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The product I will be discussing is shoes specifically Teva sandals due to my knowledge
of the product during its lifecycle. During the earliest onset of the product, the sandals
manufacturing was a batch process during its early life due to being produced in the garage of
the founder of in Santa Barbara with his friends. They hadn’t practiced the job-shop process due
to the shoe taking inspiration from the “competing” design of shoes being worn by Native
Americans (those shoes being worn by them would’ve been job-shop due to the nature of
artisan production) that the founder had met while on vacation in another state. Therefore the
purpose at the time was to just bring this unique design to a new audience and to not quite have
in mind a high-end fashion product but rather a new practical and comfortable shoe. Once a
larger audience was captured by Teva sandals would then adopt a line flow for the majority of
the shoe lines under the brand such as the sandals and also introduce a job shop process for
those seeking customizations of their sandals while continuing the batch process for limited
edition varieties of the sandals. Made possible by increasing prices once they were able to
serve more of the customer needs as the shoemaker matured. The end-of-life process exhibited
is a batch process due to the nature of the incoming product from the consumer being voluntary
(not nearly as “continuous” as a stream of materials for original production) in order to practice
the recycling of the sandal.
MDVIP by making the price higher has by the law of supply and demand created a more
disposable “supply” of doctors to be available to their patients. Therefore this has created more
opportunities to create a sooner rather than later appointment to visit the doctor while also being
provided more time from the doctor for effectively “free” due to the consultations being covered
by the insurance company and thus the fee can pay for itself depending on what percentage
over the total amount of time of a regular consultation you are gaining. Such as if the
consultation is usually 3 minutes and the consumer is gaining 7 minutes thus whatever the price
insurance is covering is in a way being gained by the subscription if the consultation without
insurance is $1000 the value of that longer consultation would therefore be more like $3000!
Due to this increase in revenue, the resources are becoming more effective due to the doctors
being able to be more attentive to the customers'/patients' needs and hopefully being able to
make a more comprehensive prognosis thus ensuring patients return longer.

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