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Physical Electronics I

Kinetic theory of gases

Dr.-Ing. Wilfred Mwema

University of Nairobi

May 2014

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Kinetic molecular theory

Kinetic molecular theory is a classical theory useful in explaining

physical phenomena such as
Pressure of a gas in a containing vessel
Heat capacity of metals
Average speed of electrons in a semiconductor
Electrical noise in electrical conductors

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Gas pressure

We consider an ensemble of N monatomic gas particles in a vessel

with rigid walls having a volume V
We assume pressure P of the gas is due to collisions between the gas
particles and the walls of the vessel
The force f acting on the walls due to these collisions is from
Newton’s second law of motion
f =
where p = mv is the mean particle momentum with m, the mass of a
particle and v its average speed

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Gas pressure

We assume
Gas particles are in constant motion in random directions
N is su¢ ciently large so that on average, as many particles move in
one direction as any other - centre of mass of ensemble is at rest
The range of interparticle interactions is short compared to interparticle
separation - interparticle interaction force is negligible except during a
Volume of a gas particle is small compared to volume of vessel
Duration of a collision is negligible compared to time spent in free
motion between collisions
Each particle moves at constant velocity between collisions and
gravitational e¤ects and other external e¤ects can be ignored
All collisions are elastic resulting in only a transfer of k. E
Newtonian mechanics is applicable in describing particle motion

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Gas pressure

Let v 2 N be the mean-square speed of a gas particle in the ensemble

averaged over the whole ensemble
We suppose that the vessel is a cube of sides a
For a particle moving toward one of the walls, we can resolve particle
velocity into a component normal to the wall, say vx and a
component parallel to the wall, say vy

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Gas pressure

A perfect collision with the wall does not a¤ect vy but vx is reversed
Hence, change in particle momentum is

∆px = mvx ( mvx ) = 2mvx

After collision, the particle travels toward the opposite wall and
collides with it to return to the …rst wall again

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Gas pressure

The time interval between two successive collisions with the …rst wall
∆t =
The x-directed particle momentum changes by ∆px every ∆t
Hence, the time rate of change of momentum is
∆px 2mvx m
fx = = = vx2
∆t 2a/vx a

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Gas pressure

Total pressure exerted to the wall due to the collisions is given by the
contributions from all x-directed particles to the force per unit area
exerted on the wall

total force on the wall

a ∑ vx2,i m N
Nm 2
area of the wall
= i =1
a3 ∑ vx2,i = V
vx N
i =1

vx2 N
N ∑ vx2,i
i =1

is the mean-square x-component of particle velocity and V = a3 , the

volume of the vessel

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Gas pressure

With particles in random motion and colliding with each other, we

vx2 N = vy2 N = vz2 N
so that the mean-square velocity in a general direction is given by

v2 N
= vx2 N
+ vy2 N
+ vz2 N
= 3 vx2 N

Nm 2 1
v N = ρ v2 N
3V 3
where ρ = Nm/V is the mass density of the gas

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Gas pressure

We can re-write this expression as

2 1
PV = N m v2 N
3 2

and recognise that

m v2 N
is the mean k. E of a particle
From experiment, we have


where R = 8, 314 Jmol 1K 1 is the universal gas constant

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Gas pressure

Comparing, we note that the mean particle k. E is given by

1 3
m v2 N
= kT
2 2
R 23 1
k= = 1, 38 10 JK
is Boltzmann constant

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Heat capacity of a gas

Internal energy of a gas and its temperature will increase when heat is
applied to the gas at constant volume so that no mechanical work is
done in expanding the gas
Rise in internal energy per unit rise in temperature is de…ned as the
heat capacity of the gas
For a mole of gas, this heat capacity is known as the molar heat
capacity, Cm

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Heat capacity of a gas

Total internal energy E of a mole of a non-interacting monatomic gas

is purely kinetic and has value

1 3
Ek = NA m v2 N
= NA kT
2 2

∆ dE 3 3 1 1
Cm = = NA k = R 12, 5 JK mol
dT 2 2

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Heat capacity of a gas

Maxwell’s principle of the equipartition of energy assigns an average

kinetic energy of kT /2 to each independent energy term contributing
to total energy of a collection of particles in thermal equilibrium
A monatomic particle can only have translational kinetic energy
1 2 1 2 1 2
mv + mvy + mvz
Ek =
2 x 2 2
Each term is known as a degree of freedom and we see that a
monatomic particle has three degrees of freedom
The average k. E of such a monatomic particle is hence

Ek ,ave = 3

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Heat capacity of a gas

A rigid diatomic molecule such as O2 can acquire energy as

translational and rotational k. E as shown below
x x
z z I

y y Iy

Degrees of freedom for diatomic molecule

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Heat capacity of a gas

Assuming inertia about the molecular axis is negligible, moment of

inertia in the axial direction is zero
Energy of the molecule is hence

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1
E = mvx + mvy + mvz + Iy ω 2y + Iz ω 2z
2 2 2 2 2
= translational k. E + rotational k. E

This molecule hence has …ve degrees of freedom and average

molecular energy, Ek ,ave = 5(kT /2)
5 1 1
Cm = R 20, 8 JK mol

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Heat capacity of a gas

In practice, atoms in a molecule will vibrate by stretching or bending

the bond which is assumed to behave like an elastic spring
At room temperature, addition of heat will a¤ect only the
translational and rotational kinetic energy
Vibrational energy is quantised and energy required to excite a more
energetic vibrational mode is much higher than the energy of many of
the molecules
Hence, vibrational k. E remains essentially constant and does not
contribute to the heat capacity of the gas

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Heat capacity of a solid

Atoms within a solid can only move relative to one another through
vibrations about the equilibrium interatomic separation
A simple model of the solid visualises the atoms as connected
together through elastic springs
For a given atom, the p. E expressed as a function of displacement
from equilibrium position is such that a restoring force proportional to
the displacement is established
The atom can thus acquire energy by vibrating in the three spatial
directions in the solid (i.e. execute simple harmonic motion)

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Heat capacity of a solid

In the x-direction,
1 2 1
Ex = mv + sx x 2
2 x 2
where sx is the spring sti¤ness in the x-direction
The total energy is hence

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1
E = mv + mvy + mvz + sx x 2 + sy y 2 + sz z 2
2 x 2 2 2 2 2

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Heat capacity of a solid

For SHM, we have

p. E + k. E = const
mean p. E = mean k. E
From Maxwell’s principle of equipartition of energy, an atom in a solid
hence has total average energy of 6 (kT /2)
The total internal energy in a solid is hence

E = NA 6 = 3RT

1 1
Cm = 3R 25 JK mol
known as the Dulong-Petit rule

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Distribution of molecular velocities

We assume particles in a monatomic gas are perfectly elastic spheres

so that in collisions, only transfer of k. E occurs
We assume also that their motion is truly random so that laws of
probability apply in calculating average velocities and energies

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Distribution of molecular velocities

Consider a collision between two particles in an ensemble of N

particles moving with velocities v1 and v2 resp.
After collisions, these particles move o¤ from each other with
veloicties v3 and v4 resp.
For perfectly elastic collisions, k. E is conserved so that
1 2 1 2 1 1
mv + mv2 = mv32 + mv42
2 1 2 2 2
v12 + v22 = v32 + v42

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Distribution of molecular velocities

Probability that a collision occurs between the two particles is

proportional to the fractions α (v1 ) and α (v2 ) of particles in the
ensemble with velocities v1 and v2 resp.
The rate at which such collisions occur is then Aα (v1 ) α (v2 ), where
A is a constant of proportionality

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Distribution of molecular velocities

Suppose the opposite occurs, i.e. particles with velocities v3 and v4

colliding and moving o¤ with v1 and v2 resp.
For a gas in thermal equilibrium, we expect the rate at which such
collisions occur to be equal to that of the forward event, i.e.

A0 α (v3 ) α (v4 ) = Aα (v1 ) α (v2 )

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Distribution of molecular velocities

Since the particles trace the same paths, then A0 = A and

α (v3 ) α (v4 ) = α (v1 ) α (v2 )

ln Aα (v3 ) + ln α (v3 ) = ln α (v1 ) + ln α (v2 )
Comparing this with the expression from the conservation of energy,
we conclude that
ln α (v ) ∝ v 2
α (v ) = A exp βv 2
where A and β are positive constants with the negative exponent
chosen to re‡ect the rapidly decreasing number of particles with
higher velocities

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Distribution of molecular velocities

We de…ne a velocity space in which particle speed v is the radius of a

spherical surface described by the tip of the velocity vector !
This is justi…ed for an isotropic gas in which as many particles move
with speed v = j ! v j in one direction as in another
The number of particles per unit volume per unit velocity having v in
a given direction is nv (v )
nv (v ) = 4πv 2 α (v )
where 4πv 2 is the area of a spherical surface with radius v in the
velocity space

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Distribution of molecular velocities

Now nv (v ) dv must be the number density of particles with velocities

in the interval [v , v + dv ]
These are contained in a shell of radius v and thickness dv
The total number of particles in the ensemble is hence
N= nv (v ) dv

N = 4πA v 2 exp βv 2 dv

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Distribution of molecular velocities

x = v ) dx = dv
dy = v exp βv 2 dv ) y = exp βv 2

Z∞ Z∞
N = 4πA v exp 2
βv 2
dv = xy j0∞ ydx
0 0
1 1
= 4πAv exp βv 2
j0∞ + 4πA exp βv 2 dv
2β 2β

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Distribution of molecular velocities

The …rst term is zero since we can expect the exponential factor to go
to zero much more rapidly than the linear factor as v ! 0
N = 4πA exp βv 2 dv


Iv = exp βv 2 dv

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Distribution of molecular velocities

We rede…ne this as
0 10 1
Z∞ Z∞
Iv2 = @ exp βv 2 dv A @ exp βu 2 du A
0 0
= exp β u2 + v 2 dudv
0 0

Now let
∂u ∂u
u = r cos θ, ) = cos θ, = r sin θ
∂r ∂θ
∂v ∂v
v = r sin θ, ) = sin θ, = r cos θ
∂r ∂θ

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Distribution of molecular velocities
We then have
∂u ∂u
cos θ r sin θ
dudv = ∂r ∂θ drd θ = drd θ
sin θ r cos θ
dudv = rdrd θ
Z∞ π/2
Z Z∞
Iv2 = exp βr 2
rdrd θ = r exp βr 2 dr
0 0 0
" #∞
π exp βr 2
2 2β
or r
π 1 π
Iv2 = ) Iv =
4β 2 β
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Distribution of molecular velocities

Hence r r
1 1 π π π
N= 4πA = A
2β 2 β β β
A particle of mass m moving with velocity v has a kinetic energy
1 2
Ek = mv
The total k. E of the ensemble is hence
Z∞ Z∞
1 2
E = mv nv (v ) dv = 2πmA v 4 exp βv 2 dv
0 0
3 π
= 2πmA
8β2 β

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Distribution of molecular velocities

From Maxwell’s principle of equipartition of energy, we have

E = NkT
Thus r
3 3 π
NkT = 2πmA
2 8β2 β
or r r
3 π π 3 π
A kT = 2πmA
2 β β 8β2 β

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Distribution of molecular velocities

From which
m 3/2
We therefore have
m 3/2 mv 2
nv (v ) = 4πN v 2 exp
2πkT 2kT

known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function for particle


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Distribution of molecular energy

For a monatomic gas, the total energy is purely translational kinetic

Hence for such a particle
1 2
E = Ek = mv ) dE = mvdv

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Distribution of molecular energy

Let nE (E ) be the number density of particles per unit energy having

energy E
Thus, nE (E ) dE is the number density of particles having energies in
the interval [E , E + dE ]
This will be equal to the number density of particles with velocities in
the range [v , v + dv ] since a particle having energy E must be
moving with velocity v

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Distribution of molecular energy

nE (E ) dE = nv (v ) dv
nE ( E ) = nv ( v )
We can therefore write
m 3/2 mv 2 1
nE (E ) = 4πN v 2 exp
2πkT 2kT mv
m 3/2 v E
nE (E ) = 4πN exp
2πkT m kT

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Distribution of molecular energy

But r
m 3/2 1 2E E
nE (E ) = 4πN exp
2πkT m m kT
3/2 p
2 1 E
= p N E exp
π kT kT

which is Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function for particle energies

The total internal energy distribution in a monatomic gas therefore
follows a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function

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Distribution of molecular energy

Real gas particles will have an average energy of 3kT /2 but

individual energies will vary widely
For N particles, the probability that a particle has energy in the range
[E , E + dE ] is
nE ( E )
P (E ) = dE
This means that
nE ( E )
dE = 1

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Distribution of molecular energy

When total energy includes vibrational and rotational k. E as well as

interaction energy, number density of particles per unit energy will
di¤er from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
The distribution will however contain the Boltzmann factor so that we
can write
nE ( E ) E
= C exp
N kT
where in this case,
E = Ek + Ep
and C is a constant of proportionality
C depends on the particular system and is a weak function of the
total energy in general

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Example: di¤erent velocities in a gas
Example: Derive expressions for the average speed, vave , the most
probable speed, v and the rms speed, vrms for the molecules in a gas
given that the velocity distribution follows Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
function for velocities. Hence determine the numerical values of these
speeds for a gas of non-interacting electrons at 300 K .
Number of molecules with speeds in the range [v , v + dv ] is
m 3/2 mv 2
dN = nv (v ) dv = 4πN v 2 exp dv
2πkT 2kT
By de…nition, the mean speed is given by
Z∞ Z∞
vdN vnv (v ) dv r
0 0 8kT
vave = = =
Z∞ Z∞ mπ
dN nv (v ) dv
0 0
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Example: di¤erent velocities in a gas

The mean-square speed is given by
Z∞ Z∞
v 2 dN v 2 nv (v ) dv
0 0 3kT
v2 = = =
N Z∞ Z∞ m
dN nv (v ) dv
0 0

Thus r
vrms =

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Example: di¤erent velocities in a gas

Since the probability that a molecule has speed in the range [v , v + dv ] is
nv (v ) dv /N, we di¤erentiate nv (v ) w.r.t. v and equate to zero to
determine where nv (v ) is maximum. Thus
v =

For electrons, m = 9, 1 10 31 kg so that

vave = 1, 08 105 ms 1

vrms = 9, 53 104 ms 1

v = 1, 17 105 ms 1

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

We have seen that temperature is a measure of the average k. E of

Thermal equilibrium between two objects therefore implies that the
two objects are at the same temperature, in general
Consider a solid immersed in a monatomic gas and under equilibrium
with the gas

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

Gas molecules move randomly with a mean k. E given by

1 2 3
Ek ,gas = mgas vgas = kT
2 2
Atoms in the solid vibrate with a mean vibrational k. E
1 2 3
Ek ,solid = msolid vsolid = kT
2 2
The gas molecules collide with the atoms in the surface region of the
solid and exchange k. E with these

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

With the system in thermal equilibrium, gas molecules and atoms in

the solid have the same average k. E
Over a long time, the net transfer of k. E between the two objects is
zero - the meaning of thermal equilibrium

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

Suppose the solid is at a higher temperature than the gas, hence

atoms in the solid have higher average k. E
On collision, an atom in the solid will transfer k. E to a gas molecule
This transfer of energy will continue until the two objects attain the
same temperature
They are then said to have equilibriated

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

The amount of energy transferred from the atoms in the solid to the
gas molecules is known as heat
Heat represents energy transfer from the hotter solid to the cooler gas
through the random collisions between atoms and molecules

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

Even under thermal equilibrium, the instantaneous energy transfer is

non-zero since some atoms and molecules have energy either above or
below the average value
Instantaneous energy transfer therefore varies randomly about zero

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise
Consider a conductor of resistance R with a capacitor of capacitance
C connected across it as shown

2 C

Thermal noise in a resistor

The average energy stored in the capacitor is given by
1 D E
Eave = C V (t )2
2 t
where V (t ) is the time-average square voltage or mean-square
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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

The mean energy stored in a system under thermal equilibrium is

from Maxwell’s principle of equipartition of energy
Eave = kT
1 D E 1
C V (t )2 = kT
2 t 2
or D E kT
V (t )2 = Vn2 =
t C

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

For an RC circuit, only the frequency components below ω c = 1/RC

contribute signi…cantly to Vn2
If we de…ne
as the bandwidth of this circuit
C =
Vn2 = 2πkTRB

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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

For random voltages, it is usual to de…ne a bandwidth Bn and call it

the noise bandwidth as
2 Z∞
∆ 1
Bn = jA (jf )j2 df

where A0 is the value of the DC gain and A (jf ) the frequency

response of the system
For the RC circuit, we therefore have
Z∞ Z∞
1 1 dω
Bn = 2
df = 2
1 + ω2 (RC ) 1 + ω2 (RC ) 2π
0 0

We put
sec2 x
ωRC = tan x ) d ω = dx
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Heat, thermal ‡uctuations and noise

1 sec2 x 1
Bn = 2
dx =
1 + tan x 2πRC 4RC

C = 4RBn
Vn2 = 4kTRBn
Johnson or thermal noise in a conductor

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Thermally activated processes

Many physical and chemical processes depend strongly on

For these processes, the rate of change is proportional to a factor
exp ( EA /kT ) where EA is a characteristic energy parameter for the
Such temperature dependence is known as Arrhenius-type
temperature dependence
Examples may include the rate of decay of food in a fridge and
di¤usion of impurities in a solid
Processes with this type of temperature dependence are referred to as
thermally activated processes

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Thermally activated processes

Consider impurity atom di¤usion through a solid

An impurity atom in an interstitial site will move to a new
neighbouring site if it has su¢ cient energy to push the host atoms
There is hence a potential energy barrier EA to this motion

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Thermally activated processes

Both impurity and host atoms vibrate about their equilibrium

positions with a distribution of energy and a continuous exchange of
In thermal equilibrium, energy distribution can be expected to obey a
Boltzmann distribution function
The average k. E is vibrational and equal to 3kT /2
EA >> kT
On average therefore, an impurity atom will not overcome this
potential energy barrier

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Thermally activated processes

The rate of jumps an impurity atom makes from one interstitial site
to another is referred to as di¤usion
This depends on
Number of times a jump in the given direction is attempted -
vibrational frequency in the given direction
Probability that an atom has su¢ cient energy to accomplish the jump

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Thermally activated processes

Let U be the potential energy of the impurity atom in an excited or

activated state
Let also, Uave be its mean potential energy
Then to surmount the potential energy barrier and move to a new
site, we must have
EA U Uave

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Thermally activated processes

EA is thus an activation energy as shown below





Potential energy barrier to a di¤using impurity atom

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Thermally activated processes

For N impurity atoms, then at any instant, nE (E ) dE have kinetic

energy in the range [E , E + dE ]
The Probability that E > EA is given by
number of impurity atoms with E > EA
P (E > EA ) =
total number of impurity atoms
nE (E ) dE
P (E > EA ) = = A exp
N kT
where A is a dimensionless constant but may depend weakly on

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Thermally activated processes
The frequency at which the impurity atoms surmount the energy
barrier is hence
ϑ = frequency of attempts P (E > EA ) = ϑ0 A exp
U Uave
= ϑ0 A exp
the Arrhenius rate equation
An interstitial impurity atom in a 2-D structure has four possible
voids it can jump to as shown in the two-dimensional solid
host atom


impurity atom interstitial void

Impurity di¤usion through a solid host

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Thermally activated processes

These voids are in the directions given by the direction angles

φ : 0, π2 , π, 3π
2 measured w.r.t. the x-axis
Each jump is in a random direction along one of the direction angles
As an impurity atom jumps from one void to another, it leaves behind
a vacant void
Thus, after N jumps over a time interval t, the impurity atom will
have accomplished a displacement
l = x2 + y2

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Thermally activated processes

Let a be the separation of the closest pair of voids

Then each jump constitutes a displacement along x of

x = a cos φ

Thus, x can be any distance

fa, 0, a, 0g

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Thermally activated processes

After the N jumps, the average displacement is close to zero

The total square displacement in the x-direction is however

x 2 = a2 ∑ cos2 φi

Of these N jumps, only those in the direction φ = 0 and φ = π

contribute to x 2

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Thermally activated processes

For N su¢ ciently large, this is N/2 and

N 2
x2 = a
Similar arguments yield
N 2
y2 = a
so that
l 2 = Na2

Dr.-Ing. Wilfred Mwema (UoN) Kinetic theory of gases 05/16 66 / 68

Thermally activated processes

The time between two adjacent jumps is 1/ϑ so that

N = ϑt
l 2 = a2 ϑt = 2Dt
1 2
D= a ϑ
is the di¤usion coe¢ cient

Dr.-Ing. Wilfred Mwema (UoN) Kinetic theory of gases 05/16 67 / 68

Thermally activated processes

1 2 EA EA
D= a ϑ0 A exp = D0 exp
2 kT kT
We can therefore write p
l= 2Dt
the root mean-square displacement

Dr.-Ing. Wilfred Mwema (UoN) Kinetic theory of gases 05/16 68 / 68

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