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Chapter 16: Communication

Topic: Communicating with Employees

Presented by: Cyrell D. Doria

with Employees
Communicating with employees in a workplace is the
exchange of information, ideas, and sometimes even feelings,
between employees and various levels of management within
a company. It's the backbone of a healthy and efficient
Formal Communicaiton
Formal communication in a workplace refers to the official
exchange of information between employees and
management, following established protocols and
channels. It's typically used for important matters,
strategic decisions, or sensitive information.
ex. Meetings, Training Session, Emails

Informal Communication
Informal communication in a workplace refers to the casual,
unplanned exchange of information that takes place outside of
the official channels and structures.

Ex. Face to face conversaton, Instant

messaging, Social Events
Effective communication with
employees is crucial for many reasons:

Boosts morale and engagement: Feeling informed and valued makes

employees happier and more motivated.
Increases productivity: Clear communication eliminates confusion
and ensures everyone is on the same page.
Improves collaboration: Open communication builds trust and
cooperation within teams.
Drives better results: Clear goals and expectations lead to higher
quality work and better outcomes.
Reduces conflict: Misunderstandings are less likely when
communication is open and honest.
Key elements of good communication
with employees

Clarity and conciseness: Be clear and direct in your message, avoid

jargon and technical terms.
Transparency and honesty: Share information as openly as possible,
even in challenging situations.
Active listening: Pay attention to employee feedback and address
their concerns.
Two-way communication: Encourage employees to ask questions
and share their ideas.
Respect and empathy: Be professional and considerate in your
communication, even during disagreements.
Choosing the right channel: Tailor the communication style and
channel to the specific audience and message.

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