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The process of pre-production was really long and annoying in my opinion, but it was
helpful. We had to choose between creating a logline or abstract, i choose abstract. It took
me about a day or two to figure out what i wanted to do for my film. By the time i chose
what i was going to do, i had changed my mind a week later, i changed my mind like
three times. When i wrote down all the things i wanted to do i figured out what i was
going to do for the film, using my visualization as a great help with deciding.
The biggest challenge i had encountered was starting it. Every assignment that was
assigned i did not want to do, it took me a while to even begin. I thought what i was
going was useless so i saw no point. Then i saw how many days i had left to even
complete the project and it gave me a big boost and then i saw everything that was
assigned was used to help me.

The best part of pre-production was figuring out the questions to ask during the
interview, coming up with many ideas for it. Jotting down in my journal everything i
wanted to do and come up with, thinking about setting up the equitment and how cool it
was. I am excited to start my film now that i have everything i need and the assignment
that i thought were useless, are going to help me start and finish my film.

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