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My Reflection In Oral Communication

My Reflection about Oral communication this is skills involves considering factors like tone, body
language, and the ability to engage listeners. Also Effective communication was involves several
keys like SPENMECHANDEREFE , speaker are the person or entity initiating the message.
Encoding and Decoding are the process of converting thoughts into a message and vice versa,
ensuring mutual understanding. Message are the information being conveyed, which should be
clear and well-structured. Channel are the medium through which the message is transmitted,
like spoken words, written text, or non-verbal cues. Receiver are the person or audience
receiving the message, who interprets and responds to it. Feedback are the response or
reaction from the receiver, completing the communication loop.
Strategies to avoid communication breakdown , first of all is positive thinker that is positivity
welcome good vibes , second is use appropriate language this has 4 words appropriately. First is
formal this is accepted forms , second informal this is casual and unofficial communication, third
is slang this is newer words and doesn’t stay for long , fourth is jargon this is special words . The
last is give & accept feedback this is accepting the mistakes , also the oral communication is
there a 7cs of communication this is completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness,
courtesy, clearness , correctness. They emphasize the importance of conveying messages in a
manner that is easily understood, accurate, and respectful , this framework serves as a guide for
fostering understanding and building positive relationships through effective communication.
Speech context is important for good communication. It includes the context, cultural nuances,
and mutual understanding between the speaker and the listener. Adapting one’s speech to the
setting improves clarity and ensures messages are communicated correctly. Speech style is
important for efficient communication. Adapting one’s speech style to the audience improves
understanding and engagement, leading to better connections. Speech acts are an important
part of communication that includes more than simply words. They entail the motive behind the
words, which influences social relationships. Understanding speech acts helps navigate the
subtleties of language, fostering effective communication and avoiding misunderstandings.
Speeches can be categorized based on their purpose and style. Informative presentations
deliver information, persuasive speeches persuade or convince, entertaining speeches engage
the audience, and special occasion speeches are designed for certain events or ceremonies.
Each type demands a unique strategy in order to properly express the intended message and
connect with the audience.

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