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The graph illustrates data about Southland’s major sales overseas for the years 2000, 2024 and

their upcoming predictions for 2025. Overall, a decrease of sales is expected for their products
in the year 2025 with the exception for International tourism which has been estimated to see a
rise in the times to come. While Southland’s dairy products have been in demand the most in
the year 2024, meat production is seen to be the least popular.

It seems like Southland’s most profitable section is their International tourism generating over 8
billion pounds in 2000 then rising to just under 9 billion pounds in 2024. International tourism
also marks the only product to increase in profit to just under 10 billion pounds in their plans for

The most commercially successful product in 2024, has been dairy as its sales are close to 10
billion pounds, however, same cannot be said for Southland’s trade in Meat as it presents their
least profit-making product. Export of meat gathered 6 billion pounds in 2000 then declined to
their lowest income now in 2024, just over 5 billion pounds. Thus, it’s anticipated to further fall
back and bring about 5 billions pounds in 2025.

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