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Yarn Art Landscape

Instructor: Gabby Hayek

● Grade Level: 2nd

● Subject: Art, Geography

● Time Required: One 60-minute class period

● California Arts State Standard:

○ 2. VA:Cr2.1: Experiment with various materials and tools to explore
personal interests in a work of art or design

● Materials:
○ Caddies holding the materials at each table
■ Yarn of various colors
■ Scissors
■ 5x7 canvases (enough for each student to have one)
■ Pencil
■ Glue

● Materials for the teacher:

○ Projector or a way to demonstrate the steps of the project to the

● Key Vocabulary:
○ Landscape: a large area of land, especially in relation to its

● Introduction:
○ Have students come into the classroom, find their seats, and look to
the front of the classroom
○ “Hi, my name is Ms. Gabby, and today we are going to make
landscapes using yarn art”
○ Explain what landscapes are and show the example pictures of the

● Theme:

● Lesson Description/Steps:
1. Before the lesson begins, remind students not to touch any materials
until they are told to do so
2. Begin the lesson by discussing what a landscape is, show example
pictures of landscapes, and ask the students what features they see
in the landscapes (5 min)

3. Then, show the theme picture examples of what the project could
come out to look like (2 min)

4. Next, have the students take the canvas out of their caddy, write
their name on the back, and draw features of the landscape that they
want to create (10 min)

5. Once they have finished their landscape outline, demonstrate to the

students how to glue their yarn onto the canvas
a. Show them by putting glue over the whole section they are
doing with that color yarn and then cutting pieces of yarn
bigger than that section
b. Place the pieces of yarn onto the glued part of the canvas
c. Once it has dried, they can cut off the excess yarn that is
hanging off the edge of the canvas
d. Remind them not to use too much glue, just enough to have a
thin layer over the section they are working on
e. Also, remind them to work section by section, one to two
colors per section

6. They can then choose yarn from the caddy and cut and glue the
yarn onto their canvas to create their landscape (25 minutes)

7. Remind students to ask questions along the way if they are

confused, or need help

8. Have them share with others sitting at their table and describe the
landscape features they included and the colors they decided to use

9. Tell the students to put all materials away and throw trash away (3

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