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Grade Level: Grade 12

Objective: Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of
new elements in the laboratory

Learning across curriculum:

1) Chemistry - Understanding the atomic structure and periodic table

2) Mathematics - Using numerical patterns and sequences to predict element


3) History - Exploring the timeline of element discovery and scientific breakthroughs

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Periodic Table, Visual Aids]

1) Conduct a quiz on atomic structure and element properties

2) Show a visual timeline of element discoveries

3) Engage students in a discussion on the significance of new element synthesis

Activity 1: Atomic Number Puzzle

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

Materials - Periodic Table, Puzzle Pieces

Significance - Understanding the relationship between atomic number and element


Instructions -

1) Provide students with puzzle pieces labeled with atomic numbers

2) In groups, students must arrange the pieces to form the correct element names

3) Rubric - Accuracy - 15 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the atomic number determine the identity of an element?

2) Explain the significance of the periodic table in organizing elements based on

atomic number.

3) What patterns did you notice while solving the puzzle?

Activity 2: Element Synthesis Simulation

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials - Lab Equipment, Simulation Software

Significance - Simulating the process of creating new elements in a controlled


Instructions -

1) Students will use simulation software to combine atoms and observe the formation
of new elements

2) Record observations and data on the synthesized elements

3) Rubric - Data Accuracy - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the concept of atomic number influence the synthesis of new elements?

2) What challenges did you encounter during the simulation?

3) Analyze the significance of laboratory synthesis in expanding the periodic table.

Activity 3: Element Discovery Case Study

[Teaching Strategy: Case Studies]

Materials - Research Materials, Case Study Document

Significance - Analyzing real-world examples of element discovery

Instructions -

1) Assign students a case study on the discovery of a new element

2) Students must research and present the process of element synthesis

3) Rubric - Presentation Clarity - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did the knowledge of atomic number contribute to the discovery of the
element in your case study?

2) Discuss the impact of the new element on scientific advancements.

3) How can the synthesis of new elements further expand our understanding of the
periodic table?

Activity 4: Element Identification Challenge

Materials: Element Cards, Timer

Significance: Enhancing knowledge of atomic numbers and element symbols


1) Distribute element cards with atomic numbers to students

2) Set a timer for a quick-fire round where students match the atomic numbers to the
corresponding element symbols

3) Rubric: Speed and Accuracy - 20 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does understanding atomic numbers help in quickly identifying elements?

2) Discuss the importance of precision in matching atomic numbers to element


3) What strategies did you use to improve your speed and accuracy in the

Activity 5: Element Synthesis Lab Experiment

Materials: Lab Equipment, Chemical Reagents

Significance: Hands-on experience in creating new elements


1) Students will follow a lab protocol to combine specific elements and observe the
synthesis process

2) Record observations, data, and any unexpected outcomes

3) Rubric: Lab Report Quality - 30 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did the lab experiment demonstrate the concept of atomic in element

2) Reflect on any challenges faced during the experiment and how they were

3) Analyze the significance of hands-on lab experiences in understanding atomic

structure and element synthesis.
Activity 6: Element Discovery Timeline Project

Materials: Research Materials, Poster Supplies

Significance: Exploring the historical context of element discovery


1) Assign students a specific element and have them create a timeline showcasing
its discovery and synthesis process

2) Present findings on a poster with visuals and key information

3) Rubric: Presentation Creativity - 25 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the timeline project help in understanding the evolution of element
discovery based on atomic numbers?

2) Discuss the role of scientific collaboration in the synthesis of new elements

throughout history.

3) What insights did you gain from researching and presenting your assigned
element's discovery timeline?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a strong grasp of the relationship between atomic

number and element identity.

Activity 2 - Students effectively simulated the synthesis process and analyzed the

Activity 3 - Students showcased their research skills and understanding of the

significance of element discovery.


Understanding the concept of atomic number is crucial in predicting element

properties and synthesizing new elements in the laboratory. By recognizing patterns
and rules within the periodic table, students can deepen their comprehension of
element behaviors.

[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Task 1 - Organize a role-play scenario where students act as scientists conducting

element synthesis experiments.

Task 2 - Design a project-based task where students propose a new element

synthesis experiment and present their findings.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Rubrics, Assessment Sheets]

Question 1 - How does the atomic number of an element affect its chemical

Question 2 - Explain the significance of laboratory synthesis in expanding the

periodic table.

Question 3 - Discuss a real-life scenario where knowledge of atomic number led to

the discovery of a new element.


1) Research Assignment: Students will investigate a specific element and its

properties, presenting their findings in a written report.

2) Problem-Solving Assignment: Students will solve a series of atomic number-

related problems to reinforce their understanding of

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