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The Major Genres of Literature  In view of this, Samuel Taylor Coleridge

insists in his definition of prose and poetry

L iteratu re “Prose is —words in their best order;
poetry, —the best words in their best order.”
(Quoted in Hall :62).
 Fiction is derived from the Latin word
P rose P oetry D ram a fictum which means “created”.
 Fiction is therefore any form of narrative
which deals, in part or in whole, with
events that are not factual, but rather, are
Prose is the most typical form of language and it is imaginary and invented by its author.
derived from the Latin word prosa which literally
 What then is prose fiction?
means 'straight-forward’
 It is fictional work that is presented in a
 It is like talking to someone in a straight-
narrative form.
forward manner and not in a sing-song or
poetic way.  Fiction and narrative are words that
distinguish prose fiction from any other
 This means that anything you say or write
form of narrative or fictional work.
in prose is presented in a straight- forward
manner. For instance, this course material  For instance, drama is fiction but it is
is presented in prose. presented in dialogue and not narrative.
 There is usually no effort to present prose Prose is generally divided into two main
in any particular or special structure. categories: Fiction and Nonfiction.
 This lack of formal structure makes it to be Types Of Prose Fiction:
adopted as the general mode of
 Flash Fiction: A Work of Fewer Than
communication in many formal and
2,000 Words.
informal presentations like the: spoken
dialogue, speeches, factual, topical and  Short Story: At Least 2,000 Words but
fictional writing. Under 7,500 Words (5-25 Pages).
 This means that most of the books you  Novelette: At Least 7,500 Words but
read are presented in prose and that you Under 17,500 Words. (25-60 Pages).
also talk in prose form.
 Novella: At Least 17,500 Words but Under
 However, in prose the writer does not just 50,000 Words. (60-170 Pages)
present words whether they make sense or
 Novel: 50,000 Words or More (About
 Words in prose are arranged in correct
 Epic: 200,000 Words or More (About
sentences and in a logical sequence for a
meaningful understanding of the intended
communication. Fiction
1. Can tell about things that could happen
2. Is read for fun
3. Characters may be like real people or imaginary
1. Has facts that can be checked and proven
2. The author is an expert on this information.
There are two different types of fiction-
Commercial/popular and Literary
Commercial Fiction- Written and published
primarily to make money, and it makes money
because it helps large numbers of people escape
the boring and stressful living.
Literary Fiction- Written by someone with
serious artistic intentions who hopes to broaden,
deepen, and sharpen the reader’s awareness of
Plunges the reader more deeply into the
real world, enabling us to understand life’s
difficulties and to empathize with others.
Elements of Prose Fiction
Characters: imaginary people or animals in a
Plot: series of events in a story
Setting: time and place in which a story is set
Point of View: vantage point from which a story
is told
Theme: universal message about life
Elements of Nonfiction
Nonfiction: about real people, events, or ideas
Point of view: told from the perspective of the
author presents: facts and ideas
Historical context: may include information about
the society and culture of the time

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