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NCA-FTV-469-2021 - SECTION F

The rationale behind this brief discourse will be to investigate and understand how lack
of intellectual development is a matter of grave concern in Pakistan and the underlying reasons
behind it.
For any nation to be self-aware and learned, it is elemental to have their intellectuality
thriven in the face of any circumstances whatsoever. There is a very small population of people
living in Pakistan who understand the implications behind their actions and that is the sole reason
why our nation has come to a point of exasperation where it is. It is crucial to understand that an
intellectual individual, be it a civilian, army men or a politician will never compromise on
rationality and will always stand up to reason. The problem with our people is that their
judgment is too clouded by elements such as religion and nationalism, narratives that can only be
understood through reason and sensibility. If we start jotting down the problems in our country,
any list would begin with corruption, female empowerment, security, and sanctity of humans but
it is pivotal to realize that all these problems stem from the same root that is lack of intellectual
development. The problem in Pakistan is not that people don’t want to give rights to women, it is
their beliefs that tell them they are not supposed to and the corruption follows the same pattern.
They do not understand the ripple effect that is created when a single penny is laundered through
corruption which eventually leads to their own doom either in form of physical disadvantages or
mental torment. Everything reduces to one element where decisions made by people are not
backed by reason and intellect but by their stubborn, misinterpreted, conditioned narratives.
As far as I understand, the major cause behind the rarity of intellect is the way people are
monitored. It takes time, effort, and ample amount of resources for an individual to invest in their
intellect and gradually evolve it to their own benefit. More than half of the population of
Pakistan barely makes it to the poverty line and if the only motive in their life is to get food and
rest, they are no good than animals. The mainstream media in Pakistan that caters to the mass
and possesses the ability to influence the entire country at once fixates on producing mundane
visual pieces that deteriorates the mental capacity of the viewer. The education in Pakistan is

barely a puppet model that is only good in producing well-trained individuals that can be
programmed accordingly and put in the pipeline.
With the brevity, of course, this can be considered as a general viewpoint to understand
how lack of intellectual curiosity is deteriorating towards Pakistan.

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