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Cause and effect of increase of obesity

201903626 YUNSUNG CHOI


Obesity is a complex disease involving having too much body fat. Obesity isn't just a cosmetic concern. It's a

medical problem that increases the risk of many other diseases and health problems. These can include heart

disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, sleep apnea and certain cancers.

( 2023.MAYO Clinic )

Obesity is divided into primary obesity and secondary obesity. First, the occurrence of primary obesity is

difficult to explain with just one distinct cause, and it is often a combination of various risk factors such as

eating habits, lifestyle, age, race, and genetic factors. Caloric excess due to excessive food intake and

decreased energy expenditure due to relative decrease in activity are thought to be the main causes.

A sedentary lifestyle is characterized by very little activity. As most office work is done while sitting in a chair,

the amount of activity has decreased, and with the development of transportation, energy consumption has

decreased when traveling long distances. As elevators and escalators have become more common in each

building, the amount of activity in moving between floors has decreased. This decrease in activity reduces

energy consumption, increases weight, and is a direct cause of obesity.(Rand S.W 1991)

Obesity is caused by the interaction of genetic background and environment.(Rand.S.W 1991) In primary

obesity, certain genetic factors may play a role in determining obesity. However, because this genetic tendency

does not follow Mendel's laws, it is still unclear how genetic factors are involved in obesity.

Recent epidemiological studies have shown that socioeconomic factors also affect obesity, and that people
with low socioeconomic status have a higher prevalence of obesity than those with low socioeconomic status.

The exact reason has not yet been explained in detail, and it is possible that it is due to environmental

influences that make it difficult to exercise appropriately and eat properly. (NIH Overweight and obesity causes and

risk factor.

In addition, excessive stress and changes in intestinal flora have been found to be related to obesity, and

studies have also shown that exposure to environmental chemicals and toxins affects obesity.

Next, secondary obesity can be caused by genetic and congenital disorders, drugs, neurological and endocrine

diseases, and psychiatric diseases. In this case, if you find and treat the underlying cause, you can lose weight

relatively effectively, so you must pay attention to finding the cause.

People who have obesity, compared to those with a healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious

diseases and health conditions. In addition, obesity and its associated health problems have a significant

economic impact on the US health care system. Obesity also affects military readiness.

Also, causes of unhealthy diets. What’s become the typical Western diet-frequent, large meals high in refined

grains, red meat, unhealthy fats, and sugary drinks-plays one of the largest roles in obesity. Foods that are

lacking in the Western diet-whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts-seem to help with weight control, and

also help prevent chronic disease.(Havard.T.H.CHAN 2023)

Television watching is a strong obesity risk factor, in part because exposure to food and beverage advertising

can influence what people eat. Physical activity can protect against weight gain, but globally, people just aren’t

doing enough of it. Lack of sleep-another hallmark of the Western lifestyle-is also emerging as a risk factor for

obesity. (Havard.T.H.CHAN 2023)

As key as individual choices are when it comes to health, no one person behaves in a vacuum. The physical and

social environment in which people live plays a huge role in the food and activity choices they make. And,
unfortunately, in the U.S. and increasingly around the globe, this environment has become toxic to healthy

living: The incessant and unavoidable marketing of unhealthy foods and sugary drinks. The lack of safe areas

for exercising. The junk food sold at school, at work, and at the corner store. Add it up, and it’s tough for

individuals to make the healthy choices that are so important to a good quality of life and a healthy weight.

(Havard.T.H.CHAN 2023)

Obesity and its causes have, in many ways, become woven into the fabric of our society. To successfully

disentangle them will take a multifaceted approach that not only gives individuals the skills to make healthier

choices but also sets in place policy and infrastructure that support those choices.


First, there are economic effects on increase of obesity. Annual obesity-related medical care costs in the

United States, in 2019 dollars, were estimated to be nearly $173 billion. Annual nationwide productivity costs

of obesity-related absenteeism range between $3.38 billion ($79 per individual with obesity) and $6.38 billion

($132 per individual with obesity). (Hammond R.A 2010)

Direct medical costs may include preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services. Indirect costs relate to

sickness and death and include lost productivity. Productivity measures include employees being absent from

work for obesity-related health reasons, decreased productivity while at work, and premature death and

disability. (Hammond R.A 2010)

What’s the effect of social consequences including discrimination cause from obesity.Emotional suffering may

be among the most painful aspects of obesity. American society emphasizes physical appearance and often

equates attractiveness with slimness, especially for women.

These consequences may be devastating to overweight people. Many think that obese individuals are

gluttonous, lazy, or both, even though this is not true. As a result, obese people often face prejudice or

discrimination in the job market, at school, and in social situations. Feelings of rejection, shame, or depression

are common. A 1991 study found that 100% of formerly severely obese patients preferred to be deaf,

dyslexic, diabetic, have heart disease or bad acne than to be obese again, that 91.5% preferred leg

amputation, and 89.4% blindness. 10 All (100%) preferred to be a normal weight person than a severely obese

multi-millionaire. (Trogdan.2008)

Relationship effects of obesity and mental health disorders is not clear. However, overweight is a stigma and

the obesity discrimination can lead to some mental disorders. Scientific evidence lays emphasize on an

increasing risk of low self-esteem, mood disorder, motivational disorders, eating problems, impaired body

image, interpersonal communication problems and all these directly or indirectly affect the quality of life.

On the other hand in some cases, experiencing the obesity discrimination has lead to the development of

psychopathology and poor health behavior that through a vicious cycle, will enhance their overeating, bulimia,

or other related problems.

Some studies have revealed that obesity in both men and women increase the risk of poorer sexual

health.15 Obese individuals, attribute this to their appearance and their weight, and encounter frequent

difficulties in their sexual activities. Sexual activity and sexual health outcomes such as sexual satisfaction,

unintended pregnancy, and abortion have been mentioned as relevant issues. Sexual quality of life is

particularly impaired for obese women who are also faced with complexity of the therapeutic procedures.

As such we need to emphasize on more comprehensive population based studies to find out the impact of

overweight and obesity on different aspects of mental health including mood disorders, communication

problems, self satisfaction and its effects on sexual health besides different aspects of quality of life.
There are effects for military readiness. Just over 1 in 3 young adults aged 17-24 is too heavy to serve in

the US military. Among the young adults who meet weight requirements, only 3 in 4 report physical activity

levels that prepare them for challenges in basic training. Consequently, only 2 in 5 young adults are both

weight-eligible and adequately active for military service.

Also, 19% of active-duty service members had obesity in 2020, up from 16% in 2015. These individuals are less

likely to be medically ready to deploy. Between 2008 and 2017, active-duty soldiers had more than 3.6 million

musculoskeletal injuries. One study found that active-duty soldiers with obesity were 33% more likely to get

this type of injury.(2023.C.D.C)


(2023.MAYO Clinic,

( Rand SW, MacGregor AMC. Successful weight loss following obesity surgery and the perceived liability of

morbid obesity. 1991)

(Hammond RA, Levine R. The economic impact of obesity in the United States. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome

and obesity : targets and therapy. 2010)

(KOREA Society for the study of obesity.2023) ( )

(Trogdon JG, Finkelstein EA, Hylands T, Dellea PS, Kamal-Bahl. Indirect costs of obesity: a review of the current

literature. 2008)

(NIH Overweight and obesity causes and risk factor )

(HAVARD.T.H.CHAN . Obesity Prevention Source )

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