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Upcoming Wedding

Going on Vacation

Asking about Work

Noisy Neighbors

Annoying Things

A. Identification test.

1. What is a small item that serves as a reminder of a place or event?

a) souvenir
b) pristine
c) breathtaking
d) landscape

2. Which word describes something that is in perfect condition or untouched?

a) souvenir
b) pristine
c) breathtaking
d) landscape

3. What word means extremely beautiful or awe-inspiring?

a) souvenir
b) pristine
c) breathtaking
d) landscape

4. What term refers to the visible features of an area of land?

a) souvenir
b) pristine
c) breathtaking
d) landscape

5. What word means weak or unconvincing?

a) lame
b) overtime
c) fringe benefit
d) paid holiday

6. What term refers to additional hours worked beyond regular working hours?
a) lame
b) overtime
c) fringe benefit
d) paid holiday

7. What phrase describes an extra advantage or perk provided by an employer?

a) lame
b) overtime
c) fringe benefit
d) paid holiday

8. What term refers to a day off with pay granted by an employer?

a) lame
b) overtime
c) fringe benefit
d) paid holiday

9. What phrase describes the coverage provided for medical expenses?

a) health insurance coverage
b) drive (someone) up the wall
c) pain in the neck
d) soundproof

10. What phrase means to annoy or irritate someone greatly?

a) health insurance coverage
b) drive (someone) up the wall
c) pain in the neck
d) soundproof

11. What phrase means a source of annoyance or frustration?

a) health insurance coverage
b) drive (someone) up the wall
c) pain in the neck
d) soundproof

12. What term describes a room or area designed to prevent sound from entering or
a) health insurance coverage
b) drive (someone) up the wall
c) pain in the neck
d) soundproof

13. What word means a sudden event causing great damage or loss?
a) disaster
b) interfere
c) violation
d) exasperating
14. What word means to get involved in someone else's business or affairs?
a) disaster
b) interfere
c) violation
d) exasperating

15. What word means a breach or disregard of a rule or law?

a) disaster
b) interfere
c) violation
d) exasperating

16. What word means extremely frustrating or irritating?

a) disaster
b) interfere
c) violation
d) exasperating

17. What word means to annoy or provoke someone?

a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

18. What phrase means a personal annoyance or something that bothers someone?
a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

19. What phrase means to become extremely angry or lose control?

a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

20. What word means lack of respect or showing disregard for someone or
a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

21. What phrase means to become extremely angry or lose control?

a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

22. What word means lack of respect or showing disregard for someone or
a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

23. What phrase means to become extremely angry or lose control?

a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

24. What word means lack of respect or showing disregard for someone or
a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect
25. What phrase means to become extremely angry or lose control?
a) irritate
b) pet peeve
c) go bananas
d) disrespect

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The view from the mountaintop was __________, with its stunning beauty.
2. The hotel room was so quiet and __________ that I couldn't hear any outside
3. The employee received a __________ for working extra hours.
4. The company provides __________ as a __________ to its employees.
5. The new colleague's constant interruptions __________ with my ability to
6. It's a __________ to deal with that difficult customer every day.
7. The loud music from the neighboring apartment __________ me and made it
hard to sleep.
8. One of my __________ is when people chew with their mouths open.
9. The reckless driver caused a __________ on the highway.
10. The employee's constant tardiness was a __________ and drove the manager
11. The employee's disrespectful behavior towards their supervisor showed a lack
of __________.
12. The new employee's lack of effort and enthusiasm was __________.
13. The untouched beach was __________, with its crystal-clear water and white
14. The company offers __________ to its employees on special occasions.
15. The annoying noise from the construction site was __________.
16. The employee's outburst at the meeting made their colleagues __________.
17. The employee's constant complaining about minor issues was __________.
18. The employee's constant mistakes were a __________ for the supervisor
19. The employee's dedication and hard work earned them a __________ from
their vacation.
20. The employee's constant disregard for company policies was a __________.
21. The employee's constant lateness __________ their colleagues.
22. The employee's constant interruptions during meetings __________ with
23. The employee's lack of respect towards their coworkers was seen as
24. The employee's constant complaints about their workload __________ their
25. The employee's constant mistakes were a __________ for the supervisor.
26. The employee's constant noise in the office __________ their coworkers.
27. The employee's constant disregard for safety protocols was a __________.
28. The employee's constant tardiness __________ their colleagues.
29. The employee's constant interruptions during meetings __________ with
30. The employee's lack of respect towards their coworkers was seen as

C. True or False

1. A souvenir is an item that is typically bought to remember a place or event.

2. Pristine means something that is dirty or in poor condition.

3. Breathtaking describes something that is extremely beautiful or impressive.

4. Landscape refers to a painting or photograph of a cityscape.

5. Lame means something that is cool or impressive.

6. Overtime refers to the additional hours worked beyond regular working hours.

7. A fringe benefit is an extra perk or advantage provided by an employer.

8. A paid holiday means a day off from work without pay.

9. Health insurance coverage refers to the protection against financial loss due to
medical expenses.

10. To drive someone up the wall means to make them extremely happy.

11. A pain in the neck refers to something that is easy and enjoyable.

12. Soundproof means to make a room or space completely silent.

13. A disaster refers to a highly successful and positive event.

14. To interfere means to respect someone's personal boundaries.

15. Violation refers to the act of following rules or regulations.

D. Reading Comprehension

A Memorable Vacation

During my recent vacation, I had the opportunity to visit a picturesque destination

known for its breathtaking landscapes. The place was pristine, with untouched
natural beauty that left me in awe. As I explored the area, I couldn't help but feel
grateful for the paid holiday that allowed me to embark on this adventure.

One of the fringe benefits of my trip was the soundproof accommodation I stayed
in. It was a relief to have a peaceful and quiet environment, free from the noises that
can drive someone up the wall. The soundproof room ensured that I could relax and
enjoy the serenity of the surroundings.

However, not everything went smoothly during my vacation. There was a disaster
that occurred, which interfered with my plans. It was an exasperating situation that
caused frustration and irritation. It became a pet peeve, a violation of the tranquility
I had hoped for.
Despite the setback, I didn't let it go berserk or let it become a pain in the neck for
the rest of my trip. I chose to focus on the positive aspects and not let it disrespect
the overall experience. Instead, I went bananas exploring other attractions and
making the most of my time there.

In conclusion, my vacation had its ups and downs, but the breathtaking landscapes,
pristine surroundings, and the opportunity to unwind were truly unforgettable. It
served as a reminder of the importance of health insurance coverage and the value
of taking paid holidays to rejuvenate oneself.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the passage about?

2. What is one of the fringe benefits of the trip?

3. What was truly unforgettable?

4. How was the place described?

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