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Date Section Unit/textbook reference(s) Lesson/Subject:

07/02/2024 Reading Unit one
and Animals
Learning Objectives:


Students will learn and use at least 10 new vocabulary words related to invasive species and
Students will be able to identify the main ideas of a text while scanning.
Students will answer comprehension questions accurately.
Students will recognize and use comparative adjectives.
Students will understand and use academic verbs in context.
Steps Approxim
Lead-in (10 minutes): duration

one hour
Vocabulary Pre-teaching: Use the and 40
vocabulary exercise on page 22 of minutes
the textbook to introduce and
define key terms related to invasive
species and extinction (e.g.,
predator, ecosystem, adapt,
threatened). You can use games,
quizzes, or other interactive
activities to make this more
Topic Introduction: Briefly discuss
the topic of the text: invasive
species and the threat they pose to
native species and ecosystems.
Mention how natural causes and
human activities can lead to
Reading and Comprehension (30

Main Idea Scanning: Give students

10 minutes to scan the text quickly
for the main ideas. Encourage them
to focus on headings, subheadings,
and the first and last sentences of
Comprehension Questions: Have
students answer the 5 questions in
exercise 3 on page 22 individually.
Pair Checking: Allow students to
check their answers and discuss
with a partner.
Open Class Feedback: Facilitate a
class discussion to review the
answers and ensure understanding
of the main points.
Grammar Review (15 minutes):

Comparative Adjectives Reminder:

Briefly review the use of
comparative adjectives by
prompting students with examples
from their previous studies.
Encourage them to identify
comparative adjectives used in the
text they just read.
Academic Verbs Introduction:
Explain the concept of academic
verbs and their importance in
academic writing. Introduce the
specific verbs "survive," "affect,"
and "release" used in the text.
Vocabulary and Grammar
Integration (25 minutes):

Inferring Verb Meanings: Guide

students through Exercise 1 on
page 24, where they infer the
meaning of academic verbs based
on context. Encourage them to use
clues like subject, object, and
surrounding words.
Sentence Construction: Ask
students to create their own
sentences using the learned
academic verbs and comparative
adjectives, relating them to the
topic of invasive species and
extinction. They can work
individually or in pairs.
Sharing and Feedback: Invite
students to share their sentences
with the class or in small groups.
Offer feedback on the accuracy of
verb usage and comparative
adjective construction.
Potential challenges (especially for cover teaching; you should write a note here if your class is
covered by a teacher for any reason



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