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Salah (namaz)
Meaning and importance:

Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It was made obligatory during the night of Miraj in the
10th year of Prophet Hood. It refers to the five compulsory daily prayers. The word Salah
occurred more than 67 times in the Quran. The first duty of a true believer after affirming
faith in Allah is to perform the prayer or salah. Allah says in the Quran: ‘’Surely I am Allah
there is no God beside Me so worship Me alone and establish Salah for My

Prayer is essence of all Islamic practices and deeds that is why the Holy Quran and the Holy
Prophet (SAW) had stressed over and over upon the vital importance of the prayer and
declared it as a basic Islamic practice. The other act of worship besides prayer have been
made obligatory for particular categories of people or particular occasions only e.g. ‘Hajj’
and ‘zakah’ are obligatory for the rich Muslims only. Fasting has been prescribed for one
month in a year, but a prayer is a duty that has no other condition other than faith. It is
obligatory on every male and female, rich or poor, healthy or sick, resident of home or on
journey. It is not excused even in battlefield. The first question in grave or on the day of
judgement will be about the performance of the prayer. The Holy Quran not only motivates
the people to observe prayers but the same time it has given severe warnings and threats of
destruction in the Hereafter to those who deliberately neglect or miss their prayers. The
Quran says:

‘’So woe to the worshippers who are neglectful of their prayers.’’

The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also stressed upon the importance of prayer on various
Ahadith. According to Him (SAW):

‘’Prayer is the only distinction between a believer and a disbeliever.’’

At another place He says:

‘’Prayer has been made coolness of my eyes.’’

Salah is the central point of life of a Muslim. It is a way to directly communicate with our
Lord. It should be offered with this belief that Allah is watching us.

A Muslim is required to pray at the prescribed time. Muslim men should pray in the mosque
in the congregation with his fellow Muslims. It develops unity among the Muslim community
and builds brotherhood.

Prayer is the best way to seek Allah’s help and guidance.

Preparation for Prayers:

As soon as the believer hears the call to the prayer, or Azaan, he starts preparation to perform
salah. If a person is in need of complete bath, he must take it, if not than ablution or wudu
should be performed according to the prescribed method. It is important that ablution should
be made with pure water which means that the water should be free from all sorts of
impurities. Nothing should be added to it even pure things like musk, saffron, rose water or
flower. The Holy Quran mentions that for prayer face, hands up to the elbows, feet up till
ankles should be washed and to wipe the head with the hands. Besides these obligatory acts
there are ‘sunan-e-wudu.’ According to them one should make ‘niyah,’ say ‘tasmiya.’ Wash
the hands up to the wrist three times clean the teeth and rinse the mouth three times, putting
water in the nostrils three times, each part is to be washed three times. The whole head and
both ears are to be rubbed. After making wudu the believer is prepared to offer the prayer in
prescribed way. If water is not available or one is traveller or is suffering from some ailment
that if he uses water would aggravate the disease then dry wudu or ‘tayammum’ can be made
to purify oneself. In this case a believer should put both hands lightly on earth, sand, stone or
any other object having dust on it and should blow the dust of the hands and wipe the face
with them once in the same way as done in wudu, then struck the hand again on the clean
earth or sand blow off the extra dust and wipe the right arm first and then the left arm up to
the elbow. The permission for tayammum finishes as soon as water is available or the
disability to use water in case of an ailment finishes.

Importance of ablution:

Ablution or wudu is essential for performing salah as cannot be offered without making
ablution. Islam emphasizes greatly on remaining pure and clean. According to the Holy
Prophet (SAW) said:

‘’Purification is half of faith.’’

The Holy Quran recommends the importance of cleanliness in these words:

‘’Allah likes those who keep themselves clean.’

The best way to attain purification is to develop the habit of prayer because prayer cannot be
offered without ablution so it is the best way to attain physical and spiritual purification.
Further it is the first step towards the prayers. There is a great reward for those who make
wudu or ablution properly in a prescribed manner. According to one tradition the people who
make wudu with full devotion their faces will be glowing on the Day of Judgment.

Timings of Salah:

It is very important for a believer to offer the prayers at prescribed time. The prayer timings
have been fixed. The Quran says: ‘’surely prayer is ordained for believers at a fixed time.’’

According to the Quran and Ahadith the timings of the prayer are;
Fajar begins after the break of dawn and ends just before sunrise. Zuhur prayer begins when
the sun begins to decline and ends till the shadow of a man become double his length. The
time for Asr prayer begins when the time for Zuhur prayers finishes and ends just before
setting of the sun. Maghrib prayers start immediately after setting of the sun and remains till
the disappearance of redness in the horizon. Isha is the last prayer of the horizon and remains
till midnight.

Importance of the Azan:

 Announcement of the prayer

 Great principles of Islamic faith hidden in its words e.g. unity of Allah and the
Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW).
 The words ‘’ Allah o Akbar’’ teach us that we should only bow down and glorify
 The words ‘come to prayer’ followed by come to success signify that by coming to
prayer real success and self-development is attained.

Condition of prayer:

The condition applied for the performance of prayer is that first of all it should be the time for
the prescribed prayer, as the Quran says:

‘Prayers indeed have been enjoyed on believers at fixed times.’’

A person should be in a state of wudu. Besides making ablution one must be sure about the
purity of body, clothes and place of worship. After attaining purity a person must make the
intention of the prayer, it should be said by tongue. Further one must face the Qibla that is the
mosque of Kaabah in Makkah. Moreover sattar must be covered. For men it is naval to knees
(but modesty demands that body should be covered decently). For women all the body should
properly covered except her hands, face and feet.


Mosque is the worship place for the Muslims. The Arabic word for Mosque is ‘Masjid’. The
first mosque of Islam was built at Quba and then the mosques of Prophet (SAW) in Madinah.
According to the Prophet (SAW) mosque is the best place in the world as it is the center of
Divine as well as other activities and also because Allah is remembered in it. During the days
of Muhammad (SAW) it served not only as a place of worship but also as a center of politics
and social gatherings. Even today mosque is not only a place of worship but it is also used for
religious discussions and imparting the Quranic knowledge. According to Muhammad
(SAW) the merit of praying in a mosque in congregation is 70 times more than praying at
home. Great rewards are promised by Allah who builds a mosque. The Prophet (SAW) has
said: ‘’who builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build an abode for him in paradise.’’
One must be very respectful while in a mosque. There should not be any kind of buying and
selling, execution, murder or retaliation or any kind of social practice. Cell phones should
remain off while in a mosque, noise should not be made and it should be kept clean all the
time. Certain prayers should be made while entering and exiting the mosques.

It’s Importance:

 The combination of worship and knowledge provides nourishment of the soul and
mind at the same place.
 They are centres especially dedicated to collective worship.
 They enable community to meet together.
 They provide facilities for education and joint learning.
 By their appearance they remind the community that it is united.

Friday Prayers:

Friday is special importance for Muslims. Muslims are enjoyed to say their Friday prayer in
the mosque. Friday prayer takes the place of Zuhr prayer. Two fardz of Friday are offered in
congregation in place of four fardz of Zuhr prayer. There is no Qada of Friday prayer. It is
obligatory upon every free adult, male Muslim. Women, children, insane, very ill people,
travellers and slaves are exempted from the performance of Friday prayer; however they
should offer Zuhr prayer. According to one Hadith of Prophet (SAW):

‘’Al-Jummah is a duty upon every Muslim in the community except for a slave,
women or a child or a person who is ill.’’

It is desirable that a person should cut their nails, take a bath, should put on neat and clean
clothes for the Jummah prayer. All normal business can take place on Friday except for the
time of the Friday prayer. They may resume their business after the prayer. The Quran says:

‘’O, you have believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday hasten
earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business that is best for you if ye
but knew! And when the prayer is finished, than ye may disperse through the land and
seek of the bounty of Allah…’’

Another special feature of the Friday prayer is the Friday sermon which is delivered by the
Imam. The Khutabah is Fardz and listening to it is Wajib. While the khutabah is being
delivered, no conversation, use of mobile phone is allowed. Even praying, reading the Quran
or reciting durood is forbidden. There are two parts of the sermon. In the first part ‘Kalmah’,
glorification in praise of Allah and blessings are invoked on Prophet (SAW). In the second
part Quranic verses are recited along with a prayer for the general welfare of the community.
After ‘khutabah’ two fardz of Friday prayer are offered and then the believers can offer
individually four sunnahs, followed by two more sunnahs and two nafls.
Importance of Friday prayers:

Friday has been declared as ‘Sayyid-tul-Ayyan’ (the greatest of the weekdays) by the
messenger of Allah. The reward of good deeds multiplies on this day. Many important events
of the Islamic history occurred on Friday such as the certain of the Universe, creation of
Adam (AS) and his decent to the earth and many more. According to an authentic tradition
the Universe will come to an end also on Friday. The importance of collective worship on
Friday holds a great importance as does Saturday in Judaism and Sunday in Christianity. The
Muslims get together not only to go before their Lord but also to listen to the weekly sermon
which provides a platform for educational and spiritual training of the believers. Muhammad
(SAW) has warned that if anyone deliberately misses out there three Friday’s prayers he exits
the fold of Islam. Hence a believer must not miss the Friday prayers in order to attain the
blessing of Allah.

Importance of the Friday prayers to the community:

 They give an opportunity for the Muslim men in vicinity to come together.
 The worshippers can see the strength of their number.
 They have a chance to learn about their faith from the sermon.
 They can exchange thoughts and news.
 They are reminded that all Muslims should be united under God.

Eid prayers:

Muslims celebrate two festivals in a year ‘Eid-ul-Fitr’ and ‘Eid-ul-Azha’. Eid-ul-Fitr is

celebrated at the end of the month of Ramadhan on the 1 st of Shawwal. It is celebrated as a
thanksgiving festival to Allah, as He blessed the believers with the strength to fast in the Holy
month of Ramadhan.

Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated on the 10th of Zilhajj. In this festival Muslims all over the
world sacrifice sheep, goat, cows or camel in the name of Allah. For three days the
celebration and sacrifice of animals can take place. It is celebrated in the remembrance of
Hadrhat Ibrahim (AS) when he was ready to sacrifice his son Ismail (AS) to fulfil the
command of Allah but Allah replaced Hadhrat Ismail (AS) with a ram and till now Muslims
celebrate ‘Eid-ul-Adha’ in remembrance of this great event.

It is celebrated in the morning after Fajr prayer. 2 rakaat prayer is offered in

congregation it cannot be offered as ‘qadah’. A sermon is delivered before the prayer,
(consult F. Noor page 259-260 for more points)
Shortened prayer-Qasr

In Islam a traveller has an option to shorten prayer, while on a journey. It is called ‘Qasr.’
The zuhr, Asr and Isha are shortened to two rakaahs, the sunnahs are dropped. The Quran
while allowing Qasr prayers says:

‘’when you travel through the earth, there is no blame on you if you shorten your


A traveller may shorten his prayer as long as he is on a journey if the duration of his stay is
less than fifteen days or according to some traditions nineteen days. The Holy Quran is silent
about the distance, after which a person can shorten his prayer, however, according to some
traditions some scholars have fixed it to 65 km or 48 miles.

Combined prayers-jamma’ah

The two afternoon prayers, zuhr and Asr may be combined when is on a journey and so may
the two night prayers, Maghrib and Isha. Such a combination is also allowed in bad weather.
According to a hadith, this combination is allowed even when there is neither journey nor
rain. A companion reported that the prophet (s) combined the zuhr and Asr prayers and the
Maghrib and Isha prayers when there was neither journey nor fear and, when asked why he
did it, he answered, ‘’so that my followers may not be in difficulty.’’ (Muslims) According to
another report, this combination was effected in Medinah when there was neither fear nor
rain (Muslims)

This combination is called jama’ah bin as-Salatain or the combination two prayers. Both
prayers may be said at the time of the earlier prayer which is called Jammah Taqdim or
earlier combination or at the time of the late prayer, which is called Jamaah Takhir, or a late

Delayed prayer – Qaza

Missing out a prayer is a great sin, however it can be compensated by offering Qaza prayer. It
is obligatory for anyone who has forgotten the salah or slept through its time to make up for
the missed prayer. The Prophet (SAW) has said:

‘’There is no expiation for the prayer except the prayer itself.’’

The missed salat has to be offered at the earlist possible opportunity. If several prayers are
missed, the Qaza of these should be offered in the prescribed order. Qaza is only to be offered
of Fardz. The word Qaza should be added in the niyah while offering the prescribed prayer.

The believer should be extremely careful that one should not miss out a prayer intentionally.
However, if anyone is on his way to the mosque or home and he has to perform the prayer of
that prescribed time but on his way if he comes across who needs his attention or help (e.g
road accident) in such cases, human life should be saved first and the prayer can also be
offered afterwards.
Difference between prayer and personal prayer (dua)
Prayer means the daily 5 prayers and personal prayer or dua is asking Allah’s help in
difficulties. According to the Holy prophet (SAW):

‘’Invocation is worship’’.

Dua means a complete surrender and recognition of ones utter helplessness and faith in the
power of Almighty Allah, the creator of the heavens and the earth. The Holy prophet (SAW)

Verily your Lord is ashamed of his servant when they raise up their hands to Him in
supplication to return them empty.’’

The major difference between prayer and personal prayer are that prayer is an obligation
while dua is not. It is to be offered at prescribed time while dua can be at any time of the day.
Also prayer has to be offered in prescribed manner and with certain actions while dua can be
made in any action i.e. while lying, sitting, standing, raising or without rising hands etc. we
say our prayer in Arabic language while dua can be made in any language. Basically prayers
consists of recital from the Quran accompanied by various bodily postures however in
personal prayer the choice of words is free, any Quranic or musnoon prayer may be repeated
often to seek help from Allah in the hours of distress. Prayer has to be said facing towards
Qiblah while dua can be said in any direction. Lastly for prayer we need to be in a state of
while dua can be made without ablution.

Method of the prayers (various steps)

Niyah, Takbir-o-Tahrima, Qiyam, Thana, Tawuz, Tasmiya, Fatiha, Qirat, Takbir, Ruku,
Qoamah, Takbir, Sajdah, Jalsa, second Sajdah, Tahhiyya, Tashud, Darood, dua, salam.

(consult yasmeen Malik pgs 143-147)


Q. How do Muslims perform one rakah of salah?

A. After preparing for the salah by performing wudu the believer salat. He must stand upright
on the prayer mat, facing the direction of kabaa. This ‘Qiyam’. Niyyah or intention is recited
in Qiyam.

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