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Module GE 6

Name: ____________________________________________
Activity No. 1.1.3 Program/Year: ____________Date Submitted: ___________

My Art Encounters

Activity Details:
 Observe Francisco Goya’s “The Third of May 1808.”
 As an individual who has gone through a specific set of experiences, what kind of
art would you make?
 What do you want to share to others?
 What do you want to awaken in them?
 Is there something you would like to remember? Or would you like your
audience to just take pleasure in the aesthetics of what you have created?
 Remember, there is neither right nor wrong answer for artistic interpretation
(can be made or captured e.g., photo).
 The goal is to express something of relevance to you as a person (even to your
artistic taste) in a visual form. You do not have to present this to others; it can be
just a personal record.

Artwork: Paste here your simple drawing, an artwork of any medium, or a

photograph that best represents your answer to the guide questions above.


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