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Mutiarani Agina Putri

UAS textbook analysis
Judul buku: Bahasa Inggris
Penulis: Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaidah
Penerbit: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Belitbang, Kemendikbud.
Level: 10
1) Content
a. vocabulary
It’s a great book that has many vocabulary which is familiar for students in 10th grade. This book
also easy to understand. It also contains new vocabulary to learn based on the context material,
so it will increase the students to gain many vocabulary.
b. Grammar
The grammar presented in this book is presented in logical sequence, that is not only
grammatically correct but also logical, unambiguous or unclear. What is more interesting than
the grammar presented in this book is that there is an interlude in the form of additional
information which usually can be in the form of slang, or a more detailed explanation of certain
material or commonly called an interclude that contains insights about topics being learned.

The grammar goes into the context of the discussion of the material, and can be distributed or
used in that one chapter. Important things are easily identified by students because there are
markers such as orange columns which usually contain important information.
c. Text
There are some types of text in this book such as descriptive text, recount text, narrative text, etc.
The text in this book are very informative, entertaining, and of course has moral value in it.
d. Cultural Contexts
Culture is varied. So it is good for students to learn something new from other’s culture not only
in this country but all around the world. By learning other’s culture will make students more
respect to other people which has different behave, habits, or religion.
(a) the training activities are in accordance with the teaching materials. Has a basic context as an
assessment tool for students. The language used is formal and communicative.
(b) Controlled activities, free of manipulation and adopting an easy-to-difficult process. Many practice
questions provide various forms of filling, such as matching (crossing), filling in missing words, etc.
Usually sample exercises are followed by very clear instructions for each exercise.
(d) Its activities are reflective and productive. Increase student creativity, with a variety of instructions
(a) This book visually are pleasant to look at, a lot of interesting pictures so it is easy to
(b) From the coloring point of view, this book is well colored. With a lot of interesting color, it

makes the picture way more details.

The weight of this book is standard. Not too heavy so it is easy to carry.

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