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Abolishing Senior High School

The K-12 program was implemented in 2012, where K stands for kindergarten and 12 refers to the
succeeding twelve years of basic education. This curriculum aims to improve Filipino students'
mathematical, scientific, and linguistic competence. DepEd also stated that it offers a higher quality of
education through tracks. Because it helps students to give themselves enough time to master their field
and enhance their skills. However, there's a rumor that they will abolish the K–12 program and remove
the senior high school (SHS). But is it really necessary to go to SHS? It's important because, first, it
enhances our readiness for college. It can also allow students to focus on their interests. And lastly, the
senior high school curriculum helps us determine what our career will be in the future.

With the additional two years of senior high school, it helps students be more ready when college life
kicks in. It can also improve the chance of success. Because it provides students with the skills,
competencies, and knowledge they need to excel in their chosen fields. Furthermore, they also have the
opportunity to take advanced courses that can sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving

The second benefit of going to senior high school is the chance to choose a track that will fit your
interests or strengths. This curriculum offers different options to choose from, like academic, arts and
design, sports, and technical vocational livelihood (TVL). Using these, you just need to develop your skills
based on what you like. And it allows students to focus on a path that they have chosen.

And the last reason why senior high school is important is because, through this, we can say what career
we want in the future. Example. of this is when we pick a track like STEM. It's expected that the student
would like to be a doctor, engineer, or scientist because each has an assigned job that we can use to see
what course we want in college.

The two years of senior high school will have a huge impact on us students. Because of the benefits that
they can give them. One of the reasons for this existence is that, through it, we are prepared for college.
The students can also pick based on their likes, and lastly, it will help them decide what career they

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