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Name: NGUYỄN VIỆT DŨNG, 22044077, CLASS E3


Unit: Reading title:

A. What is the reading passage mostly about?

B. What places are mentioned in the reading?
Euro, Japan, India, The Philippines, northern Cameroon
C. In a few words, give the topic or main idea or each paragraph:

D. Describe one of the photos or graphics in the readjng. Did it give you an
example of something in the text or provide additional information? Explain.
A couple poses for a portrait a few days before their wedding in Delhi, India

This picture illustrates a couple who dress up beautiful costumes and lie on grass
with almost full of flowers. They lie so close with contrast position , the hand of women
touch the shoulder of men and vice versa. Their eye seem to close, their face direct to each
other. This demonstrates that they are falling in love.
E. list the ten words highlighted in the text. Write a sentence or definition for
1. Romance: an exciting, usually short, relationship between two people who are
in love with each other
2. Defiance: the act of openly refusing to obey somebody/something
3. Chance: a possibility of something happening, especially something that you
4. Inclination: a feeling that makes you want to do something
5. Inherent: that is a basic or permanent part of somebody/something and that
cannot be removed
6. Recruited: to find new people to join a company, an organization, the armed
forces, etc
7. Desires: a strong wish to have or do something
8. Mutual: used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other
equally, or actions that affect two or more people equally
9. Abundant: existing in large quantities; more than enough
10.Trigger: to make somebody feel very upset or anxious by reminding them of a
trauma or bad experience
F. Make a sentence using one of the words in the footnotes.
Sometimes, the slightest things trigger me because they remind me of my mum.
G. What are two or three things that you learned from this reading?
- Love is an action, not just a feeling.
- Love means putting other people’s needs equal to – or before – your own.
- Love is the highest vibration emotion that there is.

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