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Name: Dahilig, Renzdick Carl S. Gr.

& Sec: 11-Responsibility


“This is one of the best iPhone 16 leaks I’ve seen yet.”

Though the iPhone 15 series is still relatively new, the rumor mill for the iPhone 16 has already
begun. And since we’re in the era of spatial computing with the Apple Vision Pro, some changes
need to be made to future iPhones to make compatible content. So far, we’ve seen a few different
design prototypes for the iPhone 16, at least with the base model. And though I always spring for
the Pro models instead of the non-Pro versions, the design of the base iPhone 16 models has me
excited for what’s to (possibly) come.
I didn’t get the iPhone X at the time — I went with a regular iPhone 8. But the following year, I
got the iPhone XS, which became one of my favorite iPhones. I loved the size of it, and the
vertical camera layout also gave it a sleek and elegant aesthetic. The most recent iPhone 16
design rumor indicates that Apple is returning to the vertical camera layout. MacRumors created
a mockup based on the most recent schematics, which reveals a vertical camera layout housed in
a pill-shaped bump, with the flash positioned adjacent to the camera module. Previous leaks
showed Apple going with the square camera bump like we have had the past few years but with a
variety of different vertical camera arrangements.
Those original three prototype designs did not excite me at all — I thought having a vertical
camera layout in a square module looked ugly and unnecessary due to the wasted space. But this
new slim pill-shaped module? It’s giving me iPhone X vibes, and I’m here for it. As much as I
love my iPhone 15 Pro, I hate that the camera bump has just gotten bigger and bigger every year.
With this potential iPhone 16 design, it looks like the camera bump could be going back to a
slimmer, more manageable size. At least, the module itself. I wish the iPhone 16 Pro models
could get something new besides the rumored Capture button, but we’ll have to find out in the
fall. But as far as the regular iPhone 16 is concerned, I can’t get enough of this potential new
design. Please, Apple — make it happen.

According to the article, the design of the upcoming iPhone 16 by Apple is very likely to be
changed into a design similar to their older models, which is the iPhone X, and any of the 3
leaked prototypes of the iPhone 16 before this week could possibly not be the final design and
instead changed into a “pill-shaped” cutout with it’s cameras according to the most recent leaks
through Apple Headquarters. They say that the “pill-shaped “cutout of the camera would
hopefully be the final design for the standard iPhone 16, but for the Pro models of the iPhone 16
would still have the typical triangular 3-cornered cutout for the cameras.

Article by: Christine Romero-Chan

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