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A Marketing Plan presented to

The Faculty of the Business Administration Department

Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology

Submitted by:

Mark John Cañete

Jourj Kian Bislig

Gian Muego

Reka Amante

Joenel Ramoran

Daniela Sapatose

Nikki Arroyo

Submitted to:


December 13,2023

In the vibrant tapestry of Sagay City’s fashion landscape, Novatores Creations Bags

emerges as a beacon of innovation and conscious fashion. Nestled amidst the bustling

preferences of the community, the brand navigates a unique path, striking an intricate

balance between style, sustainability, and affordability. At the heart of Novatores’ ethos

lies a distinctive approach to fashion that transcends traditional norms, transforming

discarded tarpaulin into bespoke accessories that not only capture the essence of

individuality but also echo a resounding commitment to environmental responsibility.

The people of Sagay City, discerning in their tastes, harbor a strong interest in fashion

that marries quality with budget-friendly accessibility. Novatores Creations Bags, keenly

attuned to this demand, rises to the occasion by offering a range of accessories that

goes beyond the ordinary. Crafted from discarded tarpaulin, each creation embodies a

dual narrative – one of cutting-edge style and another of ecological mindfulness. This

unique fusion sets Novatores apart, resonating with the fashion-forward denizens of

Sagay City who crave accessories that are not only a visual statement but also an

ethical one.

The distinctive choice of using recycled materials like tarpaulin serves as a testament to

Novatores’ unwavering dedication to sustainability. This conscious decision not only

differentiates the brand from its peers but also strikes a chord with a community that

places a premium on environmentally friendly practices. Novatores Creations Bags

becomes more than just a fashion brand; it transforms into a symbol of responsible
production and consumption, an embodiment of the shift towards a circular economy

that Sagay City embraces.

Amidst the myriad of options available in the market, Novatores strategically positions

itself as a brand that bridges the gap between affordability and sustainability. The

ingenious use of discarded tarpaulin as the primary material allows Novatores to

present a collection of bags at a reasonable price point. This affordability, coupled with

the brand’s unyielding commitment to sustainability, transforms Novatores Creations

Bags into a coveted choice for the fashion-savvy residents of Sagay City, offering them

not just accessories but a lifestyle choice that aligns with their values.

Novatores stands as a testament to the idea that fashion can be both accessible and

eco-friendly, challenging the conventional notion that sustainability comes at a

premium. By choosing to repurpose discarded tarpaulin, the brand not only mitigates

waste but also actively contributes to the promotion of a circular economy – a resonant

message for the environmentally conscious consumers of Sagay City.

In essence, Novatores Creations Bags has managed to strike the perfect equilibrium

between affordability and sustainability, capturing the essence of conscious fashion in

the community. The brand’s narrative extends beyond mere aesthetics; it intertwines

with the very fabric of Sagay City’s values, offering an alternative that is not just about

what you wear but how it contributes to a better, more sustainable future.

The people of Sagay City have a strong interest in budget-friendly, high-quality fashion.

They appreciate fashion items that are both affordable and sustainable. Novatores

Creations Bags understands this demand and sets itself apart by using discarded

tarpaulin to create their products. This unique approach appeals to the fashion-forward

individuals in Sagay City who are looking for stylish accessories that don’t break the

bank and are eco-friendly.

By utilizing recycled materials like tarpaulin, Novatores Creations Bags showcases their

commitment to sustainability. This not only distinguishes them from other brands in the

neighborhood but also resonates with the environmentally conscious consumers of

Sagay City. The brand’s dedication to creating fashionable items from recycled materials

is a testament to their belief in responsible production and consumption.

The use of discarded tarpaulin as a primary material for their bags allows Novatores

Creations Bags to offer their products at a reasonable price point. This affordability,

combined with the brand’s emphasis on sustainability, makes their bags a desirable

option for the fashion-savvy residents of Sagay City.

Novatores Creations Bags serves as a prime example of how fashion can be both

accessible and eco-friendly. By choosing to repurpose discarded tarpaulin, the brand

not only reduces waste but also promotes a circular economy. This aligns with the

values of the people in Sagay City who prioritize conscious consumption and seek out

products that make a positive impact on the environment.

Overall, Novatores Creations Bags has found the perfect balance between affordability

and sustainability, catering to the preferences of the people of Sagay City. Through

their use of recycled materials and dedication to producing fashionable accessories, the

brand has become a symbol of conscious fashion in the community.


Novatores Creations Bags has a target audience comprised of eco-conscious consumers

aged 25-45 who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions. These individuals

deeply care about the environment and actively seek out products that align with their


Fashion enthusiasts looking for distinctive and sustainable accessories are another key

target audience for Novatores Creations Bags. These individuals appreciate unique and

stylish fashion pieces that stand out from the mainstream. By using discarded tarpaulin

to create their bags, Novatores Creations offers a distinctive and eco-friendly option

that appeals to this audience.

In addition, individuals with an interest in budget-friendly, high-quality fashion are

drawn to Novatores Creations Bags. This target audience appreciates affordable yet

well-made fashion items that do not compromise on style or quality. Novatores

Creations’ use of recycled materials allows them to offer their products at a reasonable

price point, making them accessible to this audience.

The target audience of eco-conscious consumers, fashion enthusiasts, and budget-

friendly fashion-seekers aged 25-45 represents a diverse group of individuals who

prioritize sustainability, uniqueness, and affordability in their fashion choices. Novatores

Creations Bags caters to the needs and preferences of this audience by offering

distinctive and sustainable accessories that are both environmentally friendly and


Novatores Creations Bags has identified two main targets for their marketing efforts:

eco-conscious consumers and fashion enthusiasts. By strategically positioning itself in

the market to appeal to these audiences, Novatores aims to capture their attention and

create brand awareness.

One of the primary marketing goals for Novatores is to enhance its online presence.

The brand recognizes the importance of a strong digital presence in today’s competitive

market. To achieve this, Novatores plans to launch a captivating campaign on popular

social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok.

The campaign will showcase the distinctive blend of sustainability and style that

Novatores Creations Bags offers. Through compelling visuals, the brand aims to attract

the attention of their target audience and highlight the unique features of their eco-

friendly products.

Collaborating with influencers is another key strategy for Novatores. By partnering with

influencers who align with their brand values, Novatores can leverage their reach and

influence to promote their products to a wider audience. This approach allows the

brand to tap into the followers of these influencers, who are likely to be interested in

sustainable fashion.
Exclusive releases and limited-edition collections will also play a crucial role in

Novatores’ marketing strategy. By regularly introducing new and limited products, the

brand creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, driving demand and sales.

While digital platforms are a primary focus, Novatores also recognizes the importance of

offline channels. The brand plans to collaborate with local eco-friendly boutiques to

expand its reach and ensure accessibility beyond the online space. This strategy allows

Novatores to tap into the existing customer base of these boutiques and attract new

customers who prefer shopping in a physical store.

By targeting both online and offline channels, Novatores aims to maximize its reach and

increase brand visibility. The brand wants to be known as a sustainable and innovative

player in the fashion sector, catering to the needs and preferences of eco-conscious

consumers and fashion enthusiasts.

Overall, Novatores’ marketing goals revolve around enhancing its online presence,

driving sales through captivating campaigns, collaborating with influencers, and

expanding its reach through local boutiques. These goals align with the brand’s

commitment to sustainability and innovation, positioning Novatores Creations Bags as a

leading player in the eco-friendly fashion market.


Novatores Creations positions itself in the market as a brand that strongly prioritizes

sustainability, innovation, and style. Through a compelling brand narrative, Novatores

highlights its deep commitment to protecting the environment while showcasing the

unique aspect of their products – the upcycling of tarpaulin and clothing. This distinctive

approach emphasizes the brand’s ability to seamlessly merge environmental

consciousness with fashion, making it an attractive choice for eco-conscious consumers.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, Novatores seeks to elevate its brand by

emphasizing the exceptional functionality of its bags. Recognizing that today’s

consumers prioritize both style and practicality, Novatores ensures that its bags not only

look fashionable but also serve a purpose. By offering bags that are versatile, durable,

and efficient, Novatores sets itself apart in a market that values both aesthetic appeal

and practicality.

Furthermore, Novatores leverages its unique selling point of upcycling to appeal to

consumers who are mindful of their environmental impact. By repurposing tarpaulin and

clothing materials, Novatores showcases its innovation and creativity in creating

sustainable fashion accessories. This approach not only contributes towards reducing

waste but also provides customers with a sense of pride in owning a product that is

environmentally responsible.

Through strategic marketing efforts, Novatores emphasizes the transformative power of

their bags, highlighting their ability to contribute positively to sustainable fashion. By

showcasing real-life examples of individuals who have adopted Novatores Creations

bags as an essential part of their eco-friendly lifestyle, the brand reinforces its position

as a leader in the sustainable fashion market.

With a strong brand narrative, exceptional functionality, and emphasis on sustainability,

Novatores aims to appeal to a wide range of consumers, from eco-conscious individuals

to fashion enthusiasts. By positioning itself as a brand that not only offers stylish and

functional bags but also upholds a strong commitment to environmental responsibility,

Novatores sets itself apart in a market driven by both style and practicality.

As a brand, we take pride in our uniqueness within the market of Sagay City. Our

innovative approach and sustainable practices set us apart, making us the only provider

of our kind in the area. With no direct competitors currently offering the same products

and services, we have established a distinct niche for ourselves. This uniqueness grants

us a significant advantage, enabling us to capture a specialized market segment of eco-

conscious consumers who value sustainability.

Being the sole provider in our niche, we enjoy a first-mover advantage, allowing us to

establish ourselves as the go-to brand for eco-friendly fashion accessories in Sagay City.

Our commitment to upcycling tarpaulin and clothing materials further differentiates us,

reflecting our dedication to environmental responsibility. This absence of competition

also offers us the flexibility to set our pricing based on our own value proposition and

cost structure, without the need to adhere to industry standards or competitor


While we currently enjoy the benefits of having no immediate competitors, we

recognize the importance of staying vigilant and adaptive to potential changes in the

market. It is crucial for us to monitor the landscape for any emerging competitors or

substitute products that may arise. By staying proactive, we can maintain our unique

position and address any new competitive threats that may emerge, ensuring our

continued success and market leadership.

In summary, our uniqueness within the Sagay City market is our greatest strength. With

no direct competitors currently challenging our position, we have the opportunity to

firmly establish ourselves as the unparalleled provider of sustainable fashion

accessories. However, we are committed to remaining proactive and adaptable,

constantly innovating to address any potential competitive challenges that may arise in

the future.

Novatores Creations is driven by a clear mission to meet the needs and aspirations of

three key customer segments: the eco-conscious consumers, fashion enthusiasts

seeking distinctive and sustainable accessories, and individuals who value budget-

friendly, high-quality fashion. Our primary contribution to the market is through our

unique range of accessories, specifically our upcycled tarpaulin bags. These bags offer a

perfect blend of style, sustainability, and affordability, setting us apart from other


What sets us apart is our ability to seamlessly merge fashion-forward design with eco-

friendly practices. This distinctive combination resonates with individuals who prioritize

both individuality and responsible consumption. At Novatores, we are not simply selling

bags; we are promoting a lifestyle that embraces conscious choices without

compromising on style. Our mission goes beyond selling products; it focuses on

inspiring and empowering individuals to make sustainable fashion choices.

By catering to the needs and desires of eco-conscious consumers, fashion enthusiasts,

and budget-conscious individuals, we are able to capture a diverse customer base. We

aim to provide our customers with accessories that not only reflect their personal style

but also align with their values and beliefs. Our commitment to upcycling tarpaulin and

adopting eco-friendly practices ensures that each accessory carries a meaningful story

of sustainability.
As a brand, we constantly strive to innovate and offer cutting-edge designs that meet

the ever-evolving fashion preferences of our customers. We also place great emphasis

on affordability, ensuring that our products are accessible to a wide range of individuals

without compromising on quality.

In conclusion, our mission at Novatores Creations is to serve the needs of eco-conscious

consumers, fashion enthusiasts, and budget-conscious individuals by offering uniquely

crafted upcycled tarpaulin bags. Our distinctiveness lies in the seamless fusion of

fashion-forward design with eco-friendly practices, allowing us to promote a lifestyle

that embraces conscious choices without sacrificing style. We are committed to inspiring

and empowering individuals to make sustainable fashion choices while providing

affordable and high-quality accessories that reflect their personal style and values.

Novatores Creations has devised a cohesive market strategy to promote our products

effectively in the digital landscape. Our primary focus is on utilizing online platforms

such as Facebook and TikTok to broaden our reach and connect with a larger audience.

These platforms offer immense potential to engage with potential customers in a

visually captivating and interactive manner, making them ideal for showcasing the

distinctive charm of our upcycled tarpaulin bags.

By strategically leveraging the features and capabilities of Facebook and TikTok, we aim

to not only increase brand awareness but also generate higher sales. Through engaging

visual content, we can effectively communicate our commitment to eco-friendly fashion,

resonating with the values and preferences of environmentally conscious consumers.

This strategy ensures that we align ourselves with the growing demand for sustainable

products and position ourselves as a brand that shares the same values as our target


Furthermore, by utilizing online platforms, we can also collect valuable customer data,

enabling us to better understand their preferences and adapt our marketing efforts

accordingly. This data-driven approach allows us to refine our strategies, tailor our

messaging, and optimize our campaigns for maximum impact.

In addition to Facebook and TikTok, we will also explore collaborations with influencers

and fashion bloggers who align with our brand values. Leveraging their following and

credibility, we can amplify the reach and visibility of our products, further establishing

Novatores Creations as a prominent player in the sustainable fashion industry.

Overall, our market strategy revolves around utilizing online platforms, particularly

Facebook and TikTok, to showcase the unique appeal of our upcycled tarpaulin bags,

increase brand awareness, drive sales, and reinforce our commitment to eco-friendly

fashion. By leveraging the visual and interactive nature of these platforms, collaborating

with influencers, and utilizing customer data, we aim to effectively connect with our

target audience and establish Novatores Creations as a leading brand in the sustainable

fashion market.

Novatores Creations positions itself as a brand that offers premium limited edition bags

for eco-conscious consumers and fashion enthusiasts. With a pricing strategy set at

P249, our products are positioned as a high-quality and exclusive choice in the market.

To strengthen our positioning, we highlight our commitment to sustainability,

innovation, and style through a compelling brand narrative. We showcase the unique

upcycling process of tarpaulin and clothing, emphasizing the fusion of environmental

consciousness and fashion. By emphasizing the exceptional functionality of our bags,

we set ourselves apart in a market that values both style and practicality.

Our branding strategy revolves around leveraging the power of social media platforms

like Facebook and TikTok. Through these channels, we showcase our upcycled tarpaulin

bags to a wider audience, boosting brand awareness and reaching environmentally

conscious consumers. By curating engaging content that highlights our commitment to

eco-friendly fashion, we establish ourselves as a brand that aligns with the values of our

target audience.

Overall, our pricing, positioning, and branding strategies work together to position

Novatores Creations as a premium choice for eco-conscious consumers and fashion

enthusiasts. Through our unique upcycling process, commitment to sustainability, and

strategic use of social media, we aim to create a strong brand identity and connect with

our target audience effectively.


At Novatores Creations, we pride ourselves on our commitment to providing premium

yet affordable products. Our bags are priced at P249.00, ensuring that they are

accessible to a wide range of customers. We understand the importance of keeping our

production costs in check, which is why we allot P100.00 for labor and P100.00 for raw

materials per bag.

With a monthly quota of 4 bags, our total budget for production amounts to P800.00.

This budget includes the cost of labor, raw materials, and other associated expenses.

We carefully track our expenditures to ensure we stay within budget and achieve our

production targets.

Meeting our sales targets is of utmost importance to us. If we are unable to deliver the

bags on time, it could have a negative impact on our sales and customer satisfaction.

We consider this situation as a red light decision point, which prompts us to reevaluate

our production and delivery processes to ensure prompt and reliable delivery to our


By carefully managing our budget, monitoring our production costs, and maintaining

efficient delivery processes, we aim to meet our customers’ expectations and achieve

our sales goals. At Novatores Creations, our dedication to quality, affordability, and

customer satisfaction is unwavering.

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