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Module 4
Name: K hate Venice O. Vizcarra Strand & Section: ICT 12 - A

Activity 1: True or False

​ True
​ False
​ False
​ True
​ True

Activity 2: My Actions

1. I would politely excuse myself from conversations involving gossip and focus on more
positive interactions with my colleagues. If necessary, I might express my discomfort with
gossiping directly to the individuals involved, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a
positive and professional work environment.

2. I would communicate with my supervisor about my existing commitments outside of work

and discuss the possibility of finding a compromise. This could involve negotiating a reduced
amount of overtime or rearranging my schedule to accommodate both work and personal

3. I would approach my colleague privately and express my concerns about discussing

sensitive personal matters in a public setting. I would suggest that such conversations should
be held in a more appropriate and private manner out of respect for the manager and their

Activity 3: Past and Future

I recall a conflict with a close friend during my high school years. It stemmed from
miscommunication and differing expectations regarding a group project. Our conflict lasted
for about a week, during which tensions were high, and communication was strained.
However, we eventually sat down and had an open and honest conversation about our
feelings, clarifying misunderstandings and finding common ground. By actively listening to
each other and expressing empathy, we were able to resolve our issues and strengthen our
friendship. Looking ahead, I recognize the importance of effective communication and
empathy in resolving conflicts, and I strive to apply these skills in my future interactions.

As a team leader, maintaining harmony within the organization would be a top priority. Here
are several rules I would implement and the reasons behind them:

1. Open and Respectful Communication: Encourage an environment where team members

feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions. This fosters transparency, reduces
misunderstandings, and promotes trust among team members.

2. Clear Expectations and Goals: Ensure that all team members understand their roles,
responsibilities, and the overall objectives of the organization. Clear expectations help
minimize confusion and empower individuals to work towards common goals effectively.

3. Conflict Resolution Procedures: Establish a protocol for addressing conflicts in a

constructive manner. Encourage individuals to resolve conflicts directly with each other when
possible, but provide support and intervention when needed to ensure conflicts are addressed
promptly and fairly.

4. Equal Treatment and Fairness: Emphasize the importance of treating all team members
with respect and fairness, regardless of their position or background. This creates a positive
work culture where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best.

5. Recognition and Appreciation: Implement a system for recognizing and appreciating the
efforts and achievements of team members. Celebrating successes and milestones boosts
morale, encourages teamwork, and reinforces a culture of appreciation and support.

6. Professional Development Opportunities: Invest in the growth and development of team
members by providing access to training, mentorship, and career advancement opportunities.
This demonstrates a commitment to their personal and professional growth, fostering loyalty
and commitment to the organization.

7. Work-Life Balance: Encourage a healthy balance between work and personal life by
promoting flexible schedules, time off when needed, and initiatives that prioritize employee
well-being. Supporting work-life balance improves job satisfaction, productivity, and overall
happiness within the organization.

Implementing these rules would create a positive and harmonious work environment where
individuals feel valued, respected, and motivated to contribute to the organization's success.
Regularly revisiting and reinforcing these principles would be essential to maintaining
harmony in the long term.

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