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Burlap Chap Hood

Written and Designed by: The Twisted Hatter
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Distributing, reselling, rewriting or sharing of pattern (or its photos) is prohibited. Feel free to
sell the finished product.

Hood: One size (When folded in half, the length in back=15 1/2” width=11”)
Materials you will need:
*This yarn is on the thicker side of #4, I wouldn’t go thinner than Caron One Pound or Red Heart
Super Saver.

Item Yarn Size Color Brand Used Approx.

(Substitute your own) Yds
Main Color of Hood Worsted Weight(4) Light Brow Speck Studio Classic by Nicole 445
Contrasting Color Worsted Weight(4) Soft Green Studio Classic by Nicole 225
Accents Worsted Weight(4) Black Caron One Pound 90
Maggots Worsted Weight(4) Aran Red Heart Super Saver 5

• L hook (8mm) or size needed to obtain gauge.

• H hook (5mm)
• G hook (4mm)
• Scissors
• Yarn or tapestry needle+ thinner darning needle for sts
• Stuffing (a small amount for tip of hood)
• Stitch marker
• Sewing pins
• Optional: Brown Fabric Paint/dye+paintbrush or eyeshadow, Styrofoam head (is very helpful when
sewing on the face), Embroidery thread or weight #2 yarn for dots in eyes (you could also use paint or
felt), Green 10ft LED silver wire string lights (I bought mine at AC Moore, but you can find them on
Amazon or most craft stores).

Stitch Guide:
MR: Magic ring Sc: single crochet
Ch: Chain Hdc: Half double crochet
St/Sts: Stitch/Stitches Dc: Double crochet
Sl st: Slip stitch (join is also a sl st) Tr: Treble crochet
Bb: Back bump 2tog: Decrease between 2 stitches
Sk: Skip 5tog: Decrease between 5 stitches

Please read me!!! If you want to know where the 1st st of rows & rnds are placed:
• Do Not count beginning chains unless instructed
• When working in rows: The 1st stitch of the row is worked in the last st of prev row (the st the ch
emerges from) unless instructed not to.
• When working in rnds: The 1st/same stitch is worked in the same st ch emerges from, unless
instructed not to.
• When you see anything between *-*3x, repeat that sequence the amount of times specified
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The entire hood is worked double stranded.

Gauge for Hood: Double stranded with L (8mm) hook 7 hdc =3”, 3 BLO rows = 2”
Gauge check after row 3 when count goes back to 1: Measuring the first 3 rows (it’s actually 6 rows) =4” across.
Starting at last hdc made on row 1 & counting up 14sts=6”.

Hood: Make 1 up to row 26, then make a 2nd.

Starting with 2 strands Green yarn & L hook (8mm)
Row 1: Ch 2, Hdc in 2nd bb, ch 1, turn. (1)
Row 2‐4: Hdc in st, ch 1, turn. (1)
Row 5: 2Hdc in st, ch 1, turn. (2)
Row 6: Hdc in 1st & nxt st, ch 1, turn. (2)
Row 7: 2Hdc in 1st & nxt st, ch 1, turn. (4)
Row 8: Hdc in 1st & nxt3sts, ch 1, turn. (4)
Row 9: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt2sts, 2hdc in nxt, ch 1, turn. (6)
Row 10&11: Hdc in 1st & nxt5sts, ch 1, turn. (6)
Row 12: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt4sts, 2hdc in nxt, ch 1, turn. (8)
Row 13&14: Hdc in 1st & nxt7sts, ch 1, turn. (8)
Row 15: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt6sts, 2hdc in nxt, ch 1, turn. (10)
Row 16&17: Hdc in 1st & nxt9sts, ch 1, turn. (10)
Row 18: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt8sts, 2hdc in nxt, ch 1, turn. (12)
Row 19&20: Hdc in 1st & nxt11sts, ch 1, turn. (12)
Row 21: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt10sts, (hdc in nxt st, yo, insert hook in same st, yo, pull through, yo with
1 strand Green & 1 strand Brown, pull through to color change), fasten off 1 strand Green, ch 1, turn. (14)
Row 22&23: Hdc in 1st & nxt13sts, ch 1, turn. (14)
Row 24: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt12sts, 2hdc in nxt, ch 1, turn. (16)
Row 25: Hdc in 1st & nxt15sts, ch 1, turn. (16)
1st piece Row 26: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt14sts, 2hdc in nxt. (18) Fasten off leaving green tail long for
sewing the 2 triangles together.
2nd piece Row 26: 2Hdc in 1st st, hdc in nxt14sts, 2hdc in nxt, don’t ch or turn. (18) We’ll start the row
count at 1 just to make it easier. Leave yarn on hook
Row 1: Holding both pieces with last hdc’s made touching each other.. Sl st in the 1st 9sts of 1st piece
(See Left Pic), ch 18, hdc in 2nd & nxt16bb, Hdc in nxt 9 sts of 1st piece, hdc in 1st (See Right Pic) &
nxt17sts of 2nd piece, hdc in nxt9 sl sts of 1st piece & nxt17 of beg ch, ch 1, turn. (70) beg sl sts & chains
are not included.
*I whip stitched my triangles together after row 1, but you can do it at the end if you want (if doing it
now, read the sewing instructions first).

Row 2‐4: Hdc in 1st & nxt69BLO, ch 1, turn. (70) Gauge check after row 3
Row 5: Hdc in 1st & nxt68BLO, yo, insert hook in nxt BLO, yo, pull through, yo with 2strands Brown, pull
through to color change, fasten off Green, ch 1, turn. (70)
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Row 6‐9: Hdc in 1st & nxt69BLO, ch 1, turn. (70)

Row 10: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt68BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, ch 1, turn. (72)
Row 11: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt70BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, ch 1, turn. (74)
Row 12: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt72BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, ch 1, turn. (76)
Row 13: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt74BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, ch 1, turn. (78)
Row 14: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt76BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, ch 1, turn. (80)
Row 15: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt78BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, ch 1, turn. (82)
Row 16: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt80BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, ch 1, turn. (84)
For the nxt rnd when changing color & fastening off you can start/end with long tail & use them for the
braids later to avoid sewing in (you don’t have to though).
Rnd 17: 2Hdc in 1st BLO, hdc in nxt82BLO, 2hdc in nxt BLO, working across the base.. Sc in post of last
hdc made,*2sc in nxt row, sc in nxt* 6x, sc in nxt9rows, *2sc in nxt row, sc in nxt* 6x, join in 1st hdc made,
yo with 2 strands Black, pull through to color change, fasten off Brown.(132)
Rnd 18: Ch 1, Reverse sc (crab st) in each st. (132) Fasten off, sew in ends not being used for braids or

Sewing triangles together: Using needle & Green strand

Holding both triangles together & matching up the rows, sew
the sides together doing 1 whip st per row (you can pull on
the strand a bit to give it a nice curve). Fasten off sew in ends.
You can either put a small amount of stuffing up to row 14 of
the triangle or… shove the string lights inside to make it
EXTRA awesome.

Braids: Make 2. You can make yours the length & thickness you like. This is how I do mine.
Cut 6 strands of each color 52” (4ft 4”), fold strands in half, insert hook in the “corner” of hood going from
inside to out, pull loop through a little bit, pull all strands through loop, pull tight. I separated my colors, 6
strands of each color on the left & 6 on the right, crisscross green, crisscross brown, crisscross black, knot
at desired length.

Left Eye:
Using 1 strand Black & H (5mm) hook
Row 1: Ch 2, sc in 2nd bb, ch 1, turn. (1)
Row 2: Hdc in st, ch 1, turn. (1)
Row 3: Sc+ hdc in st, ch 2, turn. (2)
Row 4: Dc+hdc in 1st st, sc in nxt st, ch 1, turn. (3)
Row 5: Sc in 1st2sts, hdc+dc in nxt st, ch 2, turn. (4)
Row 6: Dc+hdc in 1st st, sc in nxt3sts, ch 1, turn. (5)
Row 7: Sc in 1st 4sts, hdc+dc in nxt st, ch 1, turn. (6)
Rnd 8: 3Sc in 1st st, sc in nxt4sts, 2sc in nxt st, starting in row 6 sc in nxt6rows, sc in tip, ch 1, sl st in bb,
sc in same tip, sc in 1st 2rows, 2sc in nxt5rows, join in BLO of 1st sc made, yo with 2 strands Brown,
fasten off Black Leaving a tail for sewing base of eye. (31 including ch 1/sl st)
For Rnd 9.. Make sure to sl st loosely, you will be working in those sts later.
Rnd 9: Don’t ch, sl st in BLO of same & nxt16sts, ch 1, sl st in nxt14BLO, join in BLO of 1st sl st made, ch 1,
Rnd 10: Working in BLO of sl sts…2Sc in 1st BLO, Hdc in nxt, *2hdc in nxt BLO, hdc in nxt* 6x, 2sc in nxt
BLO, sc in nxt4BLO, hdc in nxt8BLO, dc in nxt5BLO, join in 1st sc made. (40)
Row 11: Ch 1, sk 1st st, Sc in nxt22sts, sl st in nxt st, ch 1, turn. (22 sl st not counted)
Row 12: Sk sl st, Sc in nxt st,* tr in nxt2sts, tr2tog* 5x, sc+sl st in nxt st (17 Sl st not counted) fasten off
leaving a tail for sewing. Sew in non-specified ends.
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Right Eye:
Using 1 strand Black & H (5mm) hook
Row 1: Ch 2, sc in 2nd bb, ch 1, turn. (1)
Row 2: Hdc in st, ch 1, turn. (1)
Row 3: Sc+ hdc in st, ch 2, turn. (2)
Row 4: Dc+hdc in 1st st, sc in nxt st, ch 1, turn. (3)
Row 5: Sc in 1st2sts, hdc+dc in nxt st, ch 2, turn. (4)
Row 6: Dc+hdc in 1st st, sc in nxt3sts, ch 1, turn. (5)
Row 7: Sc in 1st 4sts, hdc+dc in nxt st, ch 1, don’t turn. (6)
Rnd 8: 2Sc in row7 & nxt4rows, sc in nxt2rows, sc in tip, ch 1, sl st in bb, sc in same tip, sc in 1st &
nxt5rows, 2sc in 1st st, sc in nxt4sts, 3sc in nxt st, join in BLO of 1st sc made, yo with 2 strands Brown,
fasten off Black Leaving a tail for sewing base of eye. (31 including ch 1/sl st)
For Rnd 9.. Make sure to sl st loosely, you will be working in those sts later.
Rnd 9: Don’t ch, sl st in BLO of same & nxt13sts, ch 1, sl st in nxt17BLO, join in BLO of 1st sl st made, ch 1,
Rnd 10: Working in BLO of sl sts.. Dc in same & nxt4BLO, hdc in nxt8BLO, sc in nxt4BLO, 2sc in nxt BLO,
*hdc in nxt BLO, 2hdc in nxt* 6x, hdc in nxt BLO, 2sc in nxt, join in 1st dc made. (40)
Row 11: Don’t ch, turn, sc in 1st & nxt21sts, sl st in nxt st, ch 1, turn. (22 sl not counted)
Rnd 12: Sk sl st, *tr in nxt2sts, Tr2tog* 5x, sc+sl st in nxt st. (17 sl st not counted) fasten off leaving a tail
for sewing. Sew in non-specified ends.
If you want you can draw dots in the eyes with a white fabric pencil, I embroider around my dots with #4
yarn that I split in half, then fill them in. You can also do felt circles.

Using 1 strand Black & H (5mm) hook
Row 1: Ch65, sl st in 1st & nxt4bb, sc5tog, sc in nxt2bb, 5hdc in nxt bb, hdc in nxt2bb, dc5tog, dc in
nxt2bb, 5dc in nxt bb, dc in nxt2bb, tr5tog, tr in nxt2bb, 5tr in nxtbb, tr in nxt2bb, tr5tog, dc in nxt2bb,
5dc in nxt bb, dc in nxt2bb, dc5tog, hdc in nxt2bb, 5hdc in nxt bb, sc in nxt2bb, sc5tog, sl st in nxt5bb, ch 1,
sl st in blo of 1st beg ch, yo with 1strand Brown, pull through to color change, fasten off Black. (62
including last ch)
You will be working around the beginning chain & sts made on row 1
Rnd 2: Don’t ch, sl st in same & nxt64BLO, ch 1, sl st in nxt62BLO, sl st in BLO of 1st sl st made, ch 1, turn.
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Rnd 3: Working in BLO of sl sts.. 2Sc in 1st st, sc in nxt15BLO, hdc in nxt32BLO, sc in nxt15BLO, 2sc in nxt
BLO, sc in nxt15BLO, hdc in nxt34BLO, sc in nxt15BLO, join in 1st sc made. (130)
Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same and nxt129sts, join in 1st sc made. (130) Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing base
of mouth on (the lips won’t be sewn at all). Sew in non-specified ends.

Maggots: I made 3
Starting with 1 strand Color (C) & F hook (4mm)
Ch 12, hdc in 3rd & nxt9bb. Fasten off leaving a long
enough tail for sewing together & onto doll. Fold
hdc sts in half with wrong side facing out, I start by
going through the knot on the other side, then whip
st together going through outer loops only (while
you’re sewing pull the strand tight, it will make
your maggots curl). Don’t sew in end.

And Everyone’s least favorite part,

Sewing pieces on & Stitches:
Start by folding your hood in half to find the center
of the hood, you can either run a strand of yarn or
just put a pin there.
*Pin the bottom Black portion of eyes halfway
through the 5th row up from the base & 4sts apart
(the brows are almost touching when folded over),
the top corner of the eye is slightly on the 9th row.
*Pin on the mouth (you’ll probably have to adjust it
later, but it’s so you get an idea of how it will look),
there’s no up or down portion of the mouth, my
center tr inc is on top & halfway through the 4th
row, now curve the mouth around the eyes & finish

*Eyes: Using a needle & the black strand of the eyes.. whip st the
base of the eyes onto hood going into the top sts of hood & the
outer loops of the sl sts, sew in end. When sewing the outer
portion of the eyes try to get it as close as possible to outer sts
you just sewed. Using the brown strands sew outer portion of
eyes onto hood going into the top sts of the hood & the outer
loops of the outer eyes, fasten off sew in ends.

*Mouth: Reposition the mouth if you need to, keep in mind the lips won’t be sewn down at all so it’s ok if
parts are pretty close to the eyes. Using needle & brown strand.. whip st the base of the mouth onto hood
going into the top sts of hood & the outer loops of sl sts (there’s a lot of sts on the mouth so if you need to
sk a st here & there it’s okay, just don’t do it too often & never sk more than 1 at a time. Fasten off, sew in
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*Mouth stitches: I cut a long strand of #4 weight Black yarn & pulled out 1 strand (you can also use a #3
if you have it). Using the Darning needle.. Start with strand coming out the inner base of lips (it’s still on
the black of the mouth though), wrap around to outer base of lips & insert needle in same spot going
through base of lip and through the beginning strand, pull on strand a tad to make an indent (1st st
complete), insert needle along inner edge of mouth coming out where you want the next st to be & repeat
the st process. Click on YouTube link for help with mouth & hood stiches.

*Hood stitches: I cut a long strand of #4 weight Black yarn & pulled out 1 strand (you can also use a #3 if
you have it). I started mine at the top knot from the braids, curved the line till I got to the triangle seam,
then worked my way down the other side. Using the Darning needle & working in the top sts of the
hood… Line up yarn to where you want the nxt st to be, insert needle through strand & coming out the
length of half a st, pull through, wrap yarn around to other side the length of half a st, insert needle
coming out through the yarn of the beginning st & the strand on the other side, slightly pull on it & repeat
process. Click on YouTube link for help with mouth & hood stiches.

*Maggots: I sew my maggots down in 2 places, first I whip st around the

base of the end with the strand, then weave my needle to wherever a
curve is touching & do a couple sts there.

Using Paintbrush & Fabric Paint
After sewing on the maggots I dry brushed around them with fabric
paint to dirty them up, I also did where the Brown yarn is touching the
Black on the eyes & Mouth. Dip just the end of the dry paintbrush in the
paint & rub it off a bit.

Whoo Hoo! Sewing & sts are done :) I hope you enjoyed making Burlap Chap.
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If you have questions regarding the pattern feel free to message me via
Facebook, Instagram, or Etsy. You can also message me via Ravelry, but I don’t
get updates so it could take a while for me to respond.

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