ), mean fundamental frequency ( over the duration of the
syllable ) for each tone ( “Get pitch” in Praat )

6. Measure the duration for each tone ( of each syllable ).

Show the results in a table (for _____________language)

Tone Measure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
你自己 Onset
F0 (Hz)

F0 (Hz)

F0 (Hz)


異性朋友 Onset
F0 (Hz)
Page 6
F0 (Hz)

F0 (Hz)


老人 Onset
F0 (Hz)
Age: ?
Gender: ? F0 (Hz)

F0 (Hz)


7. What are the effects of age and gender on the F0 contours and duration of
tones ?
你自己, 你的異性朋友, 長者在聲調 F0, duration 的改變上的差異 ? Why ?

**After you finish this exam, you must insert ALL Praat figures and the F1-F2
plot into this Word document (please save only ONE .docx file), save it as ONE
PDF file and upload the PDF file on iLMS.

( 必須加入圖進來此 Word 檔,然後必須轉換為 PDF 檔,上傳 iLMS PDF 檔 )

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