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St. Andrews Scots Sr. Sec.

9th Avenue, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi – 110092
Session: 2023-2024
Class :V Sub:English MCB

Information Please

B. Reference to Context (RTC)

1. a) Sally said these words to Wayne.

b) The listener's mother was visiting her neighbour.

c) The speaker asked this question because the listener had hurt his


a) Wayne said these words to Sally.

b) The speaker was referring to the 'time' when he lived in Pacific

Northwest before he turned nine.

c) The listener meant so much to Wayne because he called her in

moments of doubt and perplexity.

C. Answer the questions briefly:

1. Wayne whacked his finger with a hammer in the basement when his
mother was not home.

2. ‘Information Please' helped Wayne in his childhood by consoling him.

He called 'Information Please' when he hurt his finger, when his pet
Petey died, when he wanted help in studies, etc.
3.Wayne liked that Sally was patient and kind to have spent time on a
little boy. He liked that she was considerate and nice to him.

4. Wayne landed in Seattle for half an hour and dialled his hometown
operator and asked for Information Please'. Then he spoke with his
friend a few years later.

5. Wayne heard Sally's familiar voice in a hospital in Seattle where Wayne

worked as a surgeon. She had suffered a heart attack and was lying on a
stretcher when he saw her after many years.

6. When Wayne went to meet Sally after her operation, he said that he
always remembered her words ‘There are other worlds to sing in.' Sally's
eyes lit up with joy and she knew it was Wayne.

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