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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 5


a. List down factors of numbers divisible by 2, 5, and 10

b. Use divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10 to find the common factors of numbers

c. Appreciate the use of divisibility rules to find common factors of numbers

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Multiples and factors in Number Theory

2) Prime numbers and composite numbers

3) Multiplication and division concepts in Mathematics

- Across:

1) Science: Identifying factors in chemical reactions

2) Social Studies: Analyzing factors affecting historical events

3) Language Arts: Recognizing factors influencing character development in stories

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning]

[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, Markers]

Engaging Activity 1: Mystery Box - Students guess factors of numbers inside the
mystery box
Engaging Activity 2: Brainstorming - Students list real-life scenarios where
divisibility rules can be applied

Engaging Activity 3: Artistic Expression - Students create visual aids showcasing

divisibility rules

Activity 1: Factor Finders

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials: Number cards, Chart paper

Significance: Reinforces understanding of factors and divisibility rules


1) Distribute number cards to students

2) In groups, list factors divisible by 2, 5, and 10

3) Present findings on chart paper


- Accuracy of factors: 10 pts.

- Clarity of presentation: 5 pts.

- Participation in group work: 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the factors of 20?

2) How do you determine if a number is divisible by 10?

3) Can you find the common factors of 30 and 50?

Activity 2: Divisibility Detectives

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials: Divisibility rule handouts, Whiteboard

Significance: Enhances problem-solving skills using divisibility rules


1) Provide scenarios for students to apply rules of 2, 5, and 10

2) Students work in pairs to determine common factors

3) Present solutions on the whiteboard


- Correct application of rules: 15 pts.

- Collaboration with partner: 5 pts.

- Presentation clarity: 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Is 75 divisible by 5? Why or why not?

2) Use the divisibility rule for 2 to check if 48 is even.

3) Find the common factors of 40 and 50.

Inclusive Activity 3: Factor Hunt

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials: None

Significance: Encourages active participation and critical thinking


1) Students go on a "factor hunt" around the school or home

2) They identify objects or numbers divisible by 2, 5, or 10

3) Discuss findings and share with the class


- Number of factors found: 10 pts.

- Creativity in identifying factors: 5 pts.

- Participation in the discussion: 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What did you find on your factor hunt?

2) How did you decide if a number was divisible by 2?

3) Can you explain why 25 is divisible by 5?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a good understanding of factors but struggled

with common factors.

Activity 2 - Students effectively applied divisibility rules but needed more practice in
finding common factors.

Activity 3 - Students actively engaged in the activity and showed creativity in

identifying factors.


Understanding divisibility rules helps students identify patterns in numbers and

recognize common factors easily. By appreciating these rules, students can develop
a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and problem-solving skills.

Supporting Material 1:

- "The Magic of Numbers": Explores the beauty of numbers and the significance of
factors in mathematics.
Supporting Material 2:

- "Divisibility Rules in Everyday Life": Shows practical applications of divisibility rules

in various real-life scenarios.


[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

Task 1 - Students create a skit demonstrating how divisibility rules work in different

Task 2 - Students design posters showcasing the importance of divisibility rules in

mathematics and everyday life.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Answer key]

Question 1 - List the factors of 24 that are divisible by 2 and 5.

Question 2 - How can divisibility rules help in simplifying fractions?

Question 3 - Find the common factors of 36 and 45.


Question 1 - Explain how divisibility rules can be applied to larger numbers.

Answer 1 - Divisibility by 10 can be determined by the last digit being 0.

Question 2 - Justify the importance of understanding factors in mathematical


Answer 2 - Understanding factors helps simplify calculations and find common

multiples efficiently.

Question 3 - Compare and contrast the divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10.

Answer 3 - The rule for 2 involves even numbers, while the rule for 5 focuses on
numbers ending in 0 or 5.

1) Create a board game incorporating divisibility rules and common factors.

2) Write a short story where characters use divisibility rules to solve a problem.

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