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Unit 1 Learning Activity 2

A. Direction/s: As a refresher from your previous lessons in art in Senior

High School, list down at least three (3) subcategories/genre belonging in
each major art form which are already given for you.

Major Forms of Arts

Literary Arts/Literature Performing/Performance Art

poetry dance
fiction music
Visual Arts nonfiction opera
representational art, drama theatre
abstract art,
non-objective art,

B. Direction/s: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

2. How are the art forms classified as visual, literary, and performing?
a. Humans perceive art using their sensory faculty; therefore, the
art forms are classified according to how they are sensed or felt.
b. Art is expressed using different types of media. The
classification is dependent on the medium used by the artist.
c. Both a and b.

3. Which major form of art does Mixed-Media Art belong to?

a. Visual Arts
b. Literary Arts
c. Performing Arts
4. In this technological age, computers and other digital devices are used as tools
to create art, hence the term Digital Art. Where does this type of art belong to?
a. It belongs to the visual arts because the sense of sight is
fundamental in perceiving digital artworks.
b. It belongs to performing arts because digital artworks are also
experienced through sound and movement.
c. It is a new major form of art because it has features that the
three major forms do not have.

5. What subcategory of art can reflect the key features of each major forms of art.
a. Film
b. Cinema
c. Theater

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