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Gumbi Mode 4.

0 (90-Day) Ultimate
Grow-Taller Meal Plan
This meal guide is based on the diet of the Dinka people from North Africa who
boast an average height of 6’5” for men. Use in combination with Gumbi Mode for
best results. The Dinka diet consists of:

1. Whole Grains
2. Dairy Products
3. Rooted Vegetables
4. High Quality Proteins (especially Fish)
5. Fruits (from Massai Tribe (6’3”) not Dinka)
6. Nuts
7. Raw Honey
8. Stews and Soups

We’re going to modernize this diet to fit into the daily life of the average person. I’ve
created delicious Grow Taller Salads, Smoothies, Stews and Snacks to keep your
90-day diet new and enjoyable. We are also going to incorporate the 12 most powerful
herbs and spices on Earth for a slew of additional health benefits (organ health, joint
health, proper digestion, etc).

This diet also contains macro and micro nutrient info related to the daily intake of
protein, fats and carbs in terms of grams, plus descriptions of certain ingredients and
why they are beneficial for height growth or overall health. Knowing why we should
consume certain foods is the second most important thing to actually consuming them.
The more knowledgeable you are when it comes to nutrition, the better you will be able
to adjust your diet to fit the metabolic demands of your body and lifestyle.

It’s important to note that the ideal body fat percentage for height growth is
13-16%. If you are still in puberty I would recommend 16-18% because your metabolic
rate is at an all time high and your body is literally burning through calories. Do not
exceed 19% body fat if you are doing Gumbi Mode. Being overweight places excess
stress on the joints and can lead to injury. However, if you are overweight you can start
Gumbi Mode progressive deep stretching and get a head start on your grow taller
journey today. As you lose weight over time, start to incorporate more height training
methods from Skyscraper (lol jk). You can use water fasting to rapidly accelerate your
weight loss (more on that next).

Diet Structure (18/6 IF Method)

This diet follows the 18/6 intermittent fasting protocol where you have an 18 hour
fasting window (with plenty of water) (aim to pee clear or light yellow daily), followed by
a 6 hour eating window from 2pm - 8pm to boost Human Growth Hormone and IGF-1
(the bone building hormone). If you are new to fasting, it will take some time for your
body to acclimate to fasting. However, if you do it consistently it will eventually adapt
and have an easier time using fat for fuel instead of food. This process is known as
Ketosis and usually gets activated when you fast for 24+ hours. Ketosis is when
the benefits of fasting get supercharged. In addition to a Growth Hormone increase
of 500-3000%, Ketosis gives your body an array of powerful benefits such as:

1. Rapid Weight loss

2. Improved insulin sensitivity, blood sugar control, optimized nutrient
3. Increased energy and mental clarity
4. Anabolic Hormone Optimization (Testosterone, HGH, IGF-1)
5. Appetite suppression
6. Anti-inflammatory effects (healthy joints and brain)
7. Neuroprotective benefits
8. Improved cardiovascular markers
9. ***Triggers Autophagy (Body’s process of cleaning out old, damaged cells
and regenerating new ones aka GROWTH)

To further boost Growth Hormone, start incorporating longer fasts into your
weekly routine. After 2-4 weeks of intermittent fasting, start incorporating 1-2 24hr
water fasts per week. After another 2-4 weeks start incorporating 36 hour water fasts. A
36 hour water fast is going to be the ideal water fast in our case because you will get all
the benefits of a prolonged fast without going too long without food. We are not going to
exceed 36 hour water fasts in this diet because Gumbi training is too physically
demanding to go 36+ hours without sustenance.

At the 24th hour of a fast, your body will enter into deep levels of Ketosis. Your
hunger will vanish, your mind will become clear, sharp and you will be full of energy and
feel as light as a feather (this is all to give your body and edge to go hunt, kill, and EAT).
If your self-control breaks and you end up breaking your fast prematurely, simply try
again another time until you get it right.

Also, make sure you are consuming enough water per day to pee clear or light
yellow, especially if you are supplementing with Creatine Monohydrate. This is because
Creatine draws water into your muscle cells and hogs your body’s water supply. This
causes your body to become much thirstier to meet the demands of other metabolic

Soft Fasting

If you are new to fasting or you are on a cut you can incorporate “soft fasting” into your
weekly routine. This type of fasting will not give you the exponential Growth Hormone
boost of a pure water fast, but it will elevate your levels higher than normal because you
will be consuming minimal amounts of glucose. Glucose and Growth Hormone (and
thus IGF-1) have an antagonistic relationship. As one increases in the body, the
other decreases. Below is a 7 day liquid fasting plan that provides minimal calories
with a good amount of micronutrients in various hot and cold drinks. Use these recipes
as you wish and feel free to mix it up and create your own. Please make sure to drink
water in between these drinks to stay fully hydrated and get the most benefits. Also
drink bone and beef or chicken broth for added benefits and much needed amino acids.
Feel free to create your own hard and soft fasting routine. Listen to your body, stay
hydrated and increase intensity over time (progressive overload is key). Once
again, do not exceed a 36 hour water fast if you are doing Gumbi Mode.

7-Day Liquid Soft-Fasting Guide: Tea, Herbs, Honey, and Fruit Elixirs

Day 1: Citrus Zest Kickstart 🍋🌿☕️

​ Morning (Hot):
● Green Zen Elixir
● Health Boost: Antioxidant-rich green tea meets Vitamin C-packed
lemon, kissed with a teaspoon of golden honey.
​ Afternoon (Cold):
● Sunburst Citrus Refresher
● Revitalization: Fresh orange nectar dances with mint over coconut
water for hydration and natural sweetness.
​ Evening (Hot):
● Ginger Serenity Blend
● Relax & Digest: Herbal tranquility, accented by ginger's digestive
prowess, and a dollop of honey's antioxidants.

Day 2: Golden Mornings & Cool Eclipses 🌅❄️🍵

​ Morning (Hot):
● Black Luminescence Infusion
● Empowerment: Black tea with lemon sparks and honey's touch of
natural energy.
​ Afternoon (Cold):
● Cucumber Mint Chillwave
● Hydration Sensation: Cool cucumber, mint, and a drizzle of honey
elevate hydration to an art form.
​ Evening (Hot):
● Turmeric Twilight Elixir
● Anti-Inflammatory Magic: Turmeric's golden glow with black
pepper’s aid, sweetened by the nectar of honey.

Day 3: Blissful Botanical Symphony 🌺🍓🍵

​ Morning (Hot):
● Rooibos Radiance Symphony
● Antioxidant Harmony: Rooibos richness harmonizes with citrus
sunshine and honey’s natural sweetness.
​ Afternoon (Cold):
● Berry Breeze Smoothie
● Vibrant Nutrition: Berries burst with antioxidants, spinach adds
vitamins, and honey sweetens the symphony.
​ Evening (Hot):
● Ginger Lemon Lullaby
● Soothing Sonata: Ginger dances with lemon in a herbal lullaby,
sweetened by the honey's gentle hum.

Day 4: Elegance in Teacups & Tropical Cascades 🍵🍍🌺

​ Morning (Hot):
● Pomegranate Silk Elegance
● Refined Antioxidance: White tea grace meets pomegranate's allure,
sweetened with honey’s sophistication.
​ Afternoon (Cold):
● Pineapple Ginger Cascade
● Tropical Oasis: Pineapple's rhythm, ginger’s spice, and honey’s
sweet cascade redefine refreshment.
​ Evening (Hot):
● Lavender Moonlight Sonata
● Serenity Under the Moon: Lavender's calming notes, lemon's
nocturnal zest, and honey's dreamy antioxidants.

Day 5: Minty Fresh Euphoria & Hydration Oasis 🍃🍉🌿

​ Morning (Hot):
● Minted Lime Bliss
● Zesty Euphoria: Minty freshness, lime's zing, and honey's touch of
blissful sweetness.
​ Afternoon (Cold):
● Watermelon Basil Oasis
● Hydration Oasis: Watermelon waves, basil’s cool breeze, and
honey’s sweet touch of oasis.
​ Evening (Hot):
● Dandelion Delight
● Rooted Radiance: Dandelion’s earthy charm, cinnamon’s warmth,
and honey’s golden touch.

Day 6: Chai Harmony & Green Symphony 🍵🥭🍋

​ Morning (Hot):
● Chai Alchemy Elixir
● Spiced Harmony: Chai’s dance, almond’s creaminess, and honey’s
alchemical sweetness.
​ Afternoon (Cold):
● Kiwi Green Serenade
● Fruity Green Symphony: Kiwi's crescendo, cucumber's cool notes,
green tea's orchestra, and honey's sweet serenade.
​ Evening (Hot):
● Lemon Balm Lullaby
● Citrus Serenity: Lemon balm's lullaby, lemon’s zing, and honey's
tranquil touch.

Day 7: Earl's Elegance & Hibiscus Horizon 🌅🌺🍵

​ Morning (Hot):
● Earl's Dream Symphony
● Elegant Awakening: Earl Grey's sophistication, almond's grace, and
honey's dawn of sweetness.
​ Afternoon (Cold):
● Mango Hibiscus Horizon
● Exotic Bliss: Mango’s tropical horizon, hibiscus's floral melody, and
honey’s touch of exotic sweetness.
​ Evening (Hot):
● Hibiscus Orange Twilight
● Floral Twilight: Hibiscus' crimson hues, orange's twilight zest, and
honey's dusk of sweetness.

Daily Calories Intake

This diet is based on the caloric needs of an average man. For exact details when it
comes to your daily consumption of protein, carbs, and fats, type in your stats (age,
weight, height, and activity level) into Chat GPT for exact numbers. Make sure to
specify that you want a diet that is high in protein. All carbs and sugars should come
from fruits, veggies, and whole grains. DO NOT CONSUME refined sugars and

processed dogshit. Refined sugar and junk food will stunt your growth
(Skyscraper anyone? ). Limit cheat meals to once a week if possible (ideally not at
all while you are trying to grow). Ideally, you want to follow this diet to the tee, but the
next best thing is the 90/10 protocol. 90% clean and 10% dogshit.

Boost Your Metabolism & Accelerate Your Growth

Also try incorporating 1-2 Raw Milk and Hot Sauce drinks into your daily routine. All you
need is one glass of milk and 5-10 splashes of some hot-ass hot sauce (the hotter the
hot sauce, the higher levels of Capsaicin). You can drink one before your workout for
increased energy, metabolic acceleration and increased blood flow and athletic
performance. Consume the second drink with your last meal at 8 pm so your body
has plenty of nutrients and amino acids for bone and muscle growth, hormone
synthesis, and can optimize its metabolic rate (faster metabolic rate = faster
tissue repair = faster gains). Go to bed on time around 9:30-10pm (11 at the latest),
and don’t forget to say a prayer to the God of Height (The Divine Poojie Rokoe Potay).
General Caloric Range (2,000-2,500 calories/day)

● Protein: 140-200g
● Carbohydrates: 200-300g
● Fat: 70-90g

Caloric Distribution:

● Protein: 25-35% of total calories

● Carbohydrates: 40-50% of total calories
● Fat: 25-35% of total calories



● Drink bone and chicken or beef broth with each meal and snack.
● Drink water throughout the day, especially during the fasting window (pee
clear or light yellow)
● Use herbs and spices for flavor and health benefits.
● Adjust portions and calorie intake based on individual needs.
● Avoid soy, refined sugars, and processed foods (no sodas, fast food, funions,
● Use soy sauce sparingly (ideally not at all)
● Try practicing gratitude before or during you eat (Prayer time) and imagine
the nutrients activating your body for growth. Use the mind-heart
Day 1:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Gumbi Salad:
● Ingredients: Kale, spinach, fruits, nuts (almonds, walnuts), olive oil, grilled chicken.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 800
● Nutrients: High in vitamins A, C, K, and folate; rich in protein and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Kale and spinach provide essential vitamins for bone health. Nuts
offer healthy fats and protein.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with almond butter, mixed berries.
● Calories: 200
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter supplies healthy fats and protein. Berries offer

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced apples with raw, unfiltered honey.
● Calories: 150
● Nutrients: Fiber, vitamin C, and natural sugars.
● Health Benefits: Apples provide dietary fiber, and raw honey offers natural sweetness.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Gumbi Stew:
● Ingredients: Beef broth, bone broth, chicken, vegetables, olive oil, herbs/spices
(turmeric, garlic, rosemary).
● Brown Rice on the Side.
● Calories: 1000
● Nutrients: Essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
● Health Benefits: Turmeric for anti-inflammatory properties, rosemary for flavor and

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Spinach, banana, blueberries, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, olive oil, whey
● Calories: 350
● Nutrients: Protein, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.
● Health Benefits: Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals. Whey protein aids muscle

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 2:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Vibrant Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Quinoa, mixed vegetables, grilled shrimp, avocado, olive oil.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Quinoa provides protein and essential amino acids. Shrimp offers lean

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, calcium, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese is rich in protein and calcium.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Carrot sticks with hummus.
● Calories: 140
● Nutrients: Fiber, beta-carotene, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Carrots for vitamin A; hummus for protein and healthy fats.
8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Mediterranean Chicken Wrap:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, whole wheat wrap, Greek salad, tzatziki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber and healthy fats from the wrap and olive

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Kale, banana, mango, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from chia seeds; vitamins from fruits and veggies.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 3:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Quinoa Power Bowl:
● Ingredients: Quinoa, black beans, grilled chicken, bell peppers, guacamole.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Quinoa provides protein and essential amino acids. Black beans offer fiber
and protein.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts).
● Calories: 250
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Nuts offer a mix of omega-3 fatty acids and protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced cucumber with tzatziki sauce.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, vitamins, and probiotics.
● Health Benefits: Cucumber for hydration, tzatziki for probiotics.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon Delight:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, quinoa, asparagus, lemon, olive oil.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein from quinoa and salmon.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Spinach, mango, banana, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 330
● Nutrients: Fiber, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 3:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Mediterranean Chickpea Bowl:
● Ingredients: Chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, cucumbers, olives, olive oil.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chickpeas and feta; antioxidants from tomatoes and olives.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Hard-boiled eggs with a sprinkle of black pepper.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, vitamins, and minerals.
● Health Benefits: Eggs provide high-quality protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries.
● Calories: 150
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Greek yogurt for gut health; strawberries for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Teriyaki Salmon Stir-Fry:
● Ingredients: Salmon, broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, teriyaki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Kale, pineapple, banana, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Protein, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 3:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Quinoa & Chickpea Delight:
● Ingredients: Quinoa, chickpeas, spinach, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, lemon
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from quinoa and chickpeas; vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Smoked salmon rolls with cream cheese and cucumber slices.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and hydration.
● Health Benefits: Salmon for omega-3s; cucumber for hydration.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Almond and dried cranberry mix.
● Calories: 150
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, antioxidants, and fiber.
● Health Benefits: Almonds for healthy fats and protein; cranberries for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Grilled Chicken Pesto Pasta:
● Ingredients: Whole wheat pasta, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, pesto
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 4:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Brown Rice & Black Bean Bowl:
● Ingredients: Brown rice, black beans, grilled shrimp, avocado, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp and beans; fiber from rice and avocado.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Cottage cheese with sliced peaches.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, calcium, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein and calcium.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced bell peppers with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Vitamins, fiber, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Bell peppers for vitamin C; hummus for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Stir-Fried Tofu & Vegetable Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Tofu, quinoa, broccoli, carrots, soy sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Plant-based protein from tofu; fiber and vitamins from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Raspberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 5:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Spinach & Feta Stuffed Chicken:
● Ingredients: Chicken breast, spinach, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, balsamic glaze.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; iron and vitamins from spinach.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for healthy fats; apples for fiber.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek salad skewers with olives and cucumber.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, hydration, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Olives for healthy fats; cucumber for hydration.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Grilled Swordfish & Quinoa Salad:
● Ingredients: Swordfish, quinoa, mixed greens, mango, citrus vinaigrette.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from swordfish; protein and fiber from quinoa and

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Pineapple, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Vitamins, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 6:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies.
4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Celery sticks with peanut butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Peanut butter for protein and healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cherry tomato and mozzarella skewers.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, calcium, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Mozzarella for calcium and protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Lemon Garlic Shrimp & Asparagus Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Shrimp, quinoa, asparagus, lemon, garlic.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from asparagus and quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 7:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Avocado Wrap:
● Ingredients: Smoked salmon, whole wheat wrap, avocado, spinach, Greek yogurt
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; healthy fats from avocado.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed berries with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein and calcium.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Almond and dark chocolate trail mix.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, antioxidants, and a touch of sweetness.
● Health Benefits: Dark chocolate for antioxidants; almonds for healthy fats.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Vegetarian Stir-Fry with Tofu:
● Ingredients: Tofu, brown rice, broccoli, bell peppers, teriyaki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Plant-based protein from tofu; fiber and vitamins from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 8:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Mediterranean Chicken Bowl:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, tzatziki
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; vitamins and healthy fats from veggies and feta.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt parfait with granola and mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, fiber, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Greek yogurt for protein; berries for antioxidants.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced pear with goat cheese.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Fiber, calcium, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Goat cheese for calcium; pears for fiber.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Baked Cod with Lemon Herb Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Cod fillet, quinoa, asparagus, lemon, herbs.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from cod; fiber and vitamins from quinoa and asparagus.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 9:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Shrimp and Avocado Salad:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomatoes, balsamic
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats and vitamins from avocado.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Whole-grain crackers with hummus.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Hummus for protein and healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek cucumber cups with tzatziki sauce.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cucumber for hydration; Greek yogurt for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Beef strips, quinoa, broccoli, soy sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from quinoa and broccoli.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Pineapple, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.
Day 10:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Quinoa Power Bowl:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, quinoa, spinach, sweet potato, lemon tahini dressing.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein and vitamins from quinoa and

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Orange slices with pistachios.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Vitamin C, fiber, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Pistachios for healthy fats; oranges for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with sliced kiwi.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, calcium, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein and calcium; kiwi for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Vegetarian Lentil Soup with Whole Wheat Bread:
● Ingredients: Lentils, carrots, celery, tomatoes, whole wheat bread.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Plant-based protein from lentils; fiber and vitamins from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 15:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Grilled Chicken and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids; honey for natural sweetness.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced cucumber with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Cucumber for hydration; hummus for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Seared Tuna Salad with Avocado:
● Ingredients: Seared tuna, mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomatoes, citrus vinaigrette.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from tuna; healthy fats and vitamins from avocado.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 16:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Mango Chicken Salad Bowl:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, mango, mixed greens, lime vinaigrette.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; vitamins and antioxidants from mango and greens.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Whole-grain rice cakes with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for protein and healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced banana.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, potassium, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Banana for potassium; Greek yogurt for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Teriyaki Salmon with Quinoa and Broccoli:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, quinoa, broccoli, teriyaki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein and fiber from quinoa and

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 22:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Stir-Fried Shrimp with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Shrimp, brown rice, broccoli, bell peppers, soy sauce.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from veggies and brown rice.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, vitamin C, and calcium.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein and calcium; pineapple for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Whole-grain toast with avocado.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Fiber, healthy fats, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Avocado for healthy fats.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Zucchini Boats:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, zucchini, tomatoes, Italian seasoning.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from quinoa and veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Raspberries, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 23:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Vegetable Skewers with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies and quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for protein and healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, vitamin C, and calcium.
● Health Benefits: Strawberries for vitamin C; Greek yogurt for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Asparagus Foil Packets:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, asparagus, lemon, dill.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber and vitamins from asparagus.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 29:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Quinoa and Black Bean Bowl with Grilled Chicken:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, black beans, corn, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken and black beans; fiber from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios).
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Almonds for vitamin E; walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Carrot and celery sticks with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Hummus for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Spinach Stuffed Peppers:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, spinach, bell peppers, tomato sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Pineapple, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 30:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Quinoa Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, quinoa, mixed greens, oranges, citrus vinaigrette.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein and fiber from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with honey and granola.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and energy.
● Health Benefits: Granola for energy.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced apple with peanut butter.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Peanut butter for protein and healthy fats.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried chicken, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, brown rice.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies and brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 36:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Shrimp and Avocado Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, quinoa, avocado, cherry tomatoes, lime.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats and vitamins from avocado.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Celery sticks with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Celery for hydration; almond butter for protein and healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, antioxidants, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Berries for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Vegetable Skillet with Sweet Potato:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, onions, spinach.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Kiwi, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Vitamin C, antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 37:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Asparagus Quiche with Whole Wheat Crust:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, asparagus, whole wheat crust, eggs, milk.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein and fiber from whole wheat.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, pecans).
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Cashews for iron.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced pear with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, fiber, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein; pear for fiber.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad with Whole Wheat Croutons:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, whole wheat croutons,
Caesar dressing.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies and whole

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Peach, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 38:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Mango and Chicken Quinoa Salad:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, mango, mixed greens, balsamic vinaigrette.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; vitamins and antioxidants from mango.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Whole-grain crackers with goat cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, fiber, and calcium.
● Health Benefits: Goat cheese for calcium.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Banana with almond butter.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Banana for potassium.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, quinoa.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies and quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Raspberry, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 39:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Spinach Wrap with Whole Wheat Tortilla:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, spinach, whole wheat tortilla, tomatoes, Greek yogurt
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber from whole wheat; vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed berries with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, antioxidants, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cucumber slices with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Cucumber for hydration; hummus for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Vegetable Kebabs with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, bell peppers, zucchini, quinoa.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein and fiber from quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberry, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 40:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Quinoa and Chickpea Power Bowl:
● Ingredients: Roasted chickpeas, quinoa, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, feta cheese,
lemon vinaigrette.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chickpeas and feta; fiber from quinoa; vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Trail mix with dried fruits (raisins, cranberries) and dark chocolate.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, antioxidants, and a touch of sweetness.
● Health Benefits: Dark chocolate for antioxidants.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced kiwi.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Kiwi for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Broccoli Brown Rice Bowl:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, broccoli, brown rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from broccoli and brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberry, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 41:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber from quinoa and black beans.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, healthy fats, and a touch of sweetness.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with sliced peaches.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, vitamins, and a hint of sweetness.
● Health Benefits: Peaches for vitamins.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Avocado Whole Wheat Pasta:
● Ingredients: Whole wheat pasta, grilled salmon, cherry tomatoes, avocado, pesto
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber from whole wheat; vitamins from

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Pineapple, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 42:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Quinoa Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, portobello mushrooms, spinach, feta cheese.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken and feta; fiber from quinoa; vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed nuts (walnuts, pistachios).
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Carrots for beta-carotene.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Vegetable Brown Rice Stir-Fry:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried shrimp, broccoli, bell peppers, brown rice, soy sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from veggies and brown rice.
Daily Gumbi Smoothie:
● Mango, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 43:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Beef and Vegetable Skewers with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled beef skewers, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, red onion, quinoa.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies and quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Sliced pear with goat cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, vitamins, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Pear for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Celery sticks with peanut butter.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Peanut butter for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Asparagus Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, asparagus, quinoa, lemon-tahini dressing.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber and vitamins from veggies and

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Kiwi, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 44:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Spinach Whole Wheat Wrap:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, spinach, whole wheat tortilla, tomatoes, Greek yogurt
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber from whole wheat; vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed berries with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, antioxidants, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced kiwi.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Kiwi for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, brown rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies and brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberry, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 45:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Avocado Salad with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, avocado, quinoa,
balsamic vinaigrette.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber and vitamins from veggies and

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Handful of mixed nuts (almonds, cashews).
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Almonds for vitamin E.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced apple with cheddar cheese.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Fiber, protein, and a touch of sweetness.
● Health Benefits: Cheddar cheese for calcium.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower rice, soy sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies and cauliflower.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Raspberry, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 46:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Black Bean Stuffed Sweet Potatoes:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, black beans, sweet potatoes, salsa, Greek yogurt.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber from black beans and sweet potatoes.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Cottage cheese with sliced peaches.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, vitamins, and a hint of sweetness.
● Health Benefits: Peaches for vitamins.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Celery sticks with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Hummus for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Vegetable Quinoa Stir-Fry:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried shrimp, bell peppers, snap peas, quinoa, teriyaki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from veggies and quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Banana, mango, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 47:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, parmesan cheese,
whole wheat wrap.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; vitamins from veggies; whole wheat for fiber.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed berries with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Sliced cucumber with tzatziki sauce.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Hydration, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Cucumber for hydration.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Vegetable Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, broccoli, carrots, quinoa, lemon-tahini dressing.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber and vitamins from veggies and

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberry, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 48:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, bell peppers, snap peas, brown rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies and brown rice.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Handful of mixed nuts (almonds, cashews).
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Cashews for iron.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced kiwi.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Kiwi for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Broccoli Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, broccoli, quinoa, teriyaki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies and quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 49:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Vegetable Whole Wheat Pasta:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, whole wheat pasta, cherry tomatoes, spinach, olive oil.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies; whole wheat for
sustained energy.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Sliced apple with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, healthy fats, and a touch of sweetness.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for protein and healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Carrot sticks with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Beta-carotene, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Hummus for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Avocado Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, avocado, quinoa, black beans, lime-cilantro dressing.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats from avocado; fiber from quinoa and
black beans.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberry, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 50:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein and fiber from quinoa and black

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Handful of mixed nuts (walnuts, almonds).
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Mixed berries for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Vegetable Brown Rice Bowl:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, mixed vegetables, brown rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies and brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Peach, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 51:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Spinach Omelette:
● Ingredients: Turkey slices, spinach, eggs, feta cheese.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from turkey and eggs; iron and vitamins from spinach; healthy fats
from feta.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Sliced pear with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Celery sticks with peanut butter.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Fiber, protein, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Peanut butter for protein and healthy fats.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Grilled Chicken and Quinoa Salad:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, balsamic
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from quinoa and veggies.
Daily Gumbi Smoothie:
● Raspberry, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 52:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Avocado Wrap:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, avocado, whole wheat wrap, cucumber, Greek yogurt
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; healthy fats from avocado; protein from
Greek yogurt.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Handful of mixed nuts (pistachios, almonds).
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Pistachios for fiber and antioxidants.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Orange slices with a handful of almonds.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Vitamin C, fiber, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Almonds for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried shrimp, broccoli, bell peppers, brown rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from veggies; complex carbs from
brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Banana, blueberry, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 53:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from quinoa and veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Banana slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Potassium, protein, and healthy fats.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cherry tomatoes with mozzarella cheese.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Vitamin C, protein, and calcium.
● Health Benefits: Mozzarella cheese for calcium.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, croutons, Caesar
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; vitamins and fiber from veggies; healthy fats from

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, pumpkin seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 54:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Asparagus Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, quinoa, asparagus, cherry tomatoes, lemon-tahini
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein from quinoa and salmon;
vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Handful of blueberries with Greek yogurt.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and probiotics.
● Health Benefits: Blueberries for antioxidants.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Beta-carotene, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Hummus for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, broccoli, brown rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies; complex carbs from
brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Pineapple, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 55:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Vegetable Skewers with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, bell peppers, zucchini, quinoa, tzatziki sauce.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies; healthy carbs from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with cheddar cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, protein, and calcium.
● Health Benefits: Cheddar cheese for calcium.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Strawberries for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Avocado Salad:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomatoes, balsamic
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats from avocado; vitamins from veggies.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Kiwi, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 56:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Quinoa Salad with Lemon-Dill Dressing:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, quinoa, cucumber, red onion, lemon-dill dressing.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; protein from quinoa and salmon;
vitamins from veggies.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries) with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and probiotics.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Whole grain crackers with guacamole.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Guacamole for healthy fats.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, broccoli, cauliflower rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies; low-carb option with
cauliflower rice.
Daily Gumbi Smoothie:
● Peach, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 57:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Sweet Potato Hash with Fried Eggs:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, onions, fried eggs.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; complex carbs from sweet potatoes; essential
fats from eggs.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Pineapple slices with cottage cheese.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Vitamin C, protein, and probiotics.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Edamame with sea salt.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Plant-based protein and fiber.
● Health Benefits: Edamame for plant-based protein.
8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo with Whole Wheat Pasta:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, broccoli, whole wheat pasta, Alfredo sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from broccoli; whole grains from

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 58:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Avocado Wrap with Spinach:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, whole wheat wrap, avocado, spinach, Greek yogurt sauce.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; healthy fats from avocado; protein from
Greek yogurt.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Carrot and celery sticks with hummus.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Beta-carotene, fiber, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Hummus for protein.
6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with sliced kiwi.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Kiwi for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Vegetable Kebabs with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled beef kebabs, mixed veggies, quinoa, tzatziki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies; healthy carbs from

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, pumpkin seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 59:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Ground chicken, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; plant-based protein from black beans; whole
grains from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Almonds and dried apricots.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Almonds for healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with honey.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Honey for natural sweetness.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Asparagus Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried shrimp, asparagus, brown rice, soy-garlic sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from asparagus; whole grains from
brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, sunflower seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and vitamin E.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 60:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Veggie Wrap with Hummus:
● Ingredients: Sliced turkey, whole wheat wrap, cucumber, tomatoes, hummus.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies; protein from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Banana with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Spinach Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, spinach, cherry tomatoes, red onion, lemon vinaigrette.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; vitamins and iron from spinach.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 61:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Vegetable Skewers with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken skewers, mixed veggies, quinoa, tzatziki sauce.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies; whole grains
from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Strawberries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, broccoli, brown rice, ginger-soy sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from broccoli; whole grains from
brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 62:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Avocado Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, avocado, balsamic
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; vitamins and healthy fats from avocado.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with peanut butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Peanut butter for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, acorn squash, cranberries, herbs.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; whole grains from quinoa; vitamins from acorn

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 63:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Black Bean Bowl with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, black beans, quinoa, corn, salsa.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; plant-based protein from black beans; whole
grains from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with sliced mango.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Mango for vitamin A.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, hazelnuts).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cashews for iron.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried shrimp, mixed veggies, brown rice, soy-garlic sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from veggies; whole grains from
brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 64:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Sweet Potato Hash with Eggs:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, sweet potatoes, eggs, spinach.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; vitamins and fiber from sweet potatoes; protein
from eggs.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for healthy fats.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Cottage cheese for protein.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Quinoa Bowl with Avocado:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, quinoa, avocado, cucumber, soy-lime dressing.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; whole grains from quinoa; healthy fats
from avocado.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 65:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, tomatoes.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; plant-based protein from black beans; whole
grains from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Pecans for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, mixed veggies, cauliflower rice, ginger-soy sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies; low-carb cauliflower

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 66:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Asparagus Foil Packets with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, asparagus, quinoa, lemon, herbs.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber and vitamins from asparagus;
whole grains from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with peanut butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Peanut butter for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with sliced peaches.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Peaches for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Vegetable Skewers with Cauliflower Mash:
● Ingredients: Grilled turkey skewers, mixed veggies, cauliflower mash, cranberry
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies; low-carb

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 67:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Vegetable Curry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Curry-seasoned chicken, mixed veggies, brown rice.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies; whole grains
from brown rice.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Banana slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Banana for potassium.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Pistachios for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Broccoli Stir-Fry with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried shrimp, broccoli, quinoa, teriyaki sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; fiber and vitamins from broccoli; whole grains from

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 68:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Turkey and Sweet Potato Skillet with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, sweet potatoes, quinoa, spinach.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; vitamins and fiber from sweet potatoes; whole
grains from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Pineapple for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed berries with Greek yogurt.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and probiotics.
● Health Benefits: Berries for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Zucchini Noodles with Pesto:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, zucchini noodles, pesto sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; vitamins and fiber from zucchini;
healthy fats from pesto.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 69:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, mixed veggies, cauliflower rice, ginger-soy sauce.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from veggies; low-carb cauliflower

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Pecans for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Chicken and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, bell peppers, black beans, tomatoes.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; plant-based protein from black beans; whole
grains from quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 70:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Asparagus Foil Packets with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, asparagus, quinoa, lemon, herbs.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber and vitamins from asparagus;
whole grains from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with peanut butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Peanut butter for protein.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with sliced peaches.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Peaches for antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Vegetable Skewers with Cauliflower Mash:
● Ingredients: Grilled turkey skewers, mixed veggies, cauliflower mash, cranberry
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies; low-carb

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 71:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, broccoli, quinoa, soy-ginger sauce.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from broccoli; whole grains from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachios).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cashews for iron.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Baked salmon, spinach, quinoa, stuffed mushrooms.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; iron and vitamins from spinach; whole
grains from quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 72:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Vegetable Skewers with Cauliflower Rice:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken skewers, mixed veggies, cauliflower rice, lemon-herb
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from veggies; low-carb
cauliflower rice.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for vitamin E.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Pineapple for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, mixed greens, avocado, quinoa, citrus vinaigrette.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats and vitamins from avocado; whole grains
from quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 73:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Beef and Spinach Stuffed Peppers with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Ground beef, spinach, quinoa, bell peppers, tomato sauce.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; iron and vitamins from spinach; whole grains from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (macadamia, almonds, hazelnuts).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Macadamia nuts for monounsaturated fats.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Quinoa Salad with Avocado:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, mixed greens, quinoa, avocado, lemon-dill dressing.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; fiber and vitamins from veggies; whole
grains from quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 74:
2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Broccoli Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, broccoli, eggs, sweet potato crust.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken and eggs; vitamins from broccoli; complex
carbs from sweet potato.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for vitamin E.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with mixed berries.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Cauliflower Rice:
● Ingredients: Turkey strips, mixed veggies, cauliflower rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from veggies; low-carb
cauliflower rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 75:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Beef and Asparagus Stir-Fry with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Stir-fried beef, asparagus, quinoa, teriyaki sauce.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from asparagus; whole grains from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Spinach Salad with Mango Salsa:
● Ingredients: Grilled salmon, fresh spinach, mango salsa, balsamic vinaigrette.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; iron and vitamins from spinach;
antioxidants from mango.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 76:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Zucchini Noodle Alfredo:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, zucchini noodles, creamy Alfredo sauce.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Lean protein from chicken; vitamins and fiber from zucchini; creamy
satisfaction from Alfredo sauce.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for vitamin E.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Pineapple for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Avocado Wrap with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, whole grain wrap, avocado, Greek yogurt dressing.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats and vitamins from avocado; whole grains
from the wrap.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Strawberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 77:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Beef and Broccoli Quinoa Bowl:
● Ingredients: Sliced beef, broccoli florets, quinoa, soy-garlic sauce.
● Bone Broth: Beef.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; vitamins and fiber from broccoli; whole grains from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, pecans).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Cashews for iron.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Grilled Tofu and Vegetable Skewers with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Tofu, mixed veggies (bell peppers, onions, cherry tomatoes), brown rice.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Plant-based protein from tofu; fiber and vitamins from veggies; whole
grains from brown rice.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 78:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Asparagus Omelette:
● Ingredients: Smoked salmon, asparagus, eggs, dill.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; vitamins and fiber from asparagus;
protein from eggs.
4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for vitamin E.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with mixed berries.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, bell peppers, tomato sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Lean protein from turkey; whole grains from quinoa; vitamins from bell

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.
Day 79:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Chicken and Quinoa Power Bowl:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, quinoa, roasted sweet potatoes, kale, tahini dressing.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; whole grains from quinoa; vitamins and fiber from
sweet potatoes and kale.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.
● Health Benefits: Berries for vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Mixed nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts).
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, and vitamins.
● Health Benefits: Hazelnuts for vitamin E.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomatoes, quinoa, lemon
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats and vitamins from avocado; whole grains
from quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Hot Sauce Drink:
● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 80:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Quinoa Cakes with Lemon-Dill Sauce:
● Ingredients: Salmon, quinoa, breadcrumbs, eggs, dill sauce.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; whole grains from quinoa; protein from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 210
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
● Health Benefits: Almond butter for vitamin E.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.
● Health Benefits: Pineapple for vitamin C.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Grilled Tofu and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Tofu, mixed veggies (broccoli, bell peppers, snap peas), brown rice,
soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Plant-based protein from tofu; fiber and vitamins from veggies; whole
grains from brown rice.
Daily Gumbi Smoothie:
● Mango, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 81:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Grilled Chicken Breast with Quinoa and Steamed Broccoli:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken breast, quinoa, steamed broccoli.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 800
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; whole grains from quinoa; vitamins from broccoli.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Handful of almonds and a banana.
● Calories: 220
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, potassium, and vitamins.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with honey.
● Calories: 150
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and natural sweetness.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Salmon and Asparagus Foil Packets:
● Ingredients: Salmon fillet, asparagus, lemon, olive oil, herbs.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; vitamins and fiber from asparagus.
Daily Gumbi Smoothie:
● Strawberries, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 350
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 82:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Beef and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Brown Rice:
● Ingredients: Beef strips, mixed vegetables (bell peppers, carrots, snap peas), brown
rice, soy-ginger sauce.
● Calories: 850
● Nutrients: Protein from beef; fiber and vitamins from vegetables; whole grains from
brown rice.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Cottage cheese with pineapple.
● Calories: 120
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and vitamin C.

6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Apple slices with almond butter.
● Calories: 200
● Nutrients: Fiber, potassium, healthy fats, and protein.
8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Grilled shrimp, mixed greens, avocado, cherry tomatoes, quinoa, lemon
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from shrimp; healthy fats and vitamins from avocado; whole grains
from quinoa.

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Blueberries, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, chia seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 83:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Grilled Tofu and Vegetable Skewers with Quinoa:
● Ingredients: Tofu cubes, bell peppers, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, quinoa, balsamic
● Calories: 830
● Nutrients: Plant-based protein from tofu; vitamins and fiber from vegetables; whole
grains from quinoa.

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Mixed nuts (cashews, walnuts) and a pear.
● Calories: 230
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamins.
6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Greek yogurt with mixed berries.
● Calories: 150
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo with Whole Wheat Pasta:
● Ingredients: Grilled chicken, broccoli, whole wheat pasta, Alfredo sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from chicken; fiber and vitamins from broccoli; whole grains from

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Mango, banana, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, flaxseeds.
● Calories: 350
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

Day 84:

2:00 PM - Meal 1:
● Salmon and Quinoa Cakes with Lemon-Dill Sauce:
● Ingredients: Salmon, quinoa, breadcrumbs, eggs, dill sauce.
● Bone Broth: Chicken.
● Calories: 820
● Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon; whole grains from quinoa; protein from

4:00 PM - Snack 1:
● Handful of almonds and an orange.
● Calories: 220
● Nutrients: Healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamin C.
6:00 PM - Snack 2:
● Cottage cheese with sliced strawberries.
● Calories: 150
● Nutrients: Protein, probiotics, and antioxidants.

8:00 PM - Meal 2:
● Turkey and Vegetable Stuffed Bell Peppers:
● Ingredients: Ground turkey, quinoa, black beans, corn, bell peppers, tomato sauce.
● Calories: 980
● Nutrients: Protein from turkey; fiber and vitamins from vegetables; whole grains from

Daily Gumbi Smoothie:

● Pineapple, banana, kale, Greek yogurt, almond butter, raw cow milk, hemp seeds.
● Calories: 340
● Nutrients: Antioxidants, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Hot Sauce Drink:

● Raw cow milk with 5-10 splashes of hot sauce.
● Twice a day, before Gumbi Mode workout and 1 hour before bed.

This completes the additional four days. Please ensure that this dietary plan aligns with your

nutritional needs and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.

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