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CRANIAL NERVE vestibulocochlear -

Hearing and balance CN VIII

General Function:sensory
12 pairs. Originate or terminate in the brain

synapse with the brain. Majority ofthe cranial nerve Glossopharyngeal Sensory:Taste
and Touch to back oftongue;

Synapse with the brainstem Motor pharyngeal

to muscles;parasymphatetic to salivary gland
General Function:Sensory, Motor, parasympathetic CNIX

vagus sensory to pharynx, larynx, and viscera;motor to palate
pharynxand larynx, parasympathetic to viscera ofthorax CNX

Optic nerve and abdomen General function:Sensory, Motor, Parasympathetic

Oculomotor nerve
Trochlear nerve

Accessory -

Motor oft wo and

neck upper back muscles
General Function:Motor. CNXII

Spinal Accessory Nerve-CNX

primarily innervate the head and neck except For CNX

Functions:1. Sensory
2. MOtOr
3. Parasympathetic. Involuntary actions

Olfactory. Optic, oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal. Abducens,
Facial. Acoustic/ vestibulocochlear, Glossopharyngeal vagus
On Old Obando Tower Top A Filipino Army Guards
Villages And HOUSES

Functions:Some say Marry Money But My Brother says

Big Business Makes Money (Sensory. Both, Motor)

Olfactory Nerve-sensory Impulses to smell (Sensory) CNI

Optic Nerve-sensory Impulses to vision (sensory) CNII

Oculomotor -

Motor to extrinsic eye muscle and upper

eyelld:parasympathetic constricts pupil, thickens lens

Genetic function:Motor, parasympathetic

Trochlear -
Motor to one extrinsic eye muscle
General Function:Motor CN IV
oculomotor. Trochlear. Abducens mustwork

Trigeminal. Sensory to face and teeth, motor to muscles of

mastifactory General function:Sensory,Motor CNV

Abducens -

Motor to one extrinsic eye muscle

General Function:Motor

Facial Sensory:taste;Motor to Muscles OFFacial expression:


parasympathetic to salivary and tear glands CN UII

General Function:Sensury, Motor, Parasympathetic
Neurologic Assessment Observe For General Behavior

cranial Nerve Acting Normally on his age, sex, occupation.

Dressed neatly, slovenly, or appropriately for age and occasion

Optic Nerve:Visual Acuity, visual confrontation test. Fundoscopy
Hyperactivity, quiet, catatonic
oculomotor Nerve. Trochlear Nerve. Abducens Nerve:Pupils,
palpebral, Fissures, extraocular Muscles Observe For Speech and Talk

Irigeminal Nerve:Corneal Reflex. Facial sensation, Muscles OF Flow of speech

Mastication Excessively talkative

Auditory Nerve:Gross Hearing, Weber's and Rinne Test ·Anxious. Forced, scared, Halting

Glossopharyngeal Nerve:Phonation, swallowing/coughing Observe For Mood

Facial expression and display emotions
vagus Nerve:
Gag Reflex, palatal Elevation

Spinal Accessory Nerve:Sternocleldomastoid and content ofthought

trapezius Muscles Do reach conversational
you goals when you ask questions
illusions, auditory, or visual Hallucinations, delusions, paranola
Hypoglossal:Tongue protrusion, articulation

level ofconsciousness Attention Span

A Function ofAlertness and FOCUS
consciousness:The awareness of the person, self-awareness, as

well of his
Ask the patient to spell the word "World" "cat
as awareness surroundings.

Arousal:wakefullness. Mediated anatomically by ascending Orientation

reticular (ARAS), diencephalon and the Ask the three spheres (Time, place, and person)
activating system
Awareness:Anatomically the cerebral hemispheres. Mediated by Immediate recall:ask patient to remember
Following words

a Functioning cerebral cortex. like "ball""Flag""Tree""Mangga"

short term recall:Ask the patient to recall the 3 words you

Alert. State ofnormality previously asked to Remember

lethargic -

Open eyes, answers questions. Falls back to sleep RecentMemory:"What did you have for breakfast or

lunch today
Obtunded -

Open eyes to loud voice, responds slowly to confusion

unwave ofthe environment

Remote Memory:Who is your Grade"teacher?
state between wakefulness, and stupor can be aroused by less

vigorous stimulation than stuporous patients.

stupor:sleep-like state. Able to arouse the patient using vigorous

stimulation. Patient is still able to make purposeful responses.

Comatose. May not be aroused by vigorous stimuli but can

perform reflexive motor movements. No awareness

U se
Glasgow Coma Scale For clients who are at Risk For

Rapid deterioration of the nervous system

CN1:OIFactory Astereognosia
close eyes then SIFF and Identify aromatic substances Refers to the inability to recognize the form and Import of

Objects by touch

Stereognosis:Close eyes, Identify the object place in their
visual acuity (test one eye at a time)
hand. Repeat the Process on the other hand

Ask the client to Read

Graphesthesia: Close eye, identify the number or letter you

Visual Field / visual Confrontation Test will write with the back of a pen on their palm
Finger agnosla:Identify each finger ofhis hand

Assess directions ofgaze by asking client to Follow moving APrAXIA

inability to execute a previously learned skilled movementwhich is

Pupillary light Reflex and consensual light Reflex not due to sensory or motor dysfunction

Ideamotor apraxia:Give the patient a pen or Comb and

CNIV and VI: Trochlear and Abducens
ask him on how to use it.
Assess directions ofgaze by asking client to Follow moving
objects Dressing aproxia: DIFFICulty in the orientation ofarticles of

Clothing with reference to the body

CNV: Trigeminal constructional apraxia:draw intersecting pentagons. Ask the
Corneal LightReflex Patient to copy exactly as it is. All 10 must be present
TM) Opening the mouth against resistance

·Assess light touch and pain sensation across the Face Aphasia

CN VII:Facial
loss ofthe ability to use language or words due to a

cerebral pathology
Raise eyebrows. Frown or wrinkle Forehead

speaking: Give a picture with a story. Ask him to tell you on

Smile. Close mouth, PUFFCheecks

what is going on in the picture.

can Identify salty and sweet tastes on Front of tongue

Naming:show the patient a wrist watch and ask him/her what

he calls it. Repeat using a pen or key


Repitation:Ask the Patientto Repeat "Do IFs, ands, or buts


Gross hearing
Weber's Test, Rinne Test and Schwabach's test Writting, Comprehension, Reading


Observe speech, articulation, tone volume, quality of voice

Observe IFthere are any drooling saliva


Ask him to swallow or cough

Test For palatal elevation and gag reflex

CNX1: Accessory
·Sternocleldomastoid muscle

Trapezius Muscle

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